当前分类: IBM(000-223)
问题:单选题A System p administrator wishes to create a template file to monitor performance. Having found a template from January, how can the administrator create a July template without destroying the original January version ()A vi jan.template :%s/Jan/Jul/g ...
问题:单选题A System p customer is planning to implement virtualization and is concerned about how to respond to an increased workload and what limitations there are for very small workloads. Which of the following describes the minimum size for an LPAR and the ...
问题:单选题After completing an installation of new software, a system administrator notices the system is slow. To troubleshoot the performance, which single AIX command could be used to provide a real-time display of CPU, memory and disk utilization()A topasB v...
问题:单选题A System p administrator is looking at changing attributes of a logical volume. Which of the following must be defined when it is created()A placement of the logical volumeB stripe size of the logical volumeC inter-disk policy of the logical volumeD i...
问题:单选题A System p administrator needs to run the annualreval.sh script, directing standard error to /var/log/reval.err, and appending standard out to /var/log/reval.log. How can this be accomplished ()A annualreval.sh 21 /var/log/reval.log 2 /var/log/reval.e...
问题:单选题A System p administrator plans to install a new system with AIX 5.3 TL5 using a NIM server. Which of the following provide post install diagnostics()A SPOTB lpp_sourceC mksysbD install CD...
问题:单选题How can a directory named /dirl be excluded during a restore of files backed up by name with the backup command()A By using the restore -x option followed by /dirlB By adding an entry in the /etc/restore.exclude fileC By using the res...
问题:单选题Because of changes in an application environment, the /etc/inittab file needs to be modified. Which of the following commands would be used to accomplish this in a supported manner()A viB chitabC chssysD chrsrc...
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will list all the logical volumes and the file system distribution across a specific physical volume()A Ispv-IB Islv-pC Ispv-LD Isvg...
问题:单选题An administrator requires a summary of current configuration for each system. This is needed for an audit trail. Which of the following will provide this information()A configassistB prtconfC IsattrD listdgrp...
问题:单选题A System p administrator has an application that has the data in volume group appvg. Which of the following commands will back up the contents of appvg to the tape in /dev/rmt0 and check for any read errors ()A savevg -mf /dev/rmt0 appvgB savevg -cvf ...
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will ncrease the contiguous free space of a file system without having to add additional partitions()A chfsB fsckC chlvD defragfs...
问题:单选题A System p admistrator must document the date of the latest update of the development systems. Which of the following commands will provide this information ()A lppchk -lB lslpp -hC installp -hD lppchk -v...
问题:单选题Which of the following commands would a system administrator use to initiate a rescan of the /etc/inittab file()A telinit -qB init -rC initab -sD exec /etc/inittab...
问题:单选题Which cron entry will run /usr/local/bin/myscript at 0500 every Saturday()A 5 0 * * 6 /usr/local/bin/myscriptB 6 * * 5 0 /usr/local/bin/myscriptC 0 5 * * 6 /usr/local/bin/myscriptD 0 5 6 * * /usr/local/bin/myscript...
问题:单选题An administrator has a server that must be upgraded from AIX 5.2 to AIX 5.3. The administrator also needs to use the 64-bit kernel with JFS2 filesystems in rootvg. All critical data resides in a non-rootvg volume group. Which of the...
问题:单选题During system boot, the boot process hangs at LED 0551. Which of the following is a likely cause()A A network problemB corrupted filesystemC corrupted ODMD corrupted /etc/inittab file...
问题:单选题Multiple users are trying to telnet to the AIX server. They are able to ping the server successfully, but are getting the following error message: telnet: connect: A remote host refused an attempted connect operation Which of the followi...
问题:单选题An administrator just completed an AIX installation but suspects that not all filesets installed completely. Which of the following commands would verify that all filesets are completely installed()A installp -EB Islpp -EC Ippchk -cD instf...
问题:单选题A System p administrator is attempting to restore some files from a backup tape. The restore failed. The system administrator suspects the block size of the tape drive is incorrect. Which of the following commands can be used to determine the block si...