当前分类: 思科认证
问题:A host computer has been correctly configured with a static IP address, but the default ga ...
问题:以下哪一项不是有关虚电路交换方式的正确描述。() A.分组需要包含虚电路标识符B.某条虚电路对应的转发项只给出该虚电路经过的两个端口之间的关联C.虚电路标识符用于建立终端间传输路径与终端间传输的数据之间的绑定D.虚电路是指终端间传输路径...
问题:During the boot sequence, a Ezonexam 2800 series router needs to locate and load an operat ...
问题:Which of the following are true of Ethernet technology?A.Hosts use a logical ring topology.B.Hosts use a logical bus topologyC.Hosts must wait for an electronic signal to transfer data.D.Hosts are directly connected to a wiring concentrator called a MSAU....
问题:The network security policy for Ezonexam requires that only one host be permitted to attach dynamically to each switch interface. If that policy is violated, the interface should be automatically disabled. Which two commands must the Ezonexam network admi...
问题:当拓扑信息完成交换,相邻路由器具有相同的LSDB时,下列哪项OSPF邻居状态是希望得到的()A.2-WAYB.F ...
问题:Which one of the following characteristics is true regarding the use of hubs and switches?A.Hubs can have their ports be configured with VLANsB.Using hubs is costly with regard to bandwidth availability.C.Switches can not forward broadcasts.D.Switches are...
问题:OSPF的区域有哪几种类型()A.骨干区域(area0)B.基本区域C.末梢区域(stub)D.完全末梢区域(totally stubby)E.非纯末梢区域(NSSA)...
问题:配置LACP时,在要使用的接口上必须将哪三个参数配置得完全相同?() A.虚拟MAC地址B.端口速度C.双工模式D.PortFastE.VLAN信息...
问题:要启用LACP,可将EtherChannel模式设置为下面哪两种之一?() A.OnB.PreventC.PassiveD.AutoE.ActiveF.Desirable...
问题:RIP路由协议采用哪些方法来避免路由环路?()A.水平分割B.毒性逆转C.最大跳数D.触发更新 ...
问题:The Ezonexam network administrator has issued the "VTP password ezonexam" command on a Cisco device. What is the purpose of this command?A.It allows two VTP servers to exists in the same domain, each configured with different passwordsB.It is the password...
问题:The Ezonexam network administrator needs to a switch named VE1 to become the root bridge for a redundant path switched network. What can be done to ensure that VE1 will always assume the role as the root bridge?A.Assign the switch a higher MAC address tha...
问题:要启用LACP并将交换机端口加入端口信道1,可使用下面哪两个命令之一?() A.Switch(config)#interface port-channel1B.Switch(config)#channel-group 1 mode activeC.Switch#interface port-channel 1D.Switch(config-if)#channel-group 1 m...
问题:The IP network is subnetted using a /24 mask. How many usable networks and ho ...
问题:Ezonexam has a Class C network and you need ten subnets. You wish to have as many addresses available for hosts as possible. Which one of the following subnet masks should you use?A. ...