Practice 4中国农业 发展现代农业,推进新农村建设,要靠政策、靠投入、靠科技、靠改革。 一要巩固、完善和加强支农惠农政策。增加对种粮农民的直接补贴、种植良种补贴、农机具购置补贴$3和农业生产资料综合补贴。继续实行粮食最低收购价政策。进一步加大对财政困难县乡和产粮大县的支持力度。 二要加大对农业农村投入力度。切实把国家基础设施建设和社会事业发展的重点转向农村,今年财政支农投入的增量要继续高于上年,国家固定资产投资用于农村的增量要继续高于上年,土地出让收入用于农村建设的增量要继续高于上年。中央财政安排用于“三农”的资金3917亿元,比去年增加520亿元。积极发展农业保险,扩大农业政策性保险试点范围。 三要加快农业科技进步。加强农业科技创新能力建设,支持农业科技项目,加快农业科技成果转化,完善基层农业技术推广体系,鼓励农业科技进村入户。
Chinese Agriculture To develop modern agriculture and promote the building of a new countryside, we must rely on/strengthen government policy, funding, (application of) science and technology, and reform.
One, we need to consolidate, improve and strengthen the policy of supporting agriculture and giving favorable treatment to farmers. We will increase direct subsidies to grain farmers(for producing grain), subsidies3 for growing superior/fine seed varieties and purchasing agricultural machinery and tools, and general subsidies for agricultural means of production. We will continue to follow the minimum purchase price policy for grain (policy of minimum-price grain purchase/minimum grain- purchasing price). We will increase support for counties and townships with budgetary difficulties and major grain-producing (grain production) counties.
Two, we need to increase allocations/appropriations/allotments/funding for agriculture and rural areas. We will effectively shift the focus of infrastructure development of the country and development of social programs (of the state infrastructure development and social program development) to the countryside. Budgetary support for agriculture and rural areas, state fixed asset investment in the countryside and the proportion of land transfer income used for rural development are all to increase at a rate higher than last year. Allocations from the central government budget for resolving issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers will total 391.7 billion yuan, an increase of (up) 52 billion yuan over last year. We will energetically promote agricultural insurance and expand the scope of the trial for policy-supported agricultural insurance.
Three, we need to accelerate progress in agricultural science and technology. We will strengthen China’s ability to make innovations in agricultural science and technology, support agricultural science and technology projects, accelerate application of(advances in)agricultural science and technology, improve local systems for increasing application of modern agricultural technology so as to encourage the introduction of agricultural science and technology to villages and households.