当前分类: 成人英语三级
问题:单选题During the past ten years, there have been_____changes in the country.A lastingB dramaticC powerfulD imaginary...
问题:单选题I know it's not important, but I can't help to think about it.A knowB not importantC to thinkD it...
问题:He welcomed the new students and then went on to explaining...
问题:“Shall we walk through the park? “No, it's too late______...
问题:56 A hospital B market C hotel D...
问题:According to the passage, which of the following statements...
问题:You see the lightning ______ it happens, but you hear the th...
问题:58. A good B curious C poor D urgent...
问题:单选题This is only one of the laundries in the district _____ modem equipment.A that haveB which haveC that hasD what has...
问题:How I wish that I_______law when I was at college !...
问题:Susan, together with her husband and two sons, are to arriv...
问题:单选题75 A following B considering C astonishing D appreciatingA AB BC CD D...
问题:The goals _____ he had fought all his life no longer seemed...
问题:单选题Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work ______ all their time.A takes awayB takes inC takes overD takes up...
问题:According to the passage, which of the following statement i...
问题:单选题72 A practice B pleasure C problem D habitA AB BC CD D...
问题:单选题Doris's success lies in the fact______she is co-operative and eager to leam from others.A whichB thatC whenD why...
问题:Having been praised by the teacher, the little girl ran back...
问题:单选题66 A knowing B reading C inspecting D realizingA AB BC CD D...