A healthcare and life sciences client wants to maintain electronic patient records, including medical images, for a period of seven years. How would the IT storage industry describe this business goal?()A、an archive solution that requires event-based rete


A healthcare and life sciences client wants to maintain electronic patient records, including medical images, for a period of seven years. How would the IT storage industry describe this business goal?()

  • A、an archive solution that requires event-based retention
  • B、a backup solution that provides version-based expiration
  • C、a PACS environment that provides two year litigation hold
  • D、a business continuity solution that provides two years Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

更多“A healthcare and life sciences c”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    The Healthcare community was shocked ( )Ricardo Peter's resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps.

    A. in

    B. up

    C. of

    D. by


  • 第2题:

    Thomson Healthcare公司出版的是()


    • 第3题:

      希尔密码是数学家Lester Hill于1929年在()杂志上首次提出。

      • A、《American Mathematical Monthly》
      • B、《American Mathematical Sciences》
      • C、《Studies in Mathematical Sciences》
      • D、《Studies in Mathematical Monthly》


    • 第4题:

      A ()should be placed on the gangway.

      • A、life-buoy
      • B、life-raft
      • C、life-boat
      • D、life craft


    • 第5题:


      • A、LIFE VEST
      • B、LIFE RAFT
      • C、LIFE STRAP


    • 第6题:

      希尔密码是数学家Lester Hill于1929年在()杂志上首次提出。

      《American Mathematical Monthly》


      《American Mathematical Sciences》


      《Studies in Mathematical Sciences》


      《Studies in Mathematical Monthly》

      正确答案: C
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第7题:


      inflatable life-jacket


      inflatable life-raft


      flammable life-jacket


      inflammable life-jacket

      正确答案: B
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第8题:

      Directions: In this section, there is one passage followed by 5 questions. Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions in as few words as possible (not more than 10 words). Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.  If you were on a distant planet, and if you had instruments that could tell you the composition of Earth’s atmosphere, how would you know there was life on this planet?Water in the atmosphere would suggest there could be water on the surface, and as we all know water is considered crucial to life. But water would only suggest that life is possible. It wouldn’t prove it’s there.  Carbon? That basic component of “life as we know it?” Not necessarily. A diamond is pure carbon, and it may be pretty, but it isn’t alive.  What really sets Earth apart is nitrogen, which makes up 80 percent of the planet’s atmosphere. And it’s there only because there is abundant life on Earth, say scientists at the University of Southern California  The report grew out of a class discussion two years ago in a course taught by Capone and Kenneth Nealson, professor of earth sciences. Students were asked to come up with different ideas about searching for life on other planets. What is a distinct “signature,” as Capone puts it, that would show there is life on another planet?  That’s a question that has been kicked around in many quarters in recent decades, especially since all efforts to find some form of life, no matter whether on Mars or in the distant reaches of space, have failed. At least so far.  The current effort to search for some evidence of life on Mars focuses primarily on the search for water, because it has long been believed that water, or at least some fluid, is necessary for the chemical processes that lead life to take place. But that’s probably the wrong approach, the USC group argues.  “It’s hard to imagine life without water, but it’s easy to imagine water without life,” says Nealson, who was on the Mars team before moving to USC.  But nitrogen would be a much clearer signature of life. Only about 2 percent to 3 percent of the Martian atmosphere is nitrogen. That’s just a trace, and it probably means there is no life on Mars today, and if there was in the past, it probably ended many, many years ago.  But, the USC team adds quickly, that doesn’t mean there’s no life anywhere else in the universe. They don’t know where, of course, but they may have found a way to narrow down the search. Look first for nitrogen, then look for biological activity that should be there.  So if life exists elsewhere, and is similar to life as we know it, there should be nitrogen, and that’s what we should be looking for first, the researchers say.  If they don’t find nitrogen on Mars, Capone says, “that will probably bring us to the conclusion that there likely never was life on Mars.”  But how about elsewhere? Could this technique be used to search for life in other solar systems?  Maybe. It might be possible to detect a nitrogen-rich atmosphere around a planet orbiting another star, but not yet. Current instruments aren’t that sensitive.  If they ever are, the search for life might be narrowed down to the most promising prospects, chiefly because of the presence of nitrogen. And won’t that be fun!  Questions:  1.What can suggest life is possible but cannot be proved according to the author?  2.What is a clear “signature” of life on another planet according to Capone?  3.What is considered as a wrong way to search for evidence of life on Mars?  4.What can probably prove there is no life on Mars today based on the new theory?  5.Why is it impossible to use the new technique to search for life in other solar systems now?

      1.Water. 根据文中第二段,水只能表明生命存在的可能性,但不能证实。
      2.Nitrogen. / The presence of nitrogen. 文中第九段第一句话很明确地告诉我们nitrogen would be a much clearer signature of life。
      3.The search for water. 第七段最后一句话指出,在火星上通过搜索水来搜索生命的存在是不正确的。
      4.The small amount (2% to 3%) of nitrogen in the Martian atmosphere . 文中第九段中提到火星上氮的含量很少可以表明目前火星上没有生命的存在。
      5.Because current instruments aren’t very sensitive. 文中第十四段指出,由于现在的设备还不是那么敏感,所以不能够用来在太阳系的其他星球上探测生命。
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第9题:

      Making water rapidly in all holds,all passengers and crew were ordered on deck()and all boats were lowered to rail.

      in life jackets


      with life jackets


      with life jackets on


      putting on life jackets

      正确答案: D
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第10题:

      Healthcare Reform  During the past two decades, all of the industrialized nations have enacted some form of healthcare reform. America is no exception. Just a few years ago, the U. S. was consumed by a vigorous public debate about healthcare. In the end, the debate reaffirmed that the U. S. would retain its essentially market-based system. Instead of reform imposed from the top down, 3 the American healthcare system underwent some rather profound self-reform, driven by powerful market forces. The market—not the government—managed to wring inflation out of the private healthcare market. 4  Today, it appears that U.S. healthcare costs are again on the rise. At the same time, American patients—like patients elsewhere—are becoming more vocal5 about the restrictions many face in their healthcare plans. Talk of government-led reform is once again in the air. 6  We must think twice, though, before embarking on “reform” if that means imposing further restrictions on our healthcare markets. The more sensible course is to introduce policies that make the market work better—that is, to the advantage of consumers. I base this argument on our company’s decades of experience in healthcare systems around the world, which has given us a unique global perspective on the right and wrong way to reform healthcare. The wrong way is to impose layer after layer of regulation and restrictions. We have seen this approach tried in many countries, and we have always see it fail—fail to hold down costs, and fail to provide the best quality care. Medicine is changing at so rapid a pace that no government agency or expert commission can keep up with it. Only an open, informed and competitive market can do that. This lesson holds true for the U. S., and for all countries contemplating healthcare reform. Free markets do what governments mean to do—but can’t.  The right approach10 is to foster a flexible, market-based system in which consumers have rights, responsibilities, and choices. Healthcare systems do not work if patients are treated as passive recipients of services: 11 they do work if consumers are well-informed about quality, costs, and new treatments, and are free to act responsibly on that knowledge.  Of course, reform should never be driven purely by cost considerations. Instead, we ought to devise new ways of funding healthcare that will make it possible for all patients to afford the best care. Ideally, these new approaches would not only reward individuals and families but also encourage innovation, which can make healthcare systems more efficient, more productive, and ultimately of greater value for patients.  The path we choose will have enormous implications for all of us. We are in a golden age of science, and no field of scientific inquiry holds more promise than that of biomedicine. 13 Not only can we look forward to the discovery of cures for chronic and acute disease, but also to the development of enabling therapies that can help people enjoy more rewarding and productive lives.14 New drugs are already helping people who would once have been disabled by arthritis or cardiovascular disease stay active and mobile.15 More effective anti-depressants and anti-psychotics are beginning to relieve the crippling illness of the mind, allowing sufferers to function normally and happily in society. The promise is quite simply—one of longer, healthier lives. 16  What is at issue are the pace and breadth of discovery, and how quickly we can make the benefits of our knowledge available to the patients who need them.  Therefore, the policy environment the biomedical industry will face in the next century may make or break the next wave of biomedical breakthroughs. 17 Will that environment include protection for intellectual property, freedom for the market to determine price, and support for a robust science base? 18 Will healthcare systems nurture innovation, or remove incentives for discovery? Will they give consumers information and options, or impose stringent rules and regulations that limit access and choice? For the U. S., as for the rest of the world, the healthcare debate is by no means over. And for all of us, the stakes are higher than ever.

      正确答案: 【参考译文】
      医疗改革 过去二十年里,所有的工业国都实施过某种形式的医疗改革,美国也不例外。就在几年前,美国掀起了一场轰轰烈烈的关于医疗改革的公众辩论。最终,这场辩论重新确认美国应继续保留原有的基本上以市场为导向的医疗体制。美国的医疗体制未曾进行过自上而下的改革,而是在强大的市场推动下经历了一些深刻的自我变革。私营医疗保健市场的水分,是依靠市场,而不是政府的作用来挤掉的。
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第11题:

      On a ship,how many ring buoys are required to have a buoyant line attached?()

      One ring life buoy


      One ring life buoy on each side of the ship


      Three ring life buoys


      Two ring life buoys on each side of the ship

      正确答案: C
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第12题:

      Task II (20 marks)  Read the following poem and write an essay in which you discuss its moral and express your personal views.LifeBy Langston HughesLife can be good,Life can be bad,Life is mostly cheerful,But sometimes sad.Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts;Life can mean a personSitting in court.Life can be dirty,Life can even be painful;but life is what you make it.So try to make it beautiful.  You should write no less than 160 words. Now write the essay on the Answer Sheet.

      In this little poem, the poet conveys to us that we ourselves are the masters of our life. There are many kinds of life: good, bad, cheerful, painful, thoughtful or dirty. Which kind we are going to live depends on our own choice.
      I can’t agree more with the poet’s view. To make our life beautiful, we have many things to do. The first and foremost is to know that the meaning of life is to love and to give. Too many of us are waiting to be loved and given and complaining if disappointed, never knowing the greater happiness of giving. Secondly, we need to have an optimistic and positive attitude. If we see the life as good and colorful, then it is good and colorful. The last but not least is that we should always have dreams and make efforts to realize them. The content of achieving goals is the spring of happiness in life.
      Life is what we make it. Try to love and to give, to have an optimistic and positive mind and to keep on striving for dreams, and then we will have a beautiful life to enjoy.
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第13题:

      If there were life on Mars, such life forms()unable to survive on earth



      Cwould be

      Dwill be


    • 第14题:

      Which of the following is not the life-saving equipment? ()

      • A、Lifeboat.
      • B、Life-raft .
      • C、Life rail.
      • D、Lifebuoy.


    • 第15题:

      A ()(救生圈) should be located on the gangway.

      • A、life-jacket
      • B、life-raft
      • C、life-buoy
      • D、life-boat


    • 第16题:

      Why can security on healthcare networks be an important issue for customers?()

      • A、offers a rapid return on investment
      • B、telecommuting
      • C、multiple network connections
      • D、legal mandates


    • 第17题:

      If a davit-launched life raft aboard a vessel cannot be launched because of damage to the davit,you should().

      inflate the life raft on deck


      roll the life raft over the side


      go to another life raft station


      get a saw and cut the life raft free

      正确答案: C
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第18题:

      A healthcare and life sciences client wants to maintain electronic patient records, including medical images, for a period of seven years. How would the IT storage industry describe this business goal?()

      an archive solution that requires event-based retention


      a backup solution that provides version-based expiration


      a PACS environment that provides two year litigation hold


      a business continuity solution that provides two years Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

      正确答案: C
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第19题:

      What kind of life has Jack lived?

      A short life.


      An interesting life.


      A lonely life.


      A poor life.

      正确答案: A
      细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“…he has had an interesting life”可知,Jack的生活很有趣。

    • 第20题:

      A retail customers application environment requires 32 memory slots and four processors to run scientific, and technical computing, financial, weather simulation, and life sciences. Which of the following System x server meets these needs at minimum cost?()

      x3850 X5


      x3550 M3




      x3650 M3

      正确答案: D
      解析: 暂无解析

    • 第21题:

      47 pays organisent des journées _____.

      du patrimoine


      d’affaires européennes


      de rendez-vous éducatif


      de Sciences

      正确答案: A
      根据第三段第三句Comme chaque année, les journées seront aussi européennes puisque 47 pays participeront à l’édition 2005,又由第一段第一句Le 22e édition des journées européennes du patrimoine aura lieu les 17 et 18 septembre 2005可得出47个国家每年组织文化遗产节日。

    • 第22题:

      By making some very simple changes at home, old people _____.

      are free from home accidents


      can improve their health


      are likely to live longer


      can live more safely

      正确答案: A
      本题是细节题。从文章的第一段第二句“Most old people can live safely at home if they make a few changes”可知,如果稍作改动,老年人在家中将会非常安全。A项“完全不会发生意外”,B项“可以改善健康状况”,C项“可能会更长寿”,与原文所述内容不符,正确答案为D。

    • 第23题:

      A healthcare and life sciences client wants to maintain electronic patient records, including medical images, for two years after each patient’s death. How would the IT storage industry describe this business goal?()

      Archive solution that requires event-based retention


      Backup solution that provides version-based expiration


      Business continuity solution that provides two years Recovery Time Objective (RTO)


      Business continuity solution that provides two years Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

      正确答案: A
      解析: 暂无解析