当前分类: SCWCD(310-083)
问题:多选题Given: 11. 15. Which three EL expressions, inserted at line 15,are valid and evaluate to "3"?()A${vals.2}B${vals[2]}C${vals.index}D${vals[index]}E${vals}[index]F${vals[vals[index-1]]}...
问题:单选题The Squeaky Bean company has decided to port their web application to a new J2EE 1.4 container. Whilereviewing the application, a developer realizes that in multiple places within the current application, nearlyduplicate code exists that finds enterpri...
问题:单选题Given a portion of a valid Java EE web application’s directory structure:MyApp | |--Directory1 ||--File1.html| |--META-INF| |--File2.html| |--WEB-INF |--File3.html You want to know whether File1.html, File2.html,and/or File3.html is protected from dir...
问题:单选题The JSP developer wants a comment to be visible in the final output to the browser. Which comment styleneeds to be used in a JSP page?()A !-- this is a comment --B % // this is a comment %C %-- this is a comment --%D % /** this is a comment **/ %...
问题:多选题Which two are characteristics of the Transfer Object design pattern?()AIt reduces network traffic by collapsing multiple remote requests into one.BIt increases the complexity of the remote interface by removing coarse-grained methods.CIt increases the ...
问题:单选题Servlet A forwarded a request to servlet B using the forward method of RequestDispatcher. What attributein B’s request object contains the URI of the original request received by servlet A?()A REQUEST_URIB javax.servlet.forward.request_uriC javax.servl...
问题:多选题A web application allows the HTML title banner to be set using a servlet context initialization parametercalled titleStr. Which two properly set the title in this scenario?()Atitle${titleStr}/titleBtitle${initParam.titleStr}/titleCtitle${params[0].titl...
问题:多选题A session-scoped attribute is stored by a servlet, and then that servlet forwards to a JSP page. Which threejsp:useBean attributes must be used to access this attribute in the JSP page?()AidBnameCbeanDtypeEscope...
问题:多选题You need to store a floating point number,called Tsquare,in the session scope. Which two code snippetsallow you to retrieve this value?()Afloat Tsquare = session.getFloatAttribute(Tsquare);Bfloat Tsquare = (Float) session.getAttribute(Tsquare);Cfloat T...
问题:单选题You have a new IT manager that has mandated that all JSPs must be refactored to include no scritpletcode. The IT manager has asked you to enforce this. Which deployment descriptor element will satisfy thisconstraint?()A jsp-property-group. url-pattern*...
问题:单选题Your IT department is building a lightweight Front Controller servlet that invokes an application logic objectwith the interface: public interface ApplicationController {public String invoke(HttpServletRequest request)} The return value of this method ...
问题:单选题You are building a dating service web site. Part of the form to submit a client’s profile is a groupIIof radio buttons for the person’s hobbies: 20.Hiking 21.Skiing 22.SCUBA Diving 23. After the user submits this form, a confirmation screen is displa...
问题:单选题Which ensures that a JSP response is of type "text/plain"?()A %@ page mimeType=text/plain %B %@ page contentType=text/plain %C %@ page pageEncoding=text/plain %D %@ page contentEncoding=text/plain %E % response.setEncoding(text/plain); %...
问题:多选题Given: 3.class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { 4.public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,IOException { 5.// servlet code here ... 26.} 27.} If the DD contains a single security constraint associated w...
问题:多选题Which two are required elements for the element of a web applicationdeployment descriptor?()Arealm-nameBurl-patternCdescriptionDweb-resource-nameEtransport-guarantee...
问题:单选题Given a Filter class definition with this method: 21.public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, 22.ServletResponse response, 23.FilterChain chain) 24.throws ServletException, IOException { 25.// insert code here26. } Which should you insert at line 2...
问题:多选题Assume the scoped attribute priority does NOT yet exist. Which two create and set a new request-scopedattribute priority to the value "medium"?()A${priority = ’medium’}B${requestScope[’priority’] = ’medium’}Cc:set var=priority value=medium /Dc:set var=...
问题:单选题Which method must be used to encode a URL passed as an argument to HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect when using URL rewriting for session tracking?()A ServletResponse.encodeURLB HttpServletResponse.encodeURLC ServletResponse.encodeRedirectURLD HttpServl...