没有吧我们这里说说课不能超过10分钟,网上有说课课件 就是ppt 我感觉还不错,你去看看,比文字模板好多了
没有吧我们这里说说课不能超过10分钟,网上有说课课件 就是ppt 我感觉还不错,你去看看,比文字模板好多了
凡是少数民族学生都可以申请免考教育部全国网络教育公共课统一考试《大学英语》科目。 ()
某大学的一个学生必须参加下列六门课程中四门的考试:英语、历史、数学、生物学、化学、物理学。该学生必须应试生物学或者化学,但不能两门都考,数学和物理学两门课程中只能考一门。那么这个学生一定要考( )。
国家开放大学电大高级英语阅读(1)网络课形考网考作业及答案100%通过考试说明:2020年秋期电大把该网络课纳入到“国开平台”进行考核,该课程共有2个形考任务,针对该门课程,本 人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要 的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容 框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。课程成绩按百分制计分,各章exercise测验占70% ,计分学习活动占20% ,网上学习表现占10%。三项成绩都 有且总分达到60分及以上,方可获得课程学分。形考任务一(70分)Chapter 1Exercise (分值 7 分) 题目1I. Vocabulary skills ( 3 points )Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word on the right with the correct definition on the left. (0.5 points each)1. the bus or subway2. proof of completion of courses of students3. money for students from scholarships, grants, or loans4. formal talks by professors or instructors on subjects of study5. courses by video, video conferencing, or computers to students in different places6. the points or grade a student gets on a test答案:l.the bus of subwaypublic transpartath n =2.proof of completion of courses of students3,moneyfor students from scholarships, grants, or loans4.formal talks by professors or instructors on subjects of studyacademic lecturese5.courses by video, video conferencing; or computers to students in different placesdistance learning=6.the points or grade a student gets on a test? score=IL Reading Comprehension (4 points)Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each )Experiencing Culture ShockA When Eliza James arrived at the University of Xian, she was excited to live in a new country, to improve her Chinese, and to experience a culture so different from her own. But soon her excitement turned to frustration as she encountered one roadblock after another. I felt like I couldnl accomplish anything. My dorm room had no heat, I couldnft get into the classes I wanted, and every time I asked someone for help they gave me the runaround. I felt like no one was listening to me.” Eliza met with administrators, sent letters of complaint, and even contacted the consulate in Beijing, but she got nowhere. What Eliza didnt realize was that her American approach to solving problems was very different from the Chinese one in which patience and negotiation skills are key. She soon learned how to solve problems within the cultural norms of Chinese society instead of forcing her own values onto those around her. ”1 finally feel like I fit in and that I know what Im doing. In fact, its really fun being in a place thafs so incredibly different from what I am accustomed to.”B Yoshi Yamamoto is a junior at a small college outside of Boston. Although he is an honors student now, Yoshi didnt always have such an easy time studying in America. Teaching methods are very different here than they are in Japan. It took me a long time to get used to le、arning in seminars and discussing ideas with my classmates. At first it seemed like I wasnt actually learning anything.11 Yoshis reaction was to totally withdraw: he didnft participate in class discussion; he spent lots of time alone in his room, and he even skipped class on occasion. Hl thought I c、ould teach myself. Now I recognize the value of the U.S. academic system, and I am able to adapt it to my own learning style.11C Both Eliza and Yoshi experienced what is called culture shock: psychological disorientation due to living in a new culture. For many international students, studying abroad can offer exposure to new cultures and an opportunity to study new fields and languages. However, it also offers the gre