




D.=“共”&[Pages]& “页,第”&[Page]& “页”








如果要求在页面页脚中显示的页码形式为“第x页,共y页”,则页面页脚中的页码控件来源应该设置为( )。





解析:本题考查文本框控件中页码格式设置的知识。在Access中文本框的格式规定:[Pages]表示总页数,[Page]表示当前页码。所以正确的格式应该是;“第“&[Page]&”页,共“&[Pages]&”页”,其中 &为字符串连接符。注意控制来源格式都要由“=”引出。

在Word2007中,打印页面2-4,8,11表示打印( )。

A. 第2页、第4页、第8页、第11页B. 第2页至第4页、第8页至第11页C. 第2页至第4页、第8页、第11页D. 第2页至第8页、第11页








系别:_ 专业:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_ 第 1 页 共 8 页 第 2 页 共 8 页密封线20 级 建筑工程系建筑实用英语期末试卷A卷适用班级: 建筑工程系20 级学生 ( 100分钟 )题 号一二三四五六七八总分得 分一、Part I Listening (15points, one point each) (听力考试题全院各系各专业统一出题)。Part II Vocabulary and Structure (25points, one point each)16. _ knows the fact will surely tell you.A. That who B. Who that C. That D. Whoever17. The expert _ the meat and found it contained too much participate. A. analyze B. analyzed C. analysis D. analyzes18. My Aunt Jennifer looks_ she were only 20 years old although she is 40 now. A. that B. as if C. as D. like19. _ put down the receiver when the telephone rang again. A. Scarcely did she B. Scarcely had she C. Scarcely she D. Scarcely she had20. Of the two dictionaries, I chose _one. A. the most expensive B. the least expensive C. the much expensive D. the less expensive21. His _ and kindness left a deep impression on me. A. patient B. patience C. part D. party22. _ with friends is a good way of relaxation. A. To chat B. To quarrel C. Chatting D. Quarreling23. Tom _ a lot of time _playing computer games every day. A. take-to B. takes-to C. spends-in D. spent-in24. My uncle_ manager of the firm. A. has just made. B. is just being made C. has just been made D. is just made25. The poor old man has to live alone, because _his two daughters wants to live with him. A. all of B. both of C. none of D. neither of26. We are best friends and we often help _ in difficulties. A. one and the other B. one and other C. one another D. one and others27. Large sums of money_ each year in painting the steelwork of bridges. A. have spent B. have to be spent C. have to spend D. spend28. The old lady didnt remember_. A. where did she put the key B. where had she put the keyC. that where she put the key D. where she put the key系别:_ 专业:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_第 3 页 共 8 页 第 4 页 共 8 页密封线29. The Great Wall _ millions of tourists from all over the world every year. A. attend B. tend C. attracts D. attracted30. Dont smoke in this room, _? A. will you B. wont you C. do you D. dont you31. These pills_ out of the reach of children. A. should keep B. could keep C. would be kept D. should be kept32. Peter Buddy likes playing football, but he dislikes playing the piano,_? A. does she B. doesnt he C. doesnt she D. does he33. She _ to go out alone in the evening. A. could not B. might not C. dare not D. doesnt dare34. The _ of service in this restaurant has improved a lot. A. quality B. quarrel C. quit D. help35. Would you like to have a break _ shall we go on with the work? A. and B. then C. therefore D. or36. Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _didnt help. A. he B. which C. she D. it37. Tom left New York in 2003 and _ in Britain ever since. A. worked B. was working C. has worked D. had worked38. Stop talking and _ on your work. A. concentrate B. concentration C. consider D. consideration39. Sugar _ milk.-Only milk, please, _ I used to like sugar. A. and; and B. and; but C. or; and D. or; but。40. By the time he takes the final exam, he _ more than five lectures in this semester.A. will attend B. has attended C. had attended D. will have attendedPart III Reading Comprehension (!) (30 points, two points each)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 3 ta


