A System z customer is planning to deploy the IBM System Storage DS6800 in each of threesmall data centers located around a large city. A backup data center with an IBM System StorageDS8100 will serve as the disaster recovery facility. Which advanced function can the customerimplement to meet disaster recovery requirements?()
A customer is using Metro Mirror to mirror the company inventory database from an IBM System Storage DS8700 at their headquarters to a DS8300 at a remote site. Due to bandwidth concerns they are planning to change the mirroring mode to Global Mirroring. They have asked for assistance. What must be done to help the customer make the change?()
A customer has two data centers, 500 kilometers apart. The customer requests a proposal for new storage subsystems and a disaster recovery solution that provides consistent data in the event of a disaster at the local site. Which IBM System Storage DS8000 solution should the storage specialist propose to the client()
Which IBM System Storage DS8000 copy function provides a three-site or three-copy solutionusing both synchronous and asynchronous replication?()
A customer with an IBM Power System running AIX is using an IBM System Storage DS8100 inLocation A, and an IBM System Storage DS5100 in Location B. The distance between Location Aand Location B is 25 kilometers. The customer wants a redundant copy of the data inLocation Bfor disaster recovery. Which of the following solutions will best satisfy this requirement?()
A bank has requested proposals for a storage solution to upgrade their disaster recovery processes for their IBM System z, UNIX, and Microsoft Windows environment. The solution must simulate a multi-site environment and provide the customer the ability to evaluate Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, Global Mirror for z/OS, and FlashCopy. Floor space is limited. Which solution best meets the specified requirements()
IBM Tivoli Storage manager软件
IBM Total Storage Productivity Center软件
IBM DS8000 磁盘阵列配置Metro mirror 、Global mirror 软件授权
IBM DS5000 磁盘阵列配置 Metro mirror或Global mirror 软件授权
install FlashCopy on the DS8100
install SAN Volume Controllers with FlashCopy
install SAN Volume Controllers with Metro Mirror
install Global Mirror on the DS8100 and Enhanced Remote Mirror on the DS5100
IBM XIV Storage System
IBM System Storage DS5300
IBM System Storage DS8800
IBM System Storage DS5020 with SVC
IBM Enterprise Storage Server Model 800
DS 6800
DS 4800
IBM Enterprise Storage Server Model 800 Turbo
A bank has requested proposals for a storage solution to upgrade their disaster recoveryprocesses for their System z, UNIX, and Microsoft Windows environment. The solution mustsimulate a multi-site environment and provide the customer the ability to explore Metro Mirror,Global Mirror, Global Mirror for z/OS, and FlashCopy. Floor space is limited. Which solution bestmeets the specified requirements?()
A customer is sharing an IBM System Storage DS8300 for both IBM System z and Systemapplications. They need to provide data recovery capability between the primary and the remotedata center, which is 60 kilometers away. Which copy service keeps all data synchronized at theremote data center?()
DS8000的高级拷贝服务 ( Global Mirror, Global Copy, Metro Mirror) 功能,下面哪个产品不支持?()
IBM Global Mirror is based on which of the following very effective copy services functions()
An international company has a heterogeneous IBM storage environment with two IBM DS8700 systems in a Metro Mirror relationship. They also have a virtualized environment with two SVC clusters in a Global Mirror relationship. The storage administrator complains about the monitoring of copy services. Which solution should the IBM storage specialist propose for this pain point()
客户希望能够通过一个简单的统一的界面来监控他们的IBM DS8000、DS4000磁盘系统性能,下面哪个是最好的选择?()
A customer has an IBM System Storage DS8100 at their primary site and a DS6800 at their recovery site, 9.5 kilometers away. They want to replicate data for disaster recovery backup with the least impact on performance. Which of the following products best accomplishes this task?()
IBM Tivoli Storage manager软件
IBM Total Storage Productivity Center软件
IBMD S8000磁盘阵列配置Metro mirror、Global mirror软件授权
IBMD S5000磁盘阵列配置Metro mirror或Globa lmirror软件授权
System Storage Productivity Center
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Disk
DS8000 Storage Manager
IBM Enterprise Storage Server Model 800
IBM Enterprise Storage Server Model 800 Turbo