当前分类: IBM(000-102)
问题:单选题An administrator was notified that a resource group has failed over from the home node, Node1 to a standbynode, Node2 and that Node1 had been powered off. Upon restarting Node1 the administrator checked the AIXerror log and the cluster.log Which of the...
问题:单选题A customer is planning a PowerHA cluster split across two sites. The sites are located 10km apart. There is aDS8000 storage array at each site with SAN connectivity between the two arrays. There are only enough IPinterfaces for one IP network in this c...
问题:单选题A customer needs to test the failover capabilities of their cluster. Which of the following AIX commands, whenissued from the command line, will simulate a node crash and cause the cluster resource group running onthat server to fail over to another no...
问题:单选题An administrator wants to use the online planning worksheets as an aid to configuring a PowerHA cluster.Which PowerHA fileset would the administrator need to install in order to obtain this tool?()A cluster.es.hawB cluster.es.worksheetsC cluster.es.too...
问题:单选题When using IPAT via Aliasing, what is the default distribution preference for the placement of the service IPlabels?()A CollocationB Anti-CollocationC Collocation with persistentD Anti-Collocation with persistent...
问题:单选题An administrator is beginning a set of failover tests. The administrator would like to have clean log files foreach test. Which command will achieve this?()A clcycleB clrefreshC cllogcycleD cllogrotate...
问题:单选题An administrator has a two node cluster, Node1 and Node2, running resource group rg1. The resource groupis active on Node1. The administrator stopped cluster services and unmanaged the resource group on Node1to work on a problem. Now the administrator ...
问题:单选题An administrator is notified that a resource group has failed over from the home node, Node1 to a standbynode, Node2 and that Node1 has been powered off. Upon restarting Node1 the administrator checks the AIXerror log and the cluster.log Which of the f...
问题:单选题Which command verifies both the cluster topology and resource configuration?()A cldare -rB clsync -rtC clverify -rD clverify -t...
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will allow an administrator to determine if the IBM RSCT pre-requisitecomponents for clustering are installed at the correct version?()A lppchk -v rsct.bundleB lslpp -l bos.rsct.rteC lslpp -l rsct.basic.rteD lppchk -v cl...
问题:单选题Which of the following options are valid choices for cluster communication security?()A rsh and sshB Standard and VPNC rhost and .shostsD Classic and Enhanced...
问题:单选题An administrator is planning a two node cluster containing Node1 and Node2 with a single resource groupnamed RG1. RG1 startup policy will be ’Online on Home Node only’. The home node is Node1. If RG1 fails over to Node2 itmust fall back to Node1. Fall ...
问题:单选题When does the Online Planning Worksheet tool run a validation?()A When loading and activating a definition file into an inactive clusterB When exporting a definition to a cluster node or saving a definition fileC When importing a definition from an act...
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will display the extended attributes of a resource group?()A cllsattrB clRGinfoC clshowresD cllistres...
问题:单选题An active PowerHA cluster was shutdown from C-SPOC with the "Unmanage Resource Groups" option. Afterthe operation successfully completes, what is the internal state of the cluster manager as shown by the lssrc -ls clstrmgrES command?()A ST_STABLEB ST_B...
问题:单选题The heartbeating over IP aliases function allows which of the following?()A Create a heartbeat network over disksB Define all boot addresses as IP aliasesC Define all IP addresses in the same network subnetD Define all boot, service and persistent addr...
问题:单选题In a cluster using /etc/hosts for name resolution, which of the following describes the minimum requirementsfor the /etc/hosts file?()A IP address and IP label of each service and boot interface in the clusterB IP address and IP label of each service a...
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will display a snapshot of cluster status, including details of current networkstatus and resource group fallover/fallback policies?()A cldumpB cllssvcsC clshowresD clstat -o...
问题:单选题An administrator is configuring a new cluster and has a requirement for a notification to be generated if the /tmp File System becomes greater than 90% full. Which of the following PowerHA components will support theadministrator’s requirement?()A Pre-...