


1. public class test {   2. public static string output = “”  3.   4. public static void foo(int i) {   5. try {   6. if(i= =1) {   7. throw new Exception ();   8. }   9. output += “1”;  10. )   11. catch(Exception e) {  12. output += “2”;   13. return;   14. )   15. finally (   16. output += “3”;  17. )   18. output += “4”;   19. )   20.   21. public static void main (string args) (   22. foo(0);   23. foo(1);   24.   25. )   26. )   What is the value of the variable output at line 24?()


1. class A implements Runnable (  2. int i;  3. public void run ( ) (  4. try (  5. thread.sleep(5000);  6. i= 10;  7. ) catch(InterruptedException e) {}  8. )  9. )  10.    11. public class Test {  12. public static void  main (string args[]) ( 13. try (  14. A a = new A ( );  15. Thread t = new Thread (a);  16. t.start( );  17.    18. int j= a.i;  19.    20. ) catch (Exception e) {}  21. )  22. }   Which statement al line 17 will ensure that j=10 at line 19?()  

  • A、 a.wait();
  • B、 t.wait();
  • C、 t.join();
  • D、 t.yield();
  • E、 t.notify();
  • F、 a.notify();
  • G、 t.interrupt();


1. class TestA {  2. TestB b;  3. TestA() {  4. b = new TestB(this);  5. }  6. }  7. class TestB {  8. TestA a;  9. TestB(TestA a) {  10. this.a = a;  11. }  12. }  13. class TestAll {  14. public static void main (String args[]) {  15. new TestAll().makeThings(); 16. // ...code continues on  17. }  18. void makeThings() {  19. TestA test = new TestA(); 20. }  21. }  Which two statements are true after line 15, before main completes?()

  • A、 Line 15 causes a stack overflow.
  • B、 An exception is thrown at runtime.
  • C、 The object referenced by a is eligible for garbage collection.
  • D、 The object referenced by b is eligible for garbage collection.
  • E、 The object referenced by a is not eligible for garbage collection.
  • F、 The object referenced by b is not eligible for garbage collection.





1. public class Test { 2. public static String output =””; 3.  4. public static void foo(int i) { 5. try { 6. if(i==1) { 7. throw new Exception(); 8. } 9. output += “1”; 10. } 11. catch(Exception e) { 12. output += “2”; 13. return; 14. } 15. finally { 16. output += “3”;17. } 18. output += “4”; 19. } 20.  21. public static void main(String args[]) { 22. foo(0); 23. foo(1); 24.  25. }26. } What is the value of the variable output at line 23?()


1. class A implements runable (   2. int i;   3. public void run () (   4. try (   5. thread.sleep(5000);   6. i= 10;   7. ) catch(InterruptedException e) {}   8. )   9. )   10.   11. public class Test {   12. public static void main (string args) (   13. try (   14. A a = new A ();   15. Thread t = new Thread (a);  16. t.start();  17.   18. int j= a.i;   19.   20. ) catch (Exception e) {}   21. )   22. )   Which statement al line 17 will ensure that j=10 at line 19?()

  • A、 a.wait();
  • B、 t.wait();
  • C、 t.join();
  • D、 t.yield();
  • E、 t.notify();
  • F、 a.notify();
  • G、 t.interrupt();


1. public class test {  2. public static string output = “”  3.    4. public static void foo(int i) {  5. try {  6. if(i= =1) {  7. throw new Exception ();  8. }  9. output += “1”;  10.}  11. catch(Exception e)  {  12. output += “2”;  13. return;  14.}  15. finally (  16. output += “3”;  17. )  18. output += “4”;  19. } 20.    21. public static void main (string args[])  (  22. foo(0);  23. foo(1);  24.    25. )  26. } What is the value of the variable output at line 24?()


1. int I=1, j=0  2.    3. switch(i)  {  4. case 2:  5. j+=6;  6.    7. case 4:  8. j+=1;  9.    10. default:  11. j +=2;  12.    13. case 0:  14. j +=4;  15. }  16.      What is the value of j at line 16?()

  • A、 0
  • B、 1
  • C、 2
  • D、 4
  • E、 6



正确答案: 马头墙,须弥座,立帖,梁架,斗栱,雀替,挂落,额枋,藻井,漏窗,飞檐,华表,牌楼,牌坊,照壁,月洞门,墙檐,石狮,貔貅,翁仲,赑屃
解析: 暂无解析

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考题 填空题1. public class test {  2. public static string output = “”  3.    4. public static void foo(int i) {  5. try {  6. if(i= =1) {  7. throw new Exception ();  8. }  9. output += “1”;  10.}  11. catch(Exception e)  {  12. output += “2”;  13. return;  14.}  15. finally (  16. output += “3”;  17. )  18. output += “4”;  19. } 20.    21. public static void main (string args[])  (  22. foo(0);  23. foo(1);  24.    25. )  26. } What is the value of the variable output at line 24?()正确答案:13423解析:暂无解析

