By piping in more oxygen for ethanol.
By sensing the amount of oxygen in a car’s exhaust.
By burning in a less-than-optimal mode.
By stopping and checking the fuel tank.
increase thermal efficiency
cause clogging of the fuel system
increase the ability of the engine to start in cold weather
produce corrosion in the cylinder and exhaust system at low loads
clogged fuel injection pumps
increased cylinder liner wear
intake valve stem corrosion
varnish deposit on pistons
feel the high pressure fuel line
check the cylinder exhausts for white smoke frequently
check the cylinder exhaust temperature
isolate each cylinder and inspect the injector
the burning of the fuel; medium shaft
fuel spray; fresh air
fuel; fuel spray
the burning of the fuel; the burned gas mixture
Chain reaction
Thermal action
Chemical occlusion
Pyrotechnical reaction
remove oxygen from the area
cool fuel below ignition temperature
smother with CO2
smother fire with foam
After stopping supplying sludge oil, the value and pipe should be flushed by flushed by diesel oil and the incinerator continue burning for 10 minutes
Close auxiliary burner firstly and then close main burner
After stopping fuel, restoring the position of main fuel supply valve
Stop blower as soon as stopping supplying fuel oil
Orsat apparatus
flame safety lamp
Halide torch
combustible gas indicator
Ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanks
Shifting suction of main fuel pump to reserve fuel oil tank
Changing out sprayer plates to adjust for steam demand
Daily inspection of engine room bilges
low compression
failure of the fuel pump to discharge fuel
incorrect timing of fuel pump
turning gear being still on
control fuel injection time more precisely
control fuel injection rate more precisely
meet the environmental requirements
meet high engine speed requirements
regulate the fuel supply
maintain a constant fuel viscosity at the fuel valves
maintain efficient cooling
alter the fuel density
corrosion and grooving of exhaust valves
corrosion and gumming of the fuel injection pump
salt deposits in the exhaust manifold
slag deposits in the fuel injection equipment
Provides for faster loading
Lowers oxygen content in the tank
Provides better fuel economy
All of the above
the burning
the fuel
the air charge
the engine piston
gives up large amount of heat
gives off large amount of heat
gives up large amount of steam
gives off large amount of steam
low compression of the fuel pumps
incorrect timing of fuel pumps
the starting air valves stuck
air-locks in fuel oil pipeline
Chain reaction
indicates the amount of abrasive material in the fuel
affects the starting ability of a cold engine
determines the amount of fuel penetration engine
affects the compression ratio of an operating engine
temperature of compression
atomization of the fuel
penetration of the fuel
all of the above
enter the tank safely
suspect the accuracy of the reading
ventilate the tank
test for nitrogen
lag behind the increased fuel supplied to the engine
enter the engine along with the increase in the fuel
enter the engine before the increased fuel supply
leave the turbocharger as a negative pulse
is an indication of the amount of noncombustible material present in the oil
indicates the quantity of energy released by burning a unit amount of the fuel
is useful for determining proper atomization temperatures
reflects the overall thermal efficiency of the fuel oil service system