

  • A、考生未经监考员同意,在考试过程中擅自离开考场。
  • B、考生将试卷、答题卡、草稿纸等考试用纸带出考场。
  • C、考生用规定以外的笔或者纸答题,或者在答题卡规定以外的地方书写姓名、准考证号。
  • D、考生在答题卡上填写与本人身份不符的姓名和准考证号等信息。



  • A、检查试卷、答题卡袋上封面填写内容是否准确
  • B、缺考考生条形码粘贴区域(位置)是否正确
  • C、检查封条及监考物品是否齐全、《考场情况记录表》的内容和相关材料
  • D、检查《考场情况记录表》、答题卡袋考场条形码是否按规定粘贴
  • E、检查清点试卷、答题卡份数(30),是从小号到大号理顺
  • F、缺考空考卷卡是否按规定收齐全



  • A、考生忘记携带或遗失准考证、居民身份证
  • B、发现考生本人与准考证、居民身份证或考场座次表的照片不符
  • C、发现试卷或答题卡袋口或密封有异常迹象
  • D、启封答题卡后,将答题卡袋内塞舌头裁断
  • E、启封后,发现部分试卷或答题卡混装、错装
  • F、考生向监考员报告,在答题卡上答错区域,或超出规定区域答题等。



  • A、将缺考考生的条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内
  • B、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡袋封面上填缺考准考证号及相关内容
  • C、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在缺考答题卡上填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号
  • D、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号
  • E、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注明“缺考”或“空白”字样
  • F、用2B铅笔填涂缺考考生答题卡的缺考标记



  • A、在答题卡右上角注明“缺考”字样
  • B、在答题卡上填涂缺考标记
  • C、在答题卡指定位置填写姓名、准考证号
  • D、在答题卡指定位置粘贴准考证条形码
  • E、在答题卡左上角注明“缺考”字样


