当前分类: IBM(000-232)
问题:单选题In order to upgrade from AIX Version 4.3 to AIX Version 5.2, which of the following actions should be performed?()A Run smit update_allB Run smit install_allC Boot from the installation mediaD Run update_all from the mounted CD...
问题:单选题A system administrator has a two-disk volume group (testvg) with one logical volume (testlv) which has just been mirrored across both disk drives. Which of the following commands can be used to turn off quorum?()A chvg -Qn testvgB chlv -Qn testlvC vary...
问题:单选题A system administrator will use a mksysb from a uniprocessor microchannel server running AIX 5.1 to install a multiprocessor chrp server. What else is required?()A A 5.1 AIX base media setB A 5.1 Additional Device Driver CDC A mksysb of the multiproces...
问题:单选题Performance monitoring of a poorly performing system indicates a high level of CPU usage. Which tool can be used to help identify which processes are using excessive CPU resources?()A sarB topasC iostatD vmstat...
问题:单选题A system administrator wants to run a script called myscript, but does not want to see the errors that might be generated by the script. How would this be accomplished?()A /usr/local/bin/myscript /dev/nullB /usr/local/bin/myscript /dev/nullC /usr/loc...
问题:单选题During reboot the system hangs with an LED 0554 message that means, "The boot device could not be opened or a read failed." What recovery procedures should be taken?()A Boot in maintenance and use fsck to check hd5.B Boot in maintenance mode, access th...
问题:单选题A system administrator would like to modify the system default user characteristics so that each new user will now be assigned (by default) the csh shell rather than the ksh shell. Which of the following actions should be performed?()A Run the command ...
问题:单选题Which command will run myscript and redirect stdout and sterr to /tmp/myoutput?()A ./myscript /tmp/myoutputB ./myscript 21 /tmp/myoutputC ./myscript /tmp/myoutput 21D ./myscript /tmp/myoutput 12...
问题:单选题Which command is used to list information about each physical volume in volume group testvg?()A lsvg -p testvgB lspv -v testvgC lslv -l testvgD lsattr -v testvg...
问题:单选题Which of the following commands will remove the hardware definition of the tape drive rmt0 from a system?()A rm /dev/rmt0B rmdel -s rmt0C rmdev -dl rmt0D tctl -f /dev/rmt0 erase...
问题:单选题Which command lists out the physical volume names as well as total/free PPs in volume group datavg?()A lsdev -Cl datavgB lsvpcfg datavgC lspv -p datavgD lsvg -p datavg...
问题:单选题Which attribute of a logical volume can NOT be changed after it is created?()A The placement of the logical volumeB The stripe size of the logical volumeC The upper bound of the logical volumeD The intra-policy of the logical volume...
问题:单选题A system administrator issued the errpt command and had no results. The system administrator determined that error logging was turned off. Which of the following commands should be used to start logging system errors?()A /usr/bin/errmsgB /usr/lib/errde...
问题:单选题Following a system boot, the display indicates that previously detected hardware is missing. What command should be used to identify the missing hardware?()A diagB lscfgC cfgmgrD lsattr...
问题:单选题An administrator attempted to run a sar -u report and received the following error: sar: 0551-201 Cannot open /var/adm/sa/sa07. Which of the following should be scheduled in adm’s crontab to obtain sar reports?()A sa1B sarC vmtuneD schedtune...
问题:单选题The /systest filesystem is associated with the /dev/testlv logical volume on the ’testvg’ volume group. Given this information, which of the following commands can the system administrator use to determine if the /systest filesystem is mirrored?()A dfB...
问题:单选题A system administrator used the savevg command to back up the testvg each night. There is now a requirement to exclude the /test/static filesystem from the backup. How can this be accomplished?()A Use the -X flag on the savevg commandB Put an entry in ...
问题:单选题A system administrator is considering enabling the 64-bit kernel but first must determine if the system hardware will support 64-bit. How would this be accomplished in AIX 5L?()A prtconf -cB lscfg -v sys0C Check the /unix linkD Check for JFS2 filesyste...
问题:单选题A system administrator would like to rename volume group oldvg to newvg. This volume group resides on hdisk1. What is the appropriate procedure to perform this?()A reboot the server in maintenance mode;migratevg -y newvg oldvg;reboot the server in norm...