(b) Describe to the Beth Group the possible advantages of producing a separate environmental report.
(8 marks)
(b) Describe five major barriers to good communication. (10 marks)
(b) Describe the skills that a counsellor should possess. (14 marks)
3 An organisation has decided to compare the benefits of promoting existing staff with those of appointing external
candidates and to assess whether the use of external recruitment consultants is appropriate.
(a) Describe the advantages of internal promotion. (5 marks)
(b) Describe five main barriers to an effective appraisal interview. (10 marks)
There is considerable evidence that small firms are reluctant to carry out strategic planning in their businesses.
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages for Gould and King Associates in creating and implementing a
strategic plan? (8 marks)
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using franchising to develop La Familia Amable budget hotel
chain? (8 marks)
(c) Discuss the ethical and social responsibilities of the Beth Group and whether a change in the ethical and
social attitudes of the management could improve business performance. (7 marks)
Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks for development of the discussion of the ethical and social
responsibilities of the Beth Group.
(ii) Describe the claim of each of the four identified stakeholders. (4 marks)
(b) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act contains provisions for the attestation (verification) and reporting to shareholders of
internal controls over financial reporting.
Describe the typical contents of an external report on internal controls. (8 marks)
(b) Explain how growth may be assessed, and critically discuss the advantages and issues that might arise as a
result of a decision by the directors of CSG to pursue the objective of growth. (8 marks)
(b) Explain the need for a first time group auditor to analyse the group structure. (5 marks)
(b) Describe the potential benefits for Hugh Co in choosing to have a financial statement audit. (4 marks)
(b) Explain the advantages and the disadvantages of:
(i) the face to face interview between two people; (6 marks)
(c) Briefly describe three advantages to Bailey’s of counselling. (3 marks)
(b) Describe the advantages of external recruitment. (5 marks)
The group have now decided to convert their business idea into reality.
(b) What elements should a marketing plan contain to achieve a successful launch of their restaurant?
(8 marks)
(b) What advantages and disadvantages might result from outsourcing Global Imaging’s HR function?
(8 marks)
(b) Describe with suitable calculations how the goodwill arising on the acquisition of Briars will be dealt with in
the group financial statements and how the loan to Briars should be treated in the financial statements of
Briars for the year ended 31 May 2006. (9 marks)
(b) IAS21 ‘The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates’ requires goodwill arising on the acquisition of a foreign operation
and fair value adjustments to acquired assets and liabilities to be treated as belonging to the foreign operation. They should
be expressed in the functional currency of the foreign operation and translated at the closing rate at each balance sheet date.
Effectively goodwill is treated as a foreign currency asset which is retranslated at the closing rate. In this case the goodwillarising on the acquisition of Briars would be treated as follows:
At 31 May 2006, the goodwill will be retranslated at 2·5 euros to the dollar to give a figure of $4·4 million. Therefore this
will be the figure for goodwill in the balance sheet and an exchange loss of $1·4 million recorded in equity (translation
reserve). The impairment of goodwill will be expensed in profit or loss to the value of $1·2 million. (The closing rate has been
used to translate the impairment; however, there may be an argument for using the average rate.)
The loan to Briars will effectively be classed as a financial liability measured at amortised cost. It is the default category for
financial liabilities that do not meet the definition of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. For most entities,
most financial liabilities will fall into this category. When a financial liability is recognised initially in the balance sheet, the
liability is measured at fair value. Fair value is the amount for which a liability can be settled, between knowledgeable, willing
parties in an arm’s length transaction. In other words, fair value is an actual or estimated transaction price on the reporting
date for a transaction taking place between unrelated parties that have adequate information about the asset or liability being
Since fair value is a market transaction price, on initial recognition fair value generally is assumed to equal the amount of
consideration paid or received for the financial asset or financial liability. Accordingly, IAS39 specifies that the best evidence
of the fair value of a financial instrument at initial recognition generally is the transaction price. However for longer-term
receivables or payables that do not pay interest or pay a below-market interest, IAS39 does require measurement initially at
the present value of the cash flows to be received or paid.
Thus in Briars financial statements the following entries will be made:
(b) Using the TARA framework, construct four possible strategies for managing the risk presented by Product 2.
Your answer should describe each strategy and explain how each might be applied in the case.
(10 marks)
(ii) An evaluation of the environmental and sustainability implications of the Giant Dam Project; (8 marks)
(d) Explain the term ‘environmental management accounting’ and the benefits that may accrue to organisations
which adopt it. (4 marks)
(iii) Whether or not you agree with the statement of the marketing director in note (9) above. (5 marks)
Professional marks for appropriateness of format, style. and structure of the report. (4 marks)
(iii) The marketing director is certainly correct in recognising that success is dependent on levels of service quality provided
by HFG to its clients. However, whilst the number of complaints is an important performance measure, it needs to be
used with caution. The nature of a complaint is, very often, far more indicative of the absence, or a lack, of service
quality. For example, the fact that 50 clients complained about having to wait for a longer time than they expected to
access gymnasium equipment is insignificant when compared to an accident arising from failure to maintain properly a
piece of gymnasium equipment. Moreover, the marketing director ought to be aware that the absolute number of
complaints may be misleading as much depends on the number of clients serviced during any given period. Thus, in
comparing the number of complaints received by the three centres then a relative measure of complaints received per
1,000 client days would be far more useful than the absolute number of complaints received.
The marketing director should also be advised that the number of complaints can give a misleading picture of the quality
of service provision since individuals have different levels of willingness to complain in similar situations.
The marketing director seems to accept the current level of complaints but is unwilling to accept any increase above this
level. This is not indicative of a quality-oriented organisation which would seek to reduce the number of complaints over
time via a programme of ‘continuous improvement’.
From the foregoing comments one can conclude that it would be myopic to focus on the number of client complaints
as being the only performance measure necessary to measure the quality of service provision. Other performance
measures which may indicate the level of service quality provided to clients by HFG are as follows:
– Staff responsiveness assumes critical significance in service industries. Hence the time taken to resolve client
queries by health centre staff is an important indicator of the level of service quality provided to clients.
– Staff appearance may be viewed as reflecting the image of the centres.
– The comfort of bedrooms and public rooms including facilities such as air-conditioning, tea/coffee-making and cold
drinks facilities, and office facilities such as e-mail, facsimile and photocopying.
– The availability of services such as the time taken to gain an appointment with a dietician or fitness consultant.
– The cleanliness of all areas within the centres will enhance the reputation of HFG. Conversely, unclean areas will
potentially deter clients from making repeat visits and/or recommendations to friends, colleagues etc.
– The presence of safety measures and the frequency of inspections made regarding gymnasium equipment within
the centres and compliance with legislation are of paramount importance in businesses like that of HFG.
– The achievement of target reductions in weight that have been agreed between centre consultants and clients.
(Other relevant measures would be acceptable.)
(c) (i) Identify and describe FOUR quality control procedures that are applicable to the individual audit
engagement; and (8 marks)