当前分类: IBM(000-020)
问题:多选题Which two situations necessitate integration of external systems with IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On using API published by IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On IMS Server?()Ato add second factor based authen...
问题:单选题An application is upgraded and it has been determined that the AccessAgent no longer properly responds to the application. It is understood that for a certain amount of time both the current version and the upgraded version of the application will be u...
问题:单选题By default what is the interval for synchronization of the wallet with the IMS Server?()A once a dayB once a weekC every minuteD every 30 minutes...
问题:单选题Which important factor is taken into account when determining an estimate for the maximum network bandwidth to be used by a customer?()A the size of the hard drives for each PC connected to the client’s networkB the average size of the wallet based on ...
问题:多选题Which two APIs are published by IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On IMS Server?()AData Mining APIBProvisioning APICCryptography APIDAPI for Second FactorsESOAP API for Mobile ActiveCode...
问题:单选题Which type of IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On built-in application connector should be used to integrate with Novell eDirectory as a backend enterprise directory?()A Windows NT ConnectorB Generic (LDAP) ConnectorC Network Inform...
问题:单选题Which statement is true about a DB2 user that is to be used as the database user for IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On IMS Server?()A The database user must be created using DB2 Control Center.B The database user must be created u...
问题:单选题System, machine, and user policies can be configured though AccessAdmin. How are changes synchronized with the AccessAgent?()A written by the Administrators on the INI filesB propagated only with the Active Directory network serviceC propagated to the...
问题:单选题An organization has decided to deploy an IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single-on solution to help address security and productivity issues. Per their corporate security policy, the organization has detailed requirements related to password m...
问题:单选题Which operator allows specification of a case-sensitive regular expression comparison for attributes in an AccessProfile signature?()A Tilde (~)B Hash (#)C Equals (=)D Asterisk (*)...
问题:单选题Which Web-based administration tools are available in IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On?()A AccessAdmin,AccessAssistant,and IMS Configuration UtilityB AccessStudio,AccessAdmin,AccessAssistant,and IMS Configuration UtilityC AccessM...
问题:单选题An SSL VPN can be used in conjunction with IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On to provide remote access to business critical information. Which statement is true about the Mobile ActiveCode (MAC) when it is used with a VPN Solution ...
问题:单选题What are the directory details of Relational Database backup files created by IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On V8.0.1 housekeeping?()A The directory must exist with one subdirectory (general).B The directory must exist with two s...
问题:单选题In the customer’s environment, a group of five employees work within a room that has three PCs. The PCs have excellent hardware configurations, with considerable RAM and a fast CPU. The employees use these PCs only when they need to access an applicati...