当前分类: 英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试
问题:问答题◆Topic 5: Buildings: Good to Use or Good to Look? Questions for Reference: 1. Is there any building impressed you? Describe it. 2. What are the advantages/disadvantages of buildings designed as works of art? 3. Recently, more and more people believ...
问题:问答题Practice 4 :国际关系...
问题:问答题Practice 7 中国的传统节日文化内涵丰富,历史悠久,是我们中华民族灿烂文化的重要组成部分。我国古代的这些节日,大多和天文、历法、数学,以及后来划分出的节气有关。大部分节日在先秦时期,就已初露端倪。节日的风俗活动和原始祭拜、迷信禁忌有关;神话传奇故事为节日子添了几分浪漫色彩;还有宗教也对节日有冲击与影响;一些历史人物被赋予永恒的纪念渗入节日,使中国的节日有了深沉的历史感。节日发展到唐代,已经从原始祭拜、禁忌神秘的气氛中解放出来,转为娱乐礼仪型,成为真正的佳节良辰。...
问题:问答题Practice 4 知识和技术创新是人类经济、社会发展的重要动力源泉。中国将致力于建设国家创新体系,通过营造良好的环境,推进知识创新、技术创新和体制创新,这是中国实现跨世纪发展的必由之路。中国政府支持科学家在国家需求和科学前沿的结合上开展基础研究,尊重科学家独特的敏感和创造精神,鼓励他们进行“好奇心驱动的研究”。在未来50年甚至更长的时期里,中国的发展将在很大程度上依赖于今天基础研究和高技术研究的创新成就,依赖于这些研究所必然孕育的优秀人才。...
问题:单选题According to the passage, why is the happiness of the general public a difficult subject for the government?A It can not be adequately explained by statistical data.B It is not related to a culture of short-termism.C People need to cope with inflation ...
问题:问答题Practice 4 京剧中的“生、旦、净、丑”其实不过是角色分类。“生”是男性正面角色,“旦”是女性正面角色,“净”是性格鲜明的男性配角,“丑”是幽默滑稽或反面角色。每种角色又有表明身份的脸谱、扮相等,只要演员一上场,你一望便知。 在人的脸上涂上某种颜色以象征这个人的性格和品质、角色和命运,是京剧的一大特点,也是理解剧情的关键。简单地讲,红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇;黑脸为中性,代表猛智;蓝脸和绿脸也为中性,代表草莽英雄;黄脸和白脸含贬义,代表凶诈;金脸和银脸代表神秘、神妖。...
问题:单选题The forum’s official theme this year “shaping the post-crisis world” ______.A will be handed over to the coming G20 summitB proves impracticalC is supported by the achievementD proves encouraging...
问题:单选题Dr Iyaid Sarraj ______.A believes only a small proportion of them are interested in militant activityB thinks the generation that saw their fathers beaten by Israeli troops would grow more violentC senses more Palestinians strengthen their view that on...
问题:单选题What can NOT be concluded from the passage?A More and more young people are volunteering to carry out suicide bombings since the conflict according to militant groups’ data.B Israel’s intensified blockade has brought Gaza a darker sky.C All the Palesti...
问题:问答题Passage 6 They weren’t exactly Hollywood’s idea of a power couple: Disney CEO Robert Iger, once derided as a “suit,” and studio chief Richard Cook, who got his start as a monorail operator at Disneyland. But last week Iger and Cook dropped a bomb bigg...
问题:问答题Passage 3 A “Campaign for Real Braille” has been set up after plans to introduce capital letters into the braille alphabet have split the blind community. The Braille Authority of the United Kingdom (BAUK) has announced that by 2000 it is introducing...
问题:单选题What does the author mean by “The earlier slight may be more manufactured than real.” in para. 4?A Obama was not well prepared for Brown’s visit.B Obama arranged the reception low profile on purpose to show his not-so-warm relationship with Europe.C Bo...
问题:单选题Which of the following sentence best responds to “But it will be much easier.., than to conceal the gulf that exists within Europe itself” in para. 13?A But some of Europe’s leaders are unwilling to take lessons from the country they blame for creating...
问题:单选题We can conclude from the passage that “binge drinking” means ______.A a period of excessive indulgence in drinkingB group drinking in the streetC drinking for love affairD mixed strong alcohol drinking...
问题:单选题The demonstrations ______.A which once supported Andry Rajoelina have been replaced by the ones against himB are spreading nationwideC are being cracked down by the militaryD show most people in Madagascar don’t accept the new president...
问题:问答题Passage 3 The message in London’s singles flat market is clear if you can find anything you like then buy now, Dixie Nichols writes. London is seeing “a vibrant and wealthy singles flat market” according to David Salvi of the Clerkenwell agents Hurfo...
问题:单选题Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage?A Most average teachers want to leave school because of high pressure.B Excellent teachers often leave schools for better jobs.C The average quality of the teachers in America is declining.D T...
问题:单选题What can NOT be concluded from Brown’s visit to the US last month?A Brown was not warmly welcomed.B Obama is coming to make up for the cold reception that Brown got.C There was no formal news conference.D Brown made a speech on the American Congress....
问题:问答题Practice 3 Dolly was no ordinary lamb. She was cloned from a single mammary cell of an adult ewe, overturning long- held scientific dogma that had declared such a thing biologically impossible. Her birth set off a race in laboratories around the world...
问题:单选题Which of the following is true about Mahmoud Abuqammar?A He wants to join militant faction after he saw three children killed by an airstrike.B His ID paper was burned in the war, but he doesn’t want to join militant faction because no faction was help...