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问题:问答题公务员考试难度增大 近几年掀起的“公务员热”使国家公务员考试成为中国竞争最激烈的考试之一。 自1995年国家公务员考试推行以来,报考公务员日渐升温,这两年更是热得发烫。到现在,我国公务员人数达600万。 《中国青年报》和腾讯网联合开展的一项最新在线调查显示;73%以上的年轻人愿意当公务员。在17,330名调查对象中,约83%的人说,他们主要看重公务员工作稳定,医疗和养老都有保障。此外,55%的人说,当公务员能获得“切实利益”。 去年,近100万人报考了国家公务员,而最后只有l万多人被录用。今...
问题:单选题John elevated the status of American portraiture through his series of paintings of notable eighteenth-century New Englanders.A revised B researched C enlivened D raised...
问题:单选题______A circumstancesB context C situation D surroundings...
问题:His hard-working spirit attracted and activated others. As a...
问题:单选题For what was the doctor in the passage charged?A For his incompetence.B For his unnecessary services to the patients.C For unusually large number of night visits.D All the above....
问题:单选题Diplomatic misunderstandings can often be traced back to blunders in translation.A mistakes B feats C evaluations D duplicates...
问题:单选题Stop dwelling on your problems and do something about them!A abiding B lingering C expatiating D expressing...
问题:单选题______A injuredB hinderedC destroyedD immersed...
问题:Political cartoons often convey messages by mocking a partic...
问题:单选题Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a tamadn family?A A tamarin family consists of Father, Mother and their children.B The family life is organized like humans.C All the family members share the responsibility in the upbringing.D Tamarin br...
问题:The experience of foreign countries is worth learning from a...
问题:问答题Delta The large river best known to the ancient Greeks was the Nile of Egypt. They spoke of the river with admiration and called Egypt “the gift of the Nile”. The reason for this was, first, that the Nile brought water to a rainless desert and, second...
问题:中国茶文化 中国是世界上种茶最早、制茶最精、饮茶最多的国家,是茶的故乡。 最初,茶只是被作为一种药材;而非饮品。后来...
问题:问答题三分之一欧美人视中国经济增长为机遇 本周一,跨大西洋合作智囊机构“德国马歇尔(Marshall)基金会”公布了一项民意调查结果。该调查显示,三分之一的欧美人将中国经济的迅速发展视为一种机遇,而近60%的人则对中国日益增长的经济实力保持着警惕。 这项调查在法国、德国、意大利、波兰、斯洛伐克(Slovakia)、英国和美国等七国开展。调查表明,中国怀疑论者对中国经济表示担忧,他们认为大量中国廉价商品的出口以及外国公司进驻中国是一种潜在威胁。 调查显示,70%的法国人以及近70%的波兰人、意大利人和...
问题:单选题This was but an additional testimony of the superiority of the socialist economic system over the capitalist economic system.A proofB witnessC evidenceD validity...
问题:单选题I should say Henry is not very much a writer as a reporter.A thatB soC thisD as...
问题:The word “constitute” underlined in Paragraph 1 means______....