A power-driven fishing vessel is underway on the high seas and is not engaged in fishing. Which of the following factors determines what lights she will show?
A.Whether she is normally a fishing or a trawling vessel
B.Her gross tonnage
C.Her length
D.The type of gear she carries
A fishing vessel displaying the lights shown is ______.
B.underway but not fishing
C.tending a small fishing boat
D.fishing by trawling
A vessel sailing shall keep out of the way of all of the following vessels except a vessel ______.
A.not under command
B.engaged on pilotage duty
C.restricted in her ability to maneuver
D.engaged in fishing
A vessel engaged in minesweeping on the high seas carries which of the following day signals ?
A.Two green balls in a vertical line
B.Two black balls in a vertical line
C.A black ball at the foretruck and yardarm ends
D.A shape of two cones point to point
In a crossing situation on open waters, a sailing vessel shall keep out of the way of all the following vessels EXCEPT a vessel ______.
A.not under command
B.retricted in her ability to maneuver
C.engaged in towing
vessel being towed
fishing vessel engaged in trawling
vessel at anchor warning you of her location
power-driven pilot vessel on station underway
under sail
restricted in her ability to maneuver
crossing a channel
All of the above
her gear extends more than 100 meters from the vessel
she is using any type of gear,other than lines
she is using fishing apparatus which restricts her maneuverability
she has any fishing gear on board
having engaged in fishing
engaging in fishing
engaged in fish
engaged in fishing
a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
a vessel engaged in laying,serving or picking up a navigation mark,submarine cable or pipeline
a vessel not under command
a power-driven vessel
A fishing vessel with outlying gear
A vessel proceeding under sail and machinery
A vessel engaged in diving operations
A vessel being towed
A power-driven vessel
A vessel engaged on pilotage duty
A vessel dredging
A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
power-driven vessel stopped and making no way through the water
vessel being towed
vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver at anchor
sailing vessel at anchor
A vessel engaged in ______ shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.
A.mine clearance operation
B.towing operation
C.dredging or surveying or underwater operation
A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of______following a traffic lane.
(1).A power-driven vessel
(2).a sailing vessel
(3).any vessel
(4).a vessel of less than 20 metres in length
B.(1) & (2)
For the purpose of the Rules, except where otherwise required, the term ______.
A.vessel includes seaplanes
B.seaplane includes non-displacement craft
C.vessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling lines
D.vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels
a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
a vessel under command
a passenger ship
a seaplane on the water
Whether she is normally a fishing or a trawling vessel
Her gross tonnage
Her length
The type of gear she carries
A vessel trawling
A vessel trolling
A vessel setting nets
A vessel tending lines
vessel includes seaplanes
seaplane includes non-displacement craft
vessel engaged in fishing includes a vessel fishing with trolling lines
vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver includes fishing vessels
The fishing vessel must keep clear of the vessel not under command
If the vessel not under command is a power-driven vessel,she must keep clear of the fishing vessel
They must exchange whistle signals
Both vessels are required to take action to stay clear of each other
vessel being towed
fishing vessel engaged in trawling
vessel at anchor warning of her location
power-driven pilot vessel on station underway
A black ball in the forepart of her vessel
A black double frustum of a cone
A basket where best seen
A black cone point upwards
A vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
A vessel not under command shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft
A vessel constrained by her draft shall keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishing
A vessel engaged in fishing while underway shall,so far as possible,keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver