当前分类: Java认证考试
问题:1. public class ...
问题:Which method must...
问题:public class Pet{ private String name; public Pet(){ System.out.print(1); } public Pet(String name){ System.out.print(2); } } public class Dog extends Pet{ public Dog(String name){ System.out.print(3); } } 执行new Dog(...
问题:数组的长度可以通过以下哪个属性或方法得到?() A、sizeB、lengthC、getSize()D、getLength()...
问题:Which of the following statements are legal?() A、 long l = 4990;B、 int i = 4L;C、 float f = 1.1;D、 double d = 34.4;E、 double t = 0.9F;...
问题:程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行: MyThread必须继承Thread。 MyThread必须实现Thread。 MyThread必须覆盖public void run()。 有几行是正确的?() A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 3...
问题:Assume the custom&ens...
问题:Given that a s...
问题:How does the weighty property of the GridBagConstraints objects used in grid bag layout affect the layout of the components?() A、It affects which grid cell the components end up in.B、It affects how the extra vertical space is distributed.C、It affects the...
问题:Under which circumst...
问题:现有:t是一个合法的Thread对象的引用,并且t的合法run()方法如下: public void run() { System.out.print ("go"); } 及: t.start(); t.start(); t.run(); 哪一个是结果?() A、go goB、go go goC、go之后跟着一个异常D、go go之后跟着一个异常...
问题:Which two are characteristics of the Transfer Object design pattern?()A、It reduces network traffic by collapsing multiple remote requests into one.B、It increases the complexity of the remote interface by removing coarse-grained methods.C、It increases the ...
问题:现有: class Output&ens...
问题:Which will declare a method that forces a subclass to implement it?() A、 Public double methoda();B、 Static void methoda (double d1) {}C、 Public native double methoda();D、 Abstract public void methoda();E、 Protected void methoda (double d1){}...
问题:Given the following&e...
问题:int index = 1; boolean test = new Boolean; boolean foo= test [index]; What is the result?()A、 Foo has the value of 0.B、 Foo has the value of null.C、 Foo has the value of true.D、 Foo has the value of false.E、 An exception is thrown.F、 The code will no...