  • A、=”第” & [pages] & ”页,共” & [page] & ”页”
  • B、=”共” & [pages] & ”页,第” & [page] & ”页”
  • C、=”第” & [page] & ”页,共” & [pages] & ”页”
  • D、=”共” & [page] & ”页,第” & [pages] & ”页”



  • A、第2页,第8页,第10页,第12页
  • B、第2至8页,第10至12页
  • C、第2至8页,第10页,第12页
  • D、第8页,第10页,第12页



  • A、第2页,第8页,第10页,第12页
  • B、第2至8页,第10至12页
  • C、第2至8页,第10页,第12页
  • D、第8页,第10页,第12页



  • A、=”第”&[pages]&”页,共”&[page]&”页”
  • B、=”共”&[pages]&”页,第”&[page]&”页”
  • C、=”第”&[page]&”页,共”&[pages]&”页”
  • D、=”共”&[page]&”页,第”&[pages]&”页”



  • A、“共×页第×页”
  • B、“第×页”
  • C、“共×页,本页是第×页”
  • D、“全部×页第×页”


更多 “大学课程《建筑实用英语》期末考试A卷及参考答案” 相关考题
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考题 单选题税务文书页数在2页或者2页以上的,需在页码处标注()A “共×页第×页”B “第×页”C “共×页,本页是第×页”D “全部×页第×页”正确答案:A解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题要在页面页脚中显示“第X页,共Y页”,则页脚中的页码“控件来源”应设置为()。A =”第”&[pages]&”页,共”&[page]&”页”B =”共”&[pages]&”页,第”&[page]&”页”C =”第”&[page]&”页,共”&[pages]&”页”D =”共”&[page]&”页,第”&[pages]&”页”正确答案:D解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题税务文书页数在2页或者2页以上的,需在页码处标注()A “共×页第×页”B “第×页”C “共×页,本页是第×页”D “全部×页第×页”正确答案:D解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题要在页面页脚中显示“第X页,共Y页”,则页脚中的页码“控件来源”应设置为()。A =”第”&[pages]&”页,共”&[page]&”页”B =”共”&[pages]&”页,第”&[page]&”页”C =”第”&[page]&”页,共”&[pages]&”页”D =”共”&[page]&”页,第”&[pages]&”页”正确答案:A解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题在打印对话框中,页码范围是“2-6,8”,表示打印的是()。A 第2页,第6页,第8页B 第2页至第6页,第8页C 第2页,第6页至第8页D 第2页至第8页正确答案:D解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题税务文书页数在2页或者2页以上的,需在页码处标注()A “共×页第×页”B “第×页”C “共×页,本页是第×页”D “全部×页第×页”正确答案:B解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题在报表中要显示格式为“共N页,第N页”的页码,正确的页码格式设置是(  )。A =共+Pages+页,第+Page+页B =共+[Pages]+页,第+[Page]+页C =共&Pages&页,第&Page&页D =共&[Pages]&页,第&[Page]&页正确答案:B解析:报表中添加计算字段应以“=”开头,在报表中要显示格式为“共N页,第N页”的页码,需要用到[Pages]和[Page]这两个计算项,因此正确的页码格式设置是="共"&[Pages]&"页,第"&[Page]&"页"。

考题 单选题Word中,打印页码2-8,10,12表示打印的是()A 第2页,第8页,第10页,第12页B 第2至8页,第10至12页C 第2至8页,第10页,第12页D 第8页,第10页,第12页正确答案:B解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题要求在页面页脚中显示“第X页,共Y页”,则页脚中的页码控件来源应设置为()A =”第” & [pages] & ”页,共” & [page] & ”页”B =”共” & [pages] & ”页,第” & [page] & ”页”C =”第” & [page] & ”页,共” & [pages] & ”页”D =”共” & [page] & ”页,第” & [pages] & ”页”正确答案:A解析:暂无解析