当前分类: IBM(000-102)
问题:单选题A customer is interested in using two Power 550 servers to implement a new two node cluster. The cluster willbe using SAN attached disk for shared storage and will be attached to one IP network. Which of the followingadapter configurations will meet th...
问题:单选题What restrictions apply to using virtual Ethernet within a cluster containing VIO clients?()A IPAT via Aliasing must be usedB IPAT via Replacement must be usedC Resilience must be provided by the use of dual VIO serversD Hardware Address Takeover (HWAT...
问题:单选题When tuning a network module what is the purpose of the grace period?()A It defines the maximum permissible time period between missed heartbeats before a failure is detectedB It defines the time period to wait to activate the network module after star...
问题:单选题An administrator has integrated a new application into an existing resource group. An application server withstart and stop scripts was defined and added to the resource group definition. The cluster was thensynchronized. How can the new application be...
问题:单选题Which additional application must be installed in order to use WebSMIT?()A Mozilla for AIXB An Apache compliant Web serverC Web Based System Manager (WebSM)D Websphere Application Server Community Edition...
问题:单选题A cluster administrator wants to create a snapshot backup of the cluster. Which smit menu can be used to dothis?()A Extended ConfigurationB System Management (C-SPOC)C Problem Determination ToolsD Initialization and Standard Configuration...
问题:单选题A customer has a requirement to build a 4 node cluster. Disk heartbeating will be used as the non-IP network.What is the maximum number of disk heartbeat point-to-point links one would need to implement in order toachieve the highest level of availabil...
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will display any user defined verification methods?()A cldumpB clautover vC clve c .custom vD cllscustom t verify...
问题:单选题An administrator is beginning a set of failover tests. The administrator would like to have clean log files foreach test. Which command will achieve this?()A clcycleB clrefreshC cllogcycleD cllogrotate...
问题:单选题An organization currently uses Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) and is integrating PowerHA. Which of thefollowing describes how PowerHA supports Veritas volume groups?()A PowerHA only manages VxVM volume groups by using customized pre- and post-event scri...
问题:单选题A customer is planning a PowerHA cluster split across two sites. The sites are located 10km apart. There is aDS8000 storage array at each site with SAN connectivity between the two arrays. There are only enough IPinterfaces for one IP network in this c...
问题:单选题Which directory contains RSCT topology services logs?()A /var/ha/logB /var/ha/rsctC /var/hacmp/logD /var/hacmp/rsct...
问题:单选题Which of the following options are valid choices for cluster communication security?()A rsh and sshB Standard and VPNC rhost and .shostsD Classic and Enhanced...
问题:单选题An administrator believes that the Staging Configuration Directory (SCD) may be locked due to an error in aDARE event. Which of the following commands can the administrator run to check for the existence of locks?()A cldump dB cldare eC clverify LD chc...
问题:单选题An administrator is configuring cross-site LVM and wants to ensure that logical volume copies are always onseparate disks. When creating a new logical volume, how could the administrator ensure that this requirement is achieved?()A Set the allocation p...
问题:单选题During a resource group takeover operation, the resource group was found to go into error state. A tail of thehacmp.out file released the following message: Aug 3 12:57:20 EVENT FAILED:// -1: event_error 1 TE_RG_MOVE -1 WARNING:// Cluster PowerHA has b...
问题:单选题An administrator is installing PowerHA filesets, and this cluster will be cross-mounting filesystems using NFSversion 4. Which additional fileset is required?()A bos.net.tcp.clientB cluster.es.nfs.rteC bos.nfsv4.server.rteD cluster.es.nfs.server...