考题 填空题1. public class test {   2. public static string output = “”  3.   4. public static void foo(int i) {   5. try {   6. if(i= =1) {   7. throw new Exception ();   8. }   9. output += “1”;  10. )   11. catch(Exception e) {  12. output += “2”;   13. return;   14. )   15. finally (   16. output += “3”;  17. )   18. output += “4”;   19. )   20.   21. public static void main (string args) (   22. foo(0);   23. foo(1);   24.   25. )   26. )   What is the value of the variable output at line 24?()正确答案:13423解析:暂无解析

考题 填空题1. public class test {  2. public static string output = “”  3.    4. public static void foo(int i) {  5. try {  6. if(i= =1) {  7. throw new Exception ();  8. }  9. output += “1”;  10.}  11. catch(Exception e)  {  12. output += “2”;  13. return;  14.}  15. finally (  16. output += “3”;  17. )  18. output += “4”;  19. } 20.    21. public static void main (string args[])  (  22. foo(0);  23. foo(1);  24.    25. )  26. } What is the value of the variable output at line 24?()正确答案:13423解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题1. class A implements runable (   2. int i;   3. public void run () (   4. try (   5. thread.sleep(5000);   6. i= 10;   7. ) catch(InterruptedException e) {}   8. )   9. )   10.   11. public class Test {   12. public static void main (string args) (   13. try (   14. A a = new A ();   15. Thread t = new Thread (a);  16. t.start();  17.   18. int j= a.i;   19.   20. ) catch (Exception e) {}   21. )   22. )   Which statement al line 17 will ensure that j=10 at line 19?()Aa.wait();Bt.wait();Ct.join();Dt.yield();Et.notify();Fa.notify();Gt.interrupt();正确答案:D解析:暂无解析

考题 填空题1. public class test {  2. public static string output = “”  3.    4. public static void foo(int i) {  5. try {  6. if(i= =1) {  7. throw new Exception ();  8. }  9. output += “1”;  10.}  11. catch(Exception e)  {  12. output += “2”;  13. return;  14.}  15. finally (  16. output += “3”;  17. )  18. output += “4”;  19. } 20.    21. public static void main (string args[])  (  22. foo(0);  23. foo(1);  24.    25. )  26. } What is the value of the variable output at line 24?()正确答案:13423解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题1. class A implements Runnable (  2. int i;  3. public void run ( ) (  4. try (  5. thread.sleep(5000);  6. i= 10;  7. ) catch(InterruptedException e) {}  8. )  9. )  10.    11. public class Test {  12. public static void  main (string args[]) ( 13. try (  14. A a = new A ( );  15. Thread t = new Thread (a);  16. t.start( );  17.    18. int j= a.i;  19.    20. ) catch (Exception e) {}  21. )  22. }   Which statement al line 17 will ensure that j=10 at line 19?()Aa.wait();Bt.wait();Ct.join();Dt.yield();Et.notify();Fa.notify();Gt.interrupt();正确答案:B解析:暂无解析

考题 填空题1. public class Test { 2. public static String output =””; 3.  4. public static void foo(int i) { 5. try { 6. if(i==1) { 7. throw new Exception(); 8. } 9. output += “1”; 10. } 11. catch(Exception e) { 12. output += “2”; 13. return; 14. } 15. finally { 16. output += “3”;17. } 18. output += “4”; 19. } 20.  21. public static void main(String args[]) { 22. foo(0); 23. foo(1); 24.  25. }26. } What is the value of the variable output at line 23?()正确答案:13423解析:暂无解析

考题 多选题1. int I=1, j=0  2.    3. switch(i)  {  4. case 2:  5. j+=6;  6.    7. case 4:  8. j+=1;  9.    10. default:  11. j +=2;  12.    13. case 0:  14. j +=4;  15. }  16.      What is the value of j at line 16?()A0B1C2D4E6正确答案:E,D解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题1. class A implements Runnable (  2. int i;  3. public void run ( ) (  4. try (  5. thread.sleep(5000);  6. i= 10;  7. ) catch(InterruptedException e) {}  8. )  9. )  10.    11. public class Test {  12. public static void  main (string args[]) ( 13. try (  14. A a = new A ( );  15. Thread t = new Thread (a);  16. t.start( );  17.    18. int j= a.i;  19.    20. ) catch (Exception e) {}  21. )  22. }   Which statement al line 17 will ensure that j=10 at line 19?()Aa.wait();Bt.wait();Ct.join();Dt.yield();Et.notify();Fa.notify();Gt.interrupt();正确答案:D解析:暂无解析

考题 多选题1. int I=1, j=0  2.    3. switch(i)  {  4. case 2:  5. j+=6;  6.    7. case 4:  8. j+=1;  9.    10. default:  11. j +=2;  12.    13. case 0:  14. j +=4;  15. }  16.      What is the value of j at line 16?()A0B1C2D4E6正确答案:D,B解析:暂无解析