当前分类: GRE
问题:多选题Truculent in defending their individual rights of sovereignty under the Articles of Confederation, the newly formed states ______ constantly.AdigressedBconferredCbickeredDdismemberedErebuffedFsquabbled...
问题:问答题WXYZ is a parallelogram....
问题:多选题Studded starfish are well protected from most predators and parasites by ______ surface whose studs are actually modified spines.Aa vulnerableBan armoredCan obtuseDa brittleEa concaveFa rugged...
问题:问答题What is the volume of a cube whose surface area is 150?...
问题:问答题Select the sentence that mentions a specific moral dilemma resulting from the use of a memory-altering drug....
问题:多选题If n = 6 × 15, which of the following are prime factors of n? (Indicate all of the answer choices that apply.)A2B3C7D9E15...
问题:单选题A moment is randomly selected in the week. What is the probability that this moment will occur during normal business hours (Monday though Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. )?A 1/3B 3/8C 5/7D 5/21E 15/56...
问题:单选题Each of the following, if true, would weaken the conclusion drawn above, EXCEPT ______.A Many of the world’s problems can be solved only by highly specialized experts working on specific problems.B Relatively few generalists are needed to coordinate th...
问题:单选题When a store processes a credit-card payment, they are charged a fee of 25 cents plus 2.6% of the total. If a store processes 4,000 credit card payments for a total of $150,000, how much will they be charged in fees?A $4,900B $7,650C $13,900D $40,000E ...
问题:单选题For questions 2 through 4, select one answer choice each. It can be inferred from the passage that in the Philippines around the year 1890, ______.A La Solidaridad became the most important local newspaperB Filipino exiles returned to their impoverish...
问题:多选题Following the Treaty of Roskilde in 1658, Kronoberg Castle in Sweden lost its importance as a military structure and fell into ______.AshamblesBdisuseCsetbackDneglectEdistressFsiege...
问题:单选题Select one answer choice. Based on the passage as a whole, the author most likely feels that the mistakes made by the early astronomers were ______.A problematicB inconsequentialC deliberateD preventableE understandable...
问题:问答题Select the sentence that indicates the historical aspect of hiira....
问题:单选题According to the passage, women are changing literary criticism by ______.A noting instances of hostility between men and womenB seeing the literature from fresh points of viewC studying the works of early 20th-century writersD reviewing books written ...
问题:多选题Normally an individual thunderstorm lasts about 45 minutes, but under certain conditions the storm may ______, becoming ever more severe, for as long as four hours.AwaneBmoderateCpersistDendureEvacillateFdisperse...
问题:多选题Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply. Which of these can be inferred from the fact that the French built orangeries for certain tropical plants?AGreenhouses may be used to keep plants at a moderate temperatureBThe climate ...
问题:多选题Very little is known about the ______ known as Eskayan, and there are currently no native speakers of that unusual tongue.AdialectBcultureCclanDislandEatollFlanguage...
问题:单选题According to the passage, all of these are true EXCEPT ______.A Purple loosestrife propagates through an underground system.B Purple loosestrife has even affected the survival of fish.C Purple loosestrife is best eradicated through controlled burning.D...