当前分类: 外贸函电
问题:We are awaiting your revised draft()keen interest....
问题:We()some brochurs()to illustrate the procucts we manufactured.A、enclose,to youB、enclose you,/C、enclose,/D、enclose,you...
问题:()you know,this is a popular brand,which can see easily in our market....
问题:We are glad that in the past few years,()joint efforts,have greatly promoted both business and friendship....
问题:If you will send us a catalog by air,we shall()very much.A、appreciateB、appreciatingC、appreciationD、appreciaeit...
问题:We shall book a trial order with you,()goods are competitive in price and of good quality....
问题:We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you()sound condition....
问题:Our foreign trade policy is based()equality nad mutual benefit....
问题:If the first shipment is satisfactory,we can()with you some repeat orders....
问题:We hereby register a claim with you()the basis of here,we can obtain a number of orders for you....
问题:Please take the necessary steps()delay....
问题:Risks other()All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra pr- enium should be borne by the buyer....
问题:We hope this unfortunate incident wil not afect the friendly relations()us....
问题:We have established an irrevocable letter of credit()your favour with the Bank of China,Guandong....