A customer wants to add a new application to their existing IBM System Storage DS5300. Theyexpect that the new application will require a minimum of 15,000 additional IOPS. What toolshould be used to determine what additional disk is required to effectively add the newapplication?()
An IBM Business Partner suggests an IBM System Storage DS8000 to a customer with a SAN that is now configured with an EMC Symmetrix subsystem disk. The customer wants to determine if new HBAs and software upgrades are needed on the servers if the EMC storage is replaced by the DS8000 What document must be carefully read to help address the customer’s concerns()
A customer needs both a database and application server to communicate over a network. The new systems will be connected to the same network as the current IBM equipment with known IBM serial numbers. How could a pSeries technical specialist best determine which type of network card is appropriate, without making an additional call to the customer?()
A customer is implementing a new streaming audio application and has requested a storageresource management product that will provide performance metrics for their IBM System StorageDS5100. The requirements are for controller read rates as well as controller data rate, amongothers. What IBM storage resource management tool would a technical specialist recommend?()
A customer with a single IBM System Storage DS8100 reports severe performance problems for some of their applications when a particular data warehousing application creates a heavy load. What is the most cost effective way to resolve this issue()
A local manufacturing customer is looking for a highly scalable, easy to use disk storage system tosupport a new application they are bringing into the data center. The customer has an initialrequirement for 40 TB of high performance storage but they expect to more than double thecapacity needed once the application goes into full production. What IBM solution would be themost cost effective while meeting their initial requirements?()
The customer has an older storage array and is looking to migrate data that currently exists onover 100 73 GB FC drives to a new IBM System Storage DS5020. The customer states that theyhave only 3 TB of data and wants to consolidate on to fewer higher capacity drives. There are sixapplication servers running multiple applications and operating systems utilizing the storagesystem. What would be the next step to accurately identify the new storage configuration?()
Your company uses Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V). You maintain the sequencing for applications. You need to add a template to an existing sequenced application. What should you do?()
A customer has just added additional workload to their IBM System Storage DS5300. They do notfeel they are achieving the performance they expected. Which of the following will provide thecustomer with the most complete historical view of their current DS5300 system performance?()
sector size and the amount of production data
existing RAID levels and the disk drive speed
sector size and existing RAID levels
amount of production data and the disk drive speed
add additional disks to the DS8100
add more cache to the DS8100
move affected volumes to a different disk enclosure
implement TPC for Disk to monitor performance
Disk Magic
Capacity Magic
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data
What external disk subsystem can be added to the IBM System Storage TS7650 ProtecTIER Deduplication Appliance?()
A customer is planning to upgrade two VMware ESX servers from 3.5 to 4.1 after recently installing a new XIV Storage System. Each server has 4 HBAs connected to redundant fabrics for a total of 4 paths per server to storage. The customer wants to increase the throughput available to the ESX servers. What configuration setting does the storage specialist need to highlight?()
A current N series customer has an IBM System Storage N3600. They are interested in futureexpansion. What is the minimum number of disk drives required to populate the expansion shelf?()
A mainframe customer wants to add additional disk capacity to an IBM System Storage DS8100to accommodate a projected workload increase. They ask the storage specialist to assess theimpact of the additional capacity on the DS8100 without other upgrades. Which tool bestassesses the impact of the upgrade on response times?()
A customer has 6.5 TB with 146 GB 15k disk drives on an IBM System Storage DS8700. They want to add 15 TB using 300 GB 15k disk drives. The customer is concerned about performance and wants to know if the DS8700 has the performance capability. What is the appropriate way to model the performance()
A common approach to solve application performance issues is to add more hardware. Which two reasons describe why this alone does not always solve performance problems?()
Your company uses Microsoft Application Virtualization (App - V). You maintain the sequencing f or applications. You need to add a template to an existing sequenced application. What should you do?()
Capacity Magic
TPC for Disk
RMF disk reports
Disk Magic
IBM System Storage DS8000: Host Systems Attachment Guide
DS8000 Interoperability Matrix
IBM System Storage DS8000: Introduction and Planning Guide
IBM System Storage Solution Handbook
Disk Magic
Capacity Magic
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Disk - Midrange Edition
DS8700 with Easy Tier
XIV Storage System with SVC
XIV Storage System with CoD
DS5020 with Enhanced Remote Mirroring