

  • A、将缺考考生的条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内
  • B、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡袋封面上填缺考准考证号及相关内容
  • C、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在缺考答题卡上填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号
  • D、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号
  • E、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注明“缺考”或“空白”字样
  • F、用2B铅笔填涂缺考考生答题卡的缺考标记



  • A、题目的顺序依次
  • B、选择规定
  • C、数量的题数
  • D、在相应的答题区域内
  • E、用2B铅笔填涂题号



  • A、选择题部分用2B铅笔填涂答案,考生按填涂示例涂满、涂黑。非选择题部分用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔作答。作图须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条及符号等须加黑、加粗
  • B、答题区域:根据考试的有关规定和网上评卷答题的有关要求,考生必须在规定区域答题
  • C、答题语言:笔试一律用国家通用语言文字答卷,否则答题无效
  • D、D、作答选做题:在作答选做题时,答题卡上预留了B两道选做题的答题区域,以考生在相应区域内实际作答的内容为准评卷。如考生A、B两题均做,评卷时以A题为准进行判分



  • A、0.7毫米黑色墨水的签字笔
  • B、0.5毫米蓝色墨水的签字笔
  • C、0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔
  • D、2B铅笔



  • A、填写完“考场记录表”
  • B、检查试卷答卷有无破损、缺失
  • C、将考试资料清点整理后送交总监考
  • D、将试卷答卷及其它回收资料清点计数
  • E、将答题卡按照考生序号由小到大排列,放入“答题卡返回袋”内


2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Thats the third time youve done that!Yeah, _?Awhat of it Bwhats onCwhat about Dwhat for2 David should lie to his best friend in order to get the well-paid job! It is typical of him because he _.Ais facing his Waterloo Bis visually challengedChas cast-iron nerves Dworships the golden calf3Although the test _ look like a simple one, great care is needed.AmayBmustCshouldDneed4Membership of this club is open to those who are its aim.Ain salute to Bin honour ofCin line with Din sympathy with5John had planned to make a compromise, but he changed his mind at the last minute.AanyhowBotherwiseCthereforeDsomehow6Im sorry you _ so long, but it ll still be some time before Jim gets backAwaitBwaitedChad waitedDhave been waiting7The farmer said the PLA men came to rescue timely when they _in the snowstorm.Awere trapping Bwere being trappedCare trapping Dare being trapped8When I got to his house, I found that the walls _ .Aare being painted Bare paintingCwere being painted Dwere painting9The creation can keep people away from their smart phones in a way similar to _ ecigarettes have allowed people to quit smokingAthatBhowCwhichDwhat10If you go to buy the top best-selling CD, please get _ for me.AoneBitCthisDthat11The variety of food at the restaurant is limited, but every meal can serve at least two people and is under 10, so not only is it _ but practical as well.Aadaptable BadjustableCadoptable Daffordable12Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, on you feet.Ato keepBkeepingChaving keptDto have kept13Newly released data point to an increase in technology use among children some worry is changing the very nature of childhood.AwhyBwhichCwhoDwhere14Did you meet Mr. Smith?Yes. When I arrived, he _ for New York to attend a press conference.Awas just leavingBjust leftCjust leavesDhad just left15What actually _ the accident has not yet been determined.Abrought outBbrought onCbrought aboutDbrought up16- I have been working for more than 30 years! Im going to retire next month.- Really? You dont look a day 40!Aover BbyCwith Dfor17U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Chinas economic center Shanghai on Sunday night, November 15th2009, _a state visit to China.AstartingBstartedCto startDhaving started18Was it at the beginning _ you made the promise _ you would do all to help make it?Athat; thatBwhen; thatCthat; whenDwhen; when19It seems late to say anything. We probably _ it if we had made an offer sooner.Awould have gotBwould getChad gotDgot20Since the middle of the last year, the bike-sharing market _in Beijing.Aboomed Bwas booming Cwill boom Dhas boomed第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a longhandled brush. He stopped by the fence in front of the house where he lived with his aunt Polly. He looked at it, and all joy left him. The fence was long and high. He put the brush into the whitewash and moved it along the top of the fence. He repeated the operation. He felt he could not continue and sat down.He knew that his friends would arrive soon with all kinds of interesting plans for the day.They would walk past him and laugh. They would make jokes about his having to work on a beautiful summer Saturday. The thought burned him like fire.He put his hand into his pockets and took out all that he owned. Perhaps he could find some way to pay someone to do the whitewashing for him. But there was nothing of value in his pocketsnothing that could buy even half an hour of freedom. So he put the bits of toys back into his pockets and gave up the idea.At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea came to him. It filled his mind with a great, bright light. Calmly he picked up the brush and started again to whitewash.While Tom was working, Ben Rogers appeared. Ben was eating an apple as he walked along the street. As he walked along it, he was making noises like the sound of a riverboat. First he shouted loudly, like a boat captain. Then he said “DingDongDong”, “DingDongDong” again and again, like the bell of a riverboat. And he made other strange noises. When he came close to Tom, he stopped.Tom went on whitewashing. He did not look at Ben. Ben stared a moment and then said: “Hello! Im going swimming, but you cant go, can you?”No answer. Tom moved his brush carefully along the fence and looked at the result with the eye