2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、-I promise to work harder this term, Mum.-Well, my dear, just as the saying goes, “_.” I do hope that you will act soon.APractice makes perfectBMany hands make light workCYoure never too old to learnDActions speak louder than words.2、 I have waited for Fast & Furious 8 for a long time! I am dying to watch it! Me too! Lets go to the movies together tonight.Acant help watchingBcant wait to watchCdislike watching3、-Could you tell me _?-Sure. Walk straight along this street and youll find it.Ahow can I get to the museumBwhere is the museumCwhich is the way to the museumDhow far the museum is4、-Where is Jeff?-He _ to the cinema.Ais goingBhas goneCwill goDwent5、Helen has got two brothers. _ of them likes chocolate, but she loves it.ANeitherBNoneCEachDAny6、These songs are great moving. Their lyrics can _ girls thoughts and feelings.Aexpress Bdiscuss Cexpect Dimagine7、In an important game like this one, every minute _. So lets go for it!AlastsBworksCcountsDhelps8、一Lucy, do you have any plans to spend your five-day holiday?一I will go to Xiamen a second time. I have never visited cityAa most fantastic Bthe most fantastic Ca more fantastic Dthe more fantastic9、Which of the following is the traditional food people usually have on Dragon Boat Festival?ABCD10、-Excuse me, Miss Li. Could you help me to _these math problems?-Sure. Show me the problem.Awork outBhand outCfind out. 完形填空11、 There is a lion at the 1 . He is a 2 lion, because he misses his good friends in the forest.One day, a 3 comes to the lions cage (笼子) and asks, “Why are you 4 ?” The lion says, “I miss my friends .”The monkey says. “I can 5 the cage. But you must promise (承诺) you 6 eat me! ”The lion jumps 7 , “I promise. I only want to go home and live 8 the forest.” The monkey opens the cage and the lion keeps his promise. He runs to the forest. Now he 9 with his friends. He is very 10 .1AforestBzooChomeDshop2AhappyBshortClonelyDtall3AmonkeyBtigerClionDelephant4AlaughingBcryingCcryDsmiling5AeatBcloseCtakeDopen6AarentBdontCnotDwill7AdownBforCinDup8AinBatConDof9AamBareCisDbe10AsadBhappyCtiredDcold. 语法填空12、阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Self-driving CarsDo you like cars?1will the car be like in the future? Maybe we can sit in a car that can drive2(it).About 40 years ago, scientists from the United States3(start) to develop self-driving cars. The most famous one4(make) by Google in 2012. There are cameras and radars(雷达)on the top of the car. They allow the computer in the car5(draw) a 3D map of the environment. Chinese scientists have also6(successful) developed a self-driving car. The car made a trip7Changsha to Wuhan.Is a self-driving car safe? A recent study shows that robots make8(safe)drives than humans. If 10% of cars on the street are self-driving ones, 1, 000 lives will be saved every year. If 90% of vehicles(交通工具)are self-driving ones, 21, 700 lives will be saved a year. However, a self-driving car is expensive9each costs about $100,000. So it is10(possible)to be very popular in the near future. 阅读理解A13、Miss Bailey taught me English in Junior school. She cycled to school, and then when entering the school gate, she would gave her bicycle to anyone of us to park it for her. It was a privilege(特别恩典)when Miss Bailey gave her bicycle to you. One day Shankar stood at the gate, Shankar was a hunchback(驼背的人).We laughed and said, “Move out of the way, Shankar! Miss Bailey is going to enter!” Miss Bailey drove in and we all rushed to offer our hands to her. But Miss Bailey looked past us all. “Will you park it for me?” she asked. We looked back to see who it was and were surprised to see it was towards Shankar. “I dont think so, Miss Bailey!” stammered (结结巴巴地说)Shankar. “Why! You lazy fellow!” said Miss Bailey playfully. “You dont want to help your teacher, do you?” “ Of course I want to, Miss Bailey!” whispered Shankar. “But I might drop your cycle!” “ If you drop it ,you pick it up!” said the teacher with a smile.With that she gave her cycle to Shankar and didnt look to see how hed manage. Pretending she had confidence in his abilities, Miss Bailey turned and walked to class. We watched Shankar as he held her bike, we held our breath as we thought it was going to fall. Dines rushed to help. “Leave it!” Shankar said, and we all stopped. It seemed that his hump(驼背)disappeared as he drew himself up to his full height, and then with growing conf


  • A、题目的顺序依次
  • B、选择规定
  • C、数量的题数
  • D、在相应的答题区域内
  • E、用2B铅笔填涂题号



  • A、答题卡袋右上角的考场条形码
  • B、《考场情况记录表》右上角的考场条形码
  • C、试卷袋条码右上角的条形码
  • D、缺考考生条形码
  • E、实考考生条形码
  • F、空考条形码



  • A、开考前15分钟监考员甲分发答题卡,监考员乙分发条形码、草稿纸
  • B、可让考生协助分发答题卡、条形码、草稿纸
  • C、监考员甲负责全部工作
  • D、缺考考生的答题卡、条形码、草稿纸放在讲台上不用发



  • A、按规定将答题卡清点、整理、排序、装袋;按规定将试卷进行清点、整理。
  • B、要求考生立即停止答卷
  • C、监考员乙逐一检查、核对考生所填写的准考证号是否准确,试卷页码是否完整,同时收取答题卡、试卷、草稿纸
  • D、整理好草稿纸并注明考场号、考试时间、监考员姓名,与试卷清点、整理后一同装入试卷袋
  • E、再次核对答题卡袋封面要求填写的内容、《考场情况记录表》的内容
  • F、清理考场,检查课桌抽屉,关好门窗,封闭考场



  • A、必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔书写
  • B、在各题规定的答题区域内答题
  • C、作答选做题时,必须按试卷要求选择规定并在相应的答题区域内作答
  • D、如修改答案,应用笔将废弃内容划去,然后在划去内容上方或下方写出新的答案或使用橡皮、小刀擦、刮掉废弃内容后,再书写新的内容。
  • E、作图时,用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条及符号等须加黑、加粗。
  • F、不准用规定以外的笔答题,不准在试卷、草稿纸及规定的答题卡答题区域外作答,不准在答题卡上做任何标记,否则答题无效。


