目 录 2004年天津师范大学外国语学院479语言学与语言习得考研真题及详解 2005年天津师范大学外国语学院479语言学与语言习得考研真题及详解 2006年天津师范大学外国语学院479语言学与语言习得考研真题及详解 2009年天津师范大学外国语学院879语言学与语言习得考研真题及详解 2010年天津师范大学外国语学院879语言学与语言习得考研真题及详解 2011年天津师范大学外国语学院879语言学与语言习得考研真题及详解 2004年天津师范大学外国语学院479语言学与语言习得考研真题及详解 1Explain the following concepts.If necessary,illustrate your answer with examples.(45 points,3 points each)(1)Competence【答案】Competence is the knowledge one subconsciously possesses about how to speak a language.It refers to the ideal users knowledge of the rules of his language.It enables a speaker to produce and understand an indefinite number of sentences and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities.It is stable.Competence is deemed as a property of the mind of each individual.(2)Surprasegmentals【答案】Surprasegmental features are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments.The features that occur above the level of the segments and can distinguish meanings are called suprasegmental features,which include syllable,stress,intonation and tone.(3)Innateness Hypothesis【答案】It was proposed by Norm Chomsky.It believes that language is somewhat innate.Children are born with what Chomsky calls a language acquisition device.LAD is a unique kind of knowledge that fits the children for language learning.Chomsky argues the child comes into the world with specific innate endowment,not only with general tendencies or potentialities,but also with knowledge of the nature of the world,and specifically with knowledge of the basic grammatical relations and categories,and this knowledge is universal.The categories and relations exist in all human languages and all human infants are born with knowledge of them.(4)Allophones【答案】Dictionaries often transcribe the words peak and speak as pi:k and spi:k respectively such broad transcription is said to be“phonemic”as it only shows the sounds by phonemes.However,when the two words are actually pronounced,the/p/is aspirated in peak and unaspirated in speak.W e know that in English there is a rule that this sound is unaspirated after/s/but aspirated in other places.To bring out the“phonetic”difference,an aspirated sound is transcribed with a raised“h”after the symbol of the sound so a phonetic transcription for peak is phi:k and that for speak is sp=i:k.Phonemic transcriptions are placed between slant lines(/)while phonetic transcriptions are placed between square brackets().In phonetic terms,phonemic transcriptions represent the“broad”transcriptions.In the above example,P=,Ph are two different phones and are variants of the phoneme/p/.Such variants of a phoneme are called allophones of the same phoneme.(5)Free Morphemes【答案】Free morphemes are independent of other morphemes and have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences.They are identical with root words.(6)Entailment【答案】ENTAILMENT is a logical relationship between two sentences in which the truth of the second necessarily follows from the truth of the first.While the falsity of the first follows from the falsity of the second.(7)PRO【答案】In generative linguistics,PRO(called“big PRO”,distinct from pro,“small pro”or“little pro”)is a pronominal determiner phrase(DP)without phonological content.As such,it is part of the set of empty categories.The null pronoun PRO is postulated in the subject position of non-finite clauses.One property of PRO is that,when it occurs in a non-finite complement clause,it can be bound by the main clause subject(“subject control”)or the main clause object(“object control”).The presence of PRO in non-finite clauses lacking overt subjects allows a principled solution for problems relating to Binding Theory.(8)S-selection 【答案】One sometimes encounters the terms s(emantic)-selection and c(ategory)-selection.The concept of c-selection overlaps to an extent with subcategorization.Predicates c-select the syntactic category of their complement arguments-e.g.noun(phrase),verb(phrase),adjective(phrase),etc.-i.e.they determine the syntactic category of their complements.In contrast,predicates s-select the semantic content of their arguments.Thus s-selection is a semantic concept,whereas c-selection is a syntactic one.When the term selection or selectional restrictions appears alone without the c-or s-,s-selection is usually understood.(9)C-command【答案】C-command(constituent command)is a relationship between the nodes of grammatical parse trees.It is closely associated with the phrase structure grammars of the Cho、mskyan tradition(Government and Binding,Minimalist Program),and may not be valid or applicable to the tree structures of other theories of syntax,such as dependency grammars.The relation of c-command has served as the basis for many explorations and explanations of phenomena of syntax.It has been taken to be the basic configurational relation underlying binding,and has played a central role in the analysis of diverse syntactic mechanisms,such as parasitic gaps and the scope of quantifiers.(10)UG