当前分类: IBM(000-891)
问题:多选题Which two software components are prerequisite products for the Common Audit and Reporting Service (CARS) event server?()AIBM DB2 ServerBCrystal Enterprise ServerCIBM Tivoli Directory ServerDIBM WebSphere Application ServerEIBM Tivoli Access Manager Au...
问题:单选题What is the default trace file (for Linux) that is used for the initial debugging of IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager Runtime?()A /opt/IBM/FIM/logs/ ITFIM Domain Name/tivoli-common/FBT/logs/msg.logB /opt/IBM/FIM/logs/ ITFIM Domain Name/tivoli-comm...
问题:多选题Which two tasks are required to install Service Integration Bus Web Services?()Ainstall the Resource AdapterBconfigure SOAP listener portCdeploy the Service Integration Bus applicationDinstall the Service Data Objects (SDO) RepositoryEcreate a new WebS...
问题:单选题Which security token may carry user attribute information as part of the defined token format?()A KerberosB RACF TokenC SAML AssertionD Username Token...
问题:单选题RBTelco is a large multinational company that outsources health care benefit management to RBBenefits. RBTelco employees access RBBenefits resources through an authenticate-able account at each company. RBBenefit and RBTelco will use SAML V1.0. Which I...
问题:单选题Which statement is true about a Dynamic Chain Selection Module instance?()A It is the first module in the partner module chain in Web Services Security Management (WSSM).B It is the last module in the partner module chain in WSSM.C It is the first modu...
问题:单选题When designing a system to use WS-Federation, which browser Single Sign-On (SSO) method should be used?()A Browser GETB Browser POSTC Browser ArtifactD Browser Response...
问题:单选题Which utility is used to configure the WebSEAL Server once the files are installed?()A pdadminB pdconfigC web_configD config_web...
问题:单选题What limitations exist for a SAML Partner Provider ID configured at the Identity Provider?()A The Provider ID can be any string.B The Provider ID can only include alphanumeric characters.C The Provider ID must match the prefix of Target URLs in SSO req...
问题:单选题If an invalid username and password is entered on the EchoClient, which log files will be the first to record this (assuming all components have necessary logging and tracing enabled)?()A the PDACLD authentication audit logB the EchoClient log during t...
问题:单选题The configuration of a Web Services Security management (WSSM) Partner allows for the specification of XSL mapping rules. What is the input and output of these XSL mapping rules?()A The input to the XSL mapping rules of a WSSM Partner is the binary sec...
问题:单选题Which XSL if statement checks for the existence of a homepage attribute within an STS Universal User XML structure?()A xsl:if test=//stsuuser:AttributeList/stsuuser:Attribute[attr='homepage']B xsl:if test=//stsuuser:AttributeList/stsuuser:Attribute[@na...
问题:多选题What are three functions of a WebSphere Node Agent?()Amonitors performanceBmanages JVM memoryCserves J2EE applicationsDmanages the deployment managerEmanages configuration synchronizationFroutes administrative requests to servers...
问题:单选题What is the default message level configured for IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager?()A error messages onlyB disable all messagesC error and warning messages onlyD info, error and warning messages...