Configure Node Manager on the machines where WebLogic Managed Servers need to be started/restarted.
Enable Auto Restart in the Node Manager Configuration.
Enable Auto Kill if Failed in the Node Manager Configuration.
Enable Auto Kill if Failed for the Managed Server in question.
Enable Auto Restart for the Managed Server in question.
A customer needs to implement a Highly Available solution for JMS that has a primary data center and a backup. Which three steps would you perform when designing your solution?()
Node Manager is a WebLogic Server () that enables you to start, shut down, and restart Administration Server and Managed Server from a remote location.
WebLogic Node Manager can be used to manage the life cycle of WebLogic servers. WebLogic Node Manager is installed and started ().
You want to configure WebLogic so that Managed Servers are restarted when they are in a FAILED state. Which three steps are necessary to accomplish this?()
This is a special WebLogic Server instance included by the WebLogic Server Domains. It represents a central point from which you configure and manage all resource domain. ()
A customer is running business-critical applications on a few SQL servers in their environment. The customer needs to know if and when the SQL server stops, so the service can be restarted immediately. Which of the following will accomplish this?()
collecting run-time metrics and sending an email if user-defined thresholds are exceeded
configuring Clusters and Managed Servers
starting Managed Servers using the Node Manager
installing WebLogic binaries on a remote machine using Node Manager
configuring a Managed Server on a remote machine where the Node Manager is installed but no other Managed Servers from the domain exist
Assign more than one managed server to a physical hardware that allows better CPU utilization
Assign more than one application to one managed server to better utilize threads within a single JVM process
Assign the same application to more than one managed server to load balance requests between servers
Assign the same heap size to the managed server across the cluster for easier control of memory footprint
Create a virtualized environment with hypervisor for an easier solution
Configure Node Manager on the machines where WebLogic Managed Servers need to be started/restarted.
Enable Auto Restart in the Node Manager Configuration.
Enable Auto Kill if Failed in the Node Manager Configuration.
Enable Auto Kill if Failed for the Managed Server in question.
Enable Auto Restart for the Managed Server in question.
You need to install a separate node manager for each Middleware Home that has a unique major and minor WebLogic Version Number.
You need to install and configure only one instance of Node Manager for all products, regardless of the WebLogic version number.
You need to install and configure a separate Node Manager for each domain of each product you want to run on the machine.
You need to install one Node Manager but use separate SSL certificates for each product when searching the network communication to the machine
A WebLogic domain can have more than one Administration server.
A WebLogic domain has at least one WebLogic server.
A WebLogic domain can have at the most one cluster.
A WebLogic domain can cross multiple physical machines.
Each WebLogic domain is associated with a different Node Manager.
Application Server Control
Oracle Management Service
Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control
You want to create a WebLogic domain in a production environment. Which three actions should you perform?()
()is a collection of components managed by Fusion Middleware Control. It can contain Oracle WebLogic Server domains, one Administration Server, one or more Managed Servers, clusters, and the Oracle Fusion Middleware components that are installed, configured, and running in the domain
Which option must you choose to configure Node Manager on a machine (server or zone)?()
Which four actions can you perform using the WebLogic Admin Console?()
Which two outcomes result when a domain is created in development mode?()
Configure one Node Manager per domain (for example, if there are two domains on one machine, then you will need to configure two Node Managers).
Configure one Node Manager per machine with any number of WebLogic instances running on it.
Configure one Node Manager per machine for all WebLogic, OHS, and OEM running on the same machine.
Configure one Node Manager for every WebLogic instance.
Configure two or more Node Managers for every WebLogic instance.
You need to install a separate node manager for each Middleware Home that has a unique and minor WebLogic Version Number.
You need to install and configure only one instance of Node Manager for all products, regardless of the WebLogic version number.
You need to install and configure a separate Node Manager for each domain of each product want to run on the machine.
You need to install one Node Manager but use separate SSL certificates for each product when securing the network communication to the machine.
Managed Server
Web Server
Administration Server
Node Server
Use a multinode WebLogic domain.
Use a single-node WebLogic domain.
Use clusters.
Refrain from using clusters.
Install WeLogic in production mode with CA signed certificates.
Stop and start Managed Servers using the Node Manager.
Stop and start Coherence Servers using the Node Manager.
Create a WebLogic Domain Template.
Create and target JDBC connection pools.
Create and target WebLogic Diagnostic Framework Diagnostic Modules.
Change Java command-line parameters at run time.