当前分类: 思科认证
问题:During the boot sequence, a Ezonexam 2800 series router needs to locate and load an operat ...
问题:配置LACP时,在要使用的接口上必须将哪三个参数配置得完全相同?() A.虚拟MAC地址B.端口速度C.双工模式D.PortFastE.VLAN信息...
问题:Your network uses the172.12.0.0 class B address. You need to support 459 hosts per subnet, ...
问题:The network is subnetted using a /26 mask. How many networks and IP hosts per network exists using this subnet mask?A.4 networks and 64 hostsB.64 networks and 4 hostsC.4 networks and 62 hostsD.62 networks and 2 hostsE.6 network and 30 hosts...
问题:你在路由器上执行如下命令并重启路由器,路由器将如何做?Router(config)#boot system flash c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.151-4.M6.bin Router(config)#config-register 0x2101 Router(config)#do sh ver[outputcut]Configuration register is 0x2102(will be Ox2101 at next reload)()A.路由器将解压缩并运行闪存中的IOS...
问题:The network security policy for Ezonexam requires that only one host be permitted to attach dynamically to each switch interface. If that policy is violated, the interface should be automatically disabled. Which two commands must the Ezonexam network admi...
问题:Which of the following are true of Ethernet technology?A.Hosts use a logical ring topology.B.Hosts use a logical bus topologyC.Hosts must wait for an electronic signal to transfer data.D.Hosts are directly connected to a wiring concentrator called a MSAU....
问题:以下哪一项不是有关虚电路交换方式的正确描述。() A.分组需要包含虚电路标识符B.某条虚电路对应的转发项只给出该虚电路经过的两个端口之间的关联C.虚电路标识符用于建立终端间传输路径与终端间传输的数据之间的绑定D.虚电路是指终端间传输路径...
问题:Ezonexam has a Class C network and you need ten subnets. You wish to have as many addresses available for hosts as possible. Which one of the following subnet masks should you use?A. ...
问题:关于RIP协议,下列说法正确的有()A.RIP协议是一种IGPB.RIP协议是一种EGPC.RIP协议是一种距离矢量 ...
问题:要启用LACP并将交换机端口加入端口信道1,可使用下面哪两个命令之一?() A.Switch(config)#interface port-channel1B.Switch(config)#channel-group 1 mode activeC.Switch#interface port-channel 1D.Switch(config-if)#channel-group 1 m...
问题:R1上执行show ip interface brief命令的输出中显示接口S0/0/0状态码为“up”和“down”,那么以下哪种情况可能属实A.接口当前配置了shutdown命令B.R1的串行接口两端协议不同C.R1的串行接口没有安装串行电缆D.两台路由器的串行链路,只有一端配置了IP地址...
问题:Which one of the following characteristics is true regarding the use of hubs and switches?A.Hubs can have their ports be configured with VLANsB.Using hubs is costly with regard to bandwidth availability.C.Switches can not forward broadcasts.D.Switches are...
问题:要启用LACP,可将EtherChannel模式设置为下面哪两种之一?() A.OnB.PreventC.PassiveD.AutoE.ActiveF.Desirable...
问题:The Ezonexam network administrator needs to a switch named VE1 to become the root bridge for a redundant path switched network. What can be done to ensure that VE1 will always assume the role as the root bridge?A.Assign the switch a higher MAC address tha...
问题:路由器上,命令“show int s0”的显示结果为:Serial0 is up,line protocol is down出现该结果的可能原因是()A.端口处于关闭状态B.物理端口被烧毁C.两端设备协议不一致D.路由表中无路由...
问题:哪个命令显示配置寄存器的设置?() A.showiprouteB.showbootversionC.showversionD.showflash...