Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ______.
A.latitude scale near the middle of the track line
B.longitude scale near the middle of the track line
C.latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chart
D.latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale
What is NOT an advantage of the rhumb line track over a great circle track?
A.Easily plotted on a Mercator chart
B.Negligible increase in distance on east-west courses near the equator
C.Does not require constant course changes
D.Plots as a straight line on Lambert conformal charts
When navigating in high latitudes and using a chart based on a Lambert conformal projection,______.
A.a straight line drawn on the chart approximates a great circle
B.the chart should not be used outside of the standard parallels
C.the course angle is measured at the mid-longitude of the track line
D.distance cannot be measured directly from the chart
For what purpose would using a Lambert conformal chart be more convenient than using a Mercator?
A.Plotting radio bearings over a long distance
B.Determining latitude and longitude of a fix
C.Measuring rhumb line distances
D.Measuring rhumb line directions
______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it.
it is faster
it can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situations
in fog,if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over,the vessel will be at the point where he went over when the turn is completed
it returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course
Easily plotted on a Mercator chart
Negligible increase in distance on east-west courses near the equator
Does not require constant course changes
Plots as a straight line on Lambert conformal charts
A rhumb line appears as a straight line
Distance is measured at the midlatitude of the track line
Meridians appear as curved lines converging toward the nearer pole
Parallels,except the equator,appear as curved lines
increases in north latitude and decreases in south latitude
decreases as DLO increases
increases with increased latitude
decreases with increased latitude
loxodromic curve
curved line concave to the equator
straight line
spiral approaching the poles as a limit
A curved line drawn on a Mercator Chart
A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curve
The shortest distance between any two points on the earth
The smallest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphere
cylindrical projection
simple conic projection
polyconic projection
rectangular projection
a straight line drawn on the chart approximates a great circle
the chart should not be used outside of the standard parallels
the course angle is measured at the mid-longitude of the track line
distance cannot be measured directly from the chart
What is the major advantage of a rhumb line track?
A.The vessel can steam on a constant heading (disregarding wind,current,etc)
B.The rhumb line is the shortest distance between the arrival and departure points
C.It is easily plotted on a gnomonic chart for comparison with a great circle course
D.It approximates a great circle on east-west courses in high latitudes
When using a Lambert conformal chart in high latitudes,angles such as bearings are measured in reference to ______.
A.the meridian through the object of the bearing
B.the meridian through the ship's position
C.the meridian midway between the ship and the object
D.any meridian
You are running parallel to the coast and take a running fix using bearings of the same object.If you are making less speed than used for the running fix,in relation to the position indicated by the fix,you will be ______.
A.Closer to the coast
B.Farther from the coast
C.On the track line ahead of the fix
D.On the track line behind the fix
Which two chart base types can you select using the Chart Wizard?()
Plotting radio bearings over a long distance
Determining latitude and longitude of a fix
Measuring rhumb line distances
Measuring rhumb line directions
the meridian through the object of the bearing
the meridian through the ship's position
the meridian midway between the ship and the object
any meridian
difference in longitude
meridian angle
Closer to the coast
Farther from the coast
On the track line ahead of the fix
On the track line behind the fix
latitude scale near the middle of the track line
longitude scale near the middle of the track line
latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chart
latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale
Areas including both North and South latitudes
North and South Poles
A narrow band along the central meridian
a small error in bearing or in laying it down on the chart has a greater effect in misplacing the position the longer the line to be drawn
all scales are kept updated for vital information by Notices to Mariners
the larger the scale of the chart,the greater the detail that can be shown on it
the mariner using the medium scale charts for passage along a coast need not transfer on to a large scale for short distances