当前分类: IBM(000-102)
问题:单选题A customer synchronizes the cluster in a virtualized environment. During the process the following warning isdisplayed: "For nodes with a single Network Interface Card per logical network configured, it is recommended to includethe file ’/usr/es/sbin/c...
问题:单选题Which command verifies both the cluster topology and resource configuration?()A cldare -rB clsync -rtC clverify -rD clverify -t...
问题:单选题Which files are managed through the use of the file collection "HACMP_Files"?()A The PowerHA Global ODM.B System networking files including /etc/hosts, /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/servicesC Security files including /etc/passwd, /etc/security/passwd, /etc/...
问题:单选题The resource group configuration for a four node cluster is shown below:Which resource groups will be acquired by node N2 if it joins the cluster first?()A rgC、rgEB rgC、rgDC rgE、rgB、rgDD rgC、rgD、rgE...
问题:单选题An administrator wishes to implement highly availble NFS exports within a PowerHA 5.3 cluster. How will theadministrator specify that these should be exported as NFS version 4?()A Add the exports to the /etc/exports file specifying NFS version 4 as an ...
问题:单选题An administrator is planning for a six node cluster but is concerned about the administration needed tomanage user accounts throughout the cluster. What PowerHA feature could the administrator use to reducethe administration overhead?()A LDAP Authentic...
问题:单选题During a resource group takeover operation, the resource group was found to go into error state. A tail of thehacmp.out file released the following message: Aug 3 12:57:20 EVENT FAILED:// -1: event_error 1 TE_RG_MOVE -1 WARNING:// Cluster PowerHA has b...
问题:单选题An administrator is configuring an application monitor. Upon encountering an unrecoverable error the administrator does not want the resource group to failover. How can the application monitor be configured toachieve this?()A Configure the application ...
问题:单选题Which of the following is required to ensure the completion of all tests within the automated procedure of thecluster test tool?()A Application monitoring has been configuredB Only disk heartbeat networks have been usedC Cluster nodes are attached to t...
问题:单选题A customer needs to test the failover capabilities of their cluster. Which of the following AIX commands, whenissued from the command line, will simulate a node crash and cause the cluster resource group running onthat server to fail over to another no...
问题:单选题What restrictions apply to using virtual Ethernet within a cluster containing VIO clients?()A IPAT via Aliasing must be usedB IPAT via Replacement must be usedC Resilience must be provided by the use of dual VIO serversD Hardware Address Takeover (HWAT...
问题:单选题An administrator believes that the Staging Configuration Directory (SCD) may be locked due to an error in aDARE event. Which of the following commands can the administrator run to check for the existence of locks?()A cldump dB cldare eC clverify LD chc...
问题:单选题An administrator has a two node cluster, Node1 and Node2, running resource group rg1. The resource groupis active on Node1. The administrator stopped cluster services and unmanaged the resource group on Node1to work on a problem. Now the administrator ...
问题:单选题An administrator is planning a two node cluster containing Node1 and Node2 with a single resource groupnamed RG1. RG1 startup policy will be ’Online on Home Node only’. The home node is Node1. If RG1 fails over to Node2 itmust fall back to Node1. Fall ...
问题:单选题An administrator has a two-node PowerHA cluster in a mutual takeover configuration. He needs to updatefrom 5.5 service pack 1 to 5.5 service pack 2. Which of the following actions will perform the updates with norisk of disruption to applications runni...
问题:单选题An administrator wants to use the online planning worksheets as an aid to configuring a PowerHA cluster.Which PowerHA fileset would the administrator need to install in order to obtain this tool?()A cluster.es.hawB cluster.es.worksheetsC cluster.es.too...
问题:单选题An administrator is beginning a set of failover tests. The administrator would like to have clean log files foreach test. Which command will achieve this?()A clcycleB clrefreshC cllogcycleD cllogrotate...
问题:单选题An administrator is notified that a resource group has failed over from the home node, Node1 to a standbynode, Node2 and that Node1 has been powered off. Upon restarting Node1 the administrator checks the AIXerror log and the cluster.log Which of the f...