(47) On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.
1 从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达
A.A.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.#B.B.Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.#C.C.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.#D.D.Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his fi第3题:
A.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.#B.Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.#C.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.#D.Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, and第6题:
A.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.#B.Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.#C.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.#D.Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, and