Capacity Magic
TPC for Disk
RMF disk reports
Disk Magic
A small bio-tech company is interested in implementing an IBM System Storage solution. Which ofthe following tools can be used to help justify the cost of our solution to a customer?()
A mainframe customer wants to add additional disk capacity to an IBM System Storage DS8100to accommodate a projected workload increase. They ask the storage specialist to assess theimpact of the additional capacity on the DS8100 without other upgrades. Which tool bestassesses the impact of the upgrade on response times?()
A customer wants to improve the utilization of the current capacity of their existing N series Tier 1production storage. What solution would the storage specialist discuss with the customer?()
The customer has an older storage array and is looking to migrate data that currently exists onover 100 73 GB FC drives to a new IBM System Storage DS5020. The customer states that theyhave only 3 TB of data and wants to consolidate on to fewer higher capacity drives. There are sixapplication servers running multiple applications and operating systems utilizing the storagesystem. What would be the next step to accurately identify the new storage configuration?()
A mainframe customer has requested a proposal to replace an existing storage system. Which information does Disk Magic provide?()
A customer would like to implement an IBM System Storage DS8000 solution. A Capacity Magic study has determined that 500 drives of 450 GB are required to meet the customer’s capacity requirements. Limited space is available for additional systems in the data center. Which solution best meets the customer’s requirements()
Capacity Magic
TPC for Disk
RMF disk reports
Disk Magic
Disk Magic
Capacity Magic
test the workload at an IBM Benchmark Center
test the solution with IBM Storage Performance Center
Disk Magic
Capacity Magic
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data
the space for the upgrade to a DS8700
the space on the left of the DS8000 for an expansion frame
the space on the right of the DS8000 for an expansion frame
the space to install additional DDMs in the base frame
initiate a Disk Magic study
initiate a Capacity Magic study
runiometer on the current environment
utilize the IBM Disk capacity planner toolkit
A customer with a single IBM System Storage DS8100 reports severe performance problems for some of their applications when a particular data warehousing application creates a heavy load. What is the most cost effective way to resolve this issue()
A customer has 6.5 TB with 146 GB 15k disk drives on an IBM System Storage DS8700. They want to add 15 TB using 300 GB 15k disk drives. The customer is concerned about performance and wants to know if the DS8700 has the performance capability. What is the appropriate way to model the performance()
A customer has an IBM System Storage DS8100 and wants to reach the highest possible throughput in the back-end for a storage-pool-striped volume out of an extent pool with 8 ranks. Over how many device adapter pairs should a technical specialist spread the workload()
A customer wants to deploy a centralized storage system to support a new database. Which of the following factors should the storage specialist consider first?()
A customer with both IBM servers and storage asked their storage specialist to present updatedinformation on the IBM storage portfolio. The specialist suspects a competitor is actively selling inthis account. Which of the following questions, if asked by the customer, would most likely indicatecompetitive activity?()
A customer has just added additional workload to their IBM System Storage DS5300. They do notfeel they are achieving the performance they expected. Which of the following will provide thecustomer with the most complete historical view of their current DS5300 system performance?()
logical volume sizes
cache usage by application
storage processor utilization
disk capacity needed forFlashCopy
Does the DS8700 offer virtualized arrays?
How can the IBM SAN Volume Controller work in our environment?
What is the raw disk capacity of the IBM System Storage DS5300?
What are the support options available on the IBM System Storage DS5020?
Disk Magic
Capacity Magic
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Disk - Midrange Edition
compression with IBM Real-time Compression Appliances
deduplication with IBM ProtecTIER
virtualization with IBM SVC
file virtualization with SONAS
DS8800 system with three frames
DS8800 system with one frame
DS8700 system with two frames
DS8800 system with two frames
disaster recovery strategy
the number of IOPS required
the capacity of each hard drive
how the database will be backed up