更多 “山东省德州市第九中学20222023学年中考联考英语试题(含解析)” 相关考题
考题 监考员对缺考考生的答题卡处理是()A、在答题卡右上角注明“缺考”字样B、在答题卡上填涂缺考标记C、在答题卡指定位置填写姓名、准考证号D、在答题卡指定位置粘贴准考证条形码E、在答题卡左上角注明“缺考”字样正确答案:C,E

考题 监考员指导考生检查答题卡、试卷无误后,告知考生在答题卡、试卷规定的位置填写自已的()。A、考生号B、准考证号C、考籍号D、姓名正确答案:B,D

考题 在考试结束后,下列做法中正确的是:()A、两名监考员同行,由考场直入考点考务办公室,将答题卡袋、试卷袋、考场记录、草稿纸、金属探测器等交考点验收组检查。B、试卷和草稿纸经验收组验收无误后一并装入试卷袋密封。C、答题卡整理顺序:先将答题卡对齐,再将《考场情况记录表》放在答题卡的最上面,贴有条形码的区域先装入塑料袋,将塑料袋口折叠,然后再装入答题卡袋。D、答题卡袋和试卷袋经验收组验收合格后,监考员方可离开。正确答案:A,B,C,D

考题 关于答题卡填涂、书写要求正确的做法是()。A、用2B铅笔作答非选择题B、用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填涂试卷A/B类型C、缺考考生答题卡不用填写考生号、姓名、考场号、座位号D、作答非选择题时,只能使用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔正确答案:D

考题 加试附加题考场的考生开始作答试卷Ⅱ时,监考员应认真核对无误、检查收齐()后并装袋,不再取出,以确保其安全。A、答题卡ⅠB、试卷ⅠC、草稿纸D、答题卡Ⅱ正确答案:A

考题 监考员领取试卷、答题卡、点名卡、考生条形码时正确的做法是()A、核对考试科目是否相同,核对点名卡、条形码信息是否一致B、答题卡袋的封条破损无关紧要C、不用核对点名卡、考生条形码等信息D、试卷袋上的保护膜可撕去正确答案:A

考题 对缺考考生,在点名卡、答题卡上操作正确的是()。A、无须填写该考生的姓名、考号、考场号、座位号B、用2B铅笔在点名卡该考生的缺考标记“□”涂满涂黑,以示缺考C、用红笔在选择题答题区域内写上“缺考”两字D、答题卡上不用粘贴条形码正确答案:B

考题 在分发答题卡后,一名监考员开始粘贴()A、实考考生条形码B、空考条形码C、答题卡袋右上角的考场条形码D、《考场情况记录表》右上角的考场条形码E、试卷袋条码右上角的条形码F、缺考考生条形码正确答案:A,B,C,D,E,F

考题 考试结束信号发出,考生将试卷、答题卡按页码顺序清点放好,从上至下顺序是()整理好,待监考员收齐、核对无误后,大家方可依次退场。A、试卷、答题卡、草稿纸B、答题卡、试卷、草稿纸C、草稿纸、试卷、答题卡D、答题卡、草稿纸、试卷正确答案:B

考题 考生作答非选择题时,应注意以下事项()。A、必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在各题规定的答题区域内答题B、不准用规定以外的笔答题,不准用规定以外的语言文字答题C、不准在试卷、草稿纸及规定的答题卡答题区域外作答,不准在答题卡上做任何标记,否则答题无效D、如修改答案,应用笔将废弃内容划去,然后在划去内容上方或下方写出新的答案,或使用橡皮、小刀擦、刮掉废弃内容后,再书写新的内容E、作图时,用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条及符号等须加黑、加粗F、作答选做题时,必须按试卷要求选择规定数量的题数、并在相应的答题区域内作答G、填涂选做题号正确答案:A,B,C,D,E,F