当前分类: IBM(000-102)
问题:单选题An administrator is configuring an application monitor. Upon encountering an unrecoverable error the administrator does not want the resource group to failover. How can the application monitor be configured toachieve this?()A Configure the application ...
问题:单选题Which of the following options are valid choices for cluster communication security?()A rsh and sshB Standard and VPNC rhost and .shostsD Classic and Enhanced...
问题:单选题An administrator is beginning a set of failover tests. The administrator would like to have clean log files foreach test. Which command will achieve this?()A clcycleB clrefreshC cllogcycleD cllogrotate...
问题:单选题During a resource group takeover operation, the resource group was found to go into error state. A tail of thehacmp.out file released the following message: Aug 3 12:57:20 EVENT FAILED:// -1: event_error 1 TE_RG_MOVE -1 WARNING:// Cluster PowerHA has b...
问题:单选题Which of the following is required to ensure the completion of all tests within the automated procedure of thecluster test tool?()A Application monitoring has been configuredB Only disk heartbeat networks have been usedC Cluster nodes are attached to t...
问题:单选题An administrator is configuring a new cluster and has a requirement for a notification to be generated if the /tmp File System becomes greater than 90% full. Which of the following PowerHA components will support theadministrator’s requirement?()A Pre-...
问题:单选题A customer needs to test the failover capabilities of their cluster. Which of the following AIX commands, whenissued from the command line, will simulate a node crash and cause the cluster resource group running onthat server to fail over to another no...
问题:单选题A customer who has a two node PowerHA cluster, with each node being at a different site and using cross siteLVM, plans to add a third heartbeat to further reduce the chance of data divergence or partitioned cluster. Theheartbeat will make use of spare ...
问题:单选题An administrator is planning for a six node cluster but is concerned about the administration needed tomanage user accounts throughout the cluster. What PowerHA feature could the administrator use to reducethe administration overhead?()A LDAP Authentic...
问题:单选题Which files are managed through the use of the file collection "HACMP_Files"?()A The PowerHA Global ODM.B System networking files including /etc/hosts, /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/servicesC Security files including /etc/passwd, /etc/security/passwd, /etc/...
问题:单选题A customer synchronizes the cluster in a virtualized environment. During the process the following warning isdisplayed: "For nodes with a single Network Interface Card per logical network configured, it is recommended to includethe file ’/usr/es/sbin/c...
问题:单选题In a cluster using /etc/hosts for name resolution, which of the following describes the minimum requirementsfor the /etc/hosts file?()A IP address and IP label of each service and boot interface in the clusterB IP address and IP label of each service a...
问题:单选题Which directory contains RSCT topology services logs?()A /var/ha/logB /var/ha/rsctC /var/hacmp/logD /var/hacmp/rsct...
问题:单选题An administrator wants to use the online planning worksheets as an aid to configuring a PowerHA cluster.Which PowerHA fileset would the administrator need to install in order to obtain this tool?()A cluster.es.hawB cluster.es.worksheetsC cluster.es.too...
问题:单选题An administrator has a two-node PowerHA cluster in a mutual takeover configuration. He needs to updatefrom 5.5 service pack 1 to 5.5 service pack 2. Which of the following actions will perform the updates with norisk of disruption to applications runni...
问题:单选题An administrator has configured a two node cluster, Node1 and Node2 with two resource groups, RG1 andRG2. The resource groups are configured as follows: RG1: Participating Nodes: Node1, Node2 Startup Policy: Online On Home Node Only Fallover Policy: Fa...
问题:单选题An administrator wishes to implement highly availble NFS exports within a PowerHA 5.3 cluster. How will theadministrator specify that these should be exported as NFS version 4?()A Add the exports to the /etc/exports file specifying NFS version 4 as an ...
问题:单选题When tuning a network module what is the purpose of the grace period?()A It defines the maximum permissible time period between missed heartbeats before a failure is detectedB It defines the time period to wait to activate the network module after star...