  • A、填写完“考场记录表”
  • B、检查试卷答卷有无破损、缺失
  • C、将考试资料清点整理后送交总监考
  • D、将试卷答卷及其它回收资料清点计数
  • E、将答题卡按照考生序号由小到大排列,放入“答题卡返回袋”内



  • A、考生长时间未作答
  • B、考生报告试卷页码有缺失
  • C、考生请求解释题目内容
  • D、发现考生有作弊行为时查验
  • E、考生报告试卷内容与考试不符








更多 “湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟20222023学年高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷含解析” 相关考题
考题 语文、数学(正题)的选择题、非选择题都必须在专用的()上作答,在试卷或草稿纸上作答的,答题无效。A、答题卡ⅠB、答题卡ⅡC、答题卡AD、答题卡B正确答案:A

考题 关于答题卡填涂、书写要求正确的做法是()。A、用2B铅笔作答非选择题B、用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填涂试卷A/B类型C、缺考考生答题卡不用填写考生号、姓名、考场号、座位号D、作答非选择题时,只能使用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔正确答案:D

考题 考试结束,对考生的规定动作描述正确的是()。A、考生可继续答卷B、将试卷和答题卡反扣放在桌面上,双手垂下坐等候监考员收卷C、考生将试卷和答题卡拿到讲台上交给监考员D、考生将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸放在桌面上就可离场正确答案:B

考题 加试附加题考场的考生开始作答试卷Ⅱ时,监考员应认真核对无误、检查收齐()后并装袋,不再取出,以确保其安全。A、答题卡ⅠB、试卷ⅠC、草稿纸D、答题卡Ⅱ正确答案:A

考题 问答题根据表 2-1 补充完善图 2-1 所示的网络计划图(把图 2-1 绘制到答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效)。正确答案:解析:

考题 关于答题卡填涂、书写要求正确的做法是()。A、用2B铅笔作答非选择题B、用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填涂试卷A/B类型C、缺考考生答题卡不用填写考生号、姓名、考场号、座位号D、作答非选择题时,只能使用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔正确答案:D

考题 考生作答非选择题时,应注意以下事项()。A、必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在各题规定的答题区域内答题B、不准用规定以外的笔答题,不准用规定以外的语言文字答题C、不准在试卷、草稿纸及规定的答题卡答题区域外作答,不准在答题卡上做任何标记,否则答题无效D、如修改答案,应用笔将废弃内容划去,然后在划去内容上方或下方写出新的答案,或使用橡皮、小刀擦、刮掉废弃内容后,再书写新的内容E、作图时,用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条及符号等须加黑、加粗F、作答选做题时,必须按试卷要求选择规定数量的题数、并在相应的答题区域内作答G、填涂选做题号正确答案:A,B,C,D,E,F

考题 准考证单号的考生作答英语、选测科目必须在专用的()上作答。A、答题卡ⅠB、答题卡ⅡC、答题卡AD、答题卡B正确答案:C

考题 英语开考20分钟,听力考试结束后,监考员甲在前面监考,监考员乙持考场座次表,逐个认真核对如下内容()。A、考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符B、用0.7毫米黑色墨水签字笔分别在缺考、空白试卷和答题卡左上角注明“缺考”、“空白”字样C、座位标签与准考证上姓名、准考证号是否一致D、考生在答题卡(小语种为答题纸)上填写的姓名和准考证号与所持准考证上相应内容是否一致正确答案:A,C,D

考题 问答题根据表 2-1 补充完善图 2-1 所示的网络计划图(把图 2-1 绘制到答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效)。正确答案:解析: