What is the major advantage of a rhumb line track?
A.The vessel can steam on a constant heading (disregarding wind,current,etc)
B.The rhumb line is the shortest distance between the arrival and departure points
C.It is easily plotted on a gnomonic chart for comparison with a great circle course
D.It approximates a great circle on east-west courses in high latitudes
For what purpose would using a Lambert conformal chart be more convenient than using a Mercator?
A.Plotting radio bearings over a long distance
B.Determining latitude and longitude of a fix
C.Measuring rhumb line distances
D.Measuring rhumb line directions
The permanent magnetism of a vessel may change in strength due to ______.
A.the nature of the cargo being carried
B.changes in heading
C.major structural repair
D.All of the above
Which statement is TRUE about the use of a“gob rope”________.
A.The gob rope is a mooring line for tying up lighters for working cargo alongside a vessel anchored in an open roadstead
B.The gob rope is used to secure the towline aft over the centerline of a tug
C.The gob rope is a line hung over a vessel's side to assist in boarding
D.The gob rope is a rope used in mooring a vessel to a buoy
Which statement about the deck line is TRUE ________.
A.The top of the deck line is marked at the highest point of the freeboard deck,including camber,at the midships point
B.A vessel with wooden planks on a steel deck will have the deck line marked at the intersection of the upper line of the wood sheathing with the side shell
C.The deck edge is marked at the intersection of the freeboard deck with the side shell,at the lowest point of sheer,with the vessel at even trim
D.On a vessel with a rounded stringer-sheer plate,the deck line is marked where the stringer plate turns down from the plane of the deck line
it is faster
it can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situations
in fog,if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over,the vessel will be at the point where he went over when the turn is completed
it returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course
Easily plotted on a Mercator chart
Negligible increase in distance on east-west courses near the equator
Does not require constant course changes
Plots as a straight line on Lambert conformal charts
is the fastest method
is easy for a single-screw vessel to perform
requires the least shiphandling skills to perform
can be used in reduced visibility
Less fuel consumption per SHP
Diesel fuel costs less than bunker C or its equivalent
Less routine maintenance required
Less weight per SHP
privileged vessel and would sound two short blasts
burdened vessel and would sound two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts
burdened vessel and would sound no whistle signal
privileged vessel and would sound no whistle signal
It can help capture the earliest events of the brain.
It can help researchers use the highest possible resolution to observe the events.
It can help researchers find the indirect imaging methods that track neural activity through the skull.
It lets researchers study the electrical activity and the blood flow in detail.
Errors due to unusual parallax are eliminated
The same body can be used for a fix from observations separated by several minutes
The declination is the only information needed from the almanac
The semidiameter correction of the sextant altitude is eliminated
What is NOT a requirement for testing the line throwing appliance on a vessel?
A.The appliance should be tested every three months
B.A regular service line should be used when testing
C.A regular projectile should be used when testing
D.An entry about the test must be made in the Official Log Book
A vessel is equipped with twin propellers,both turning outboard with the engines half ahead.If there is no wind or current and the rudders are amidships,what will happen?
A.The bow will swing to starboard
B.The bow will swing to port
C.The vessel will steer a zigzag course
D.The vessel will steer a fairly straight course
When the GMDSS Radio Operator on watch hears“SECURITE”spoken three times he can expect to receive a message concerning ______.
A.The safety of navigation or important meteorological warnings
B.The safety of a vessel or a person is in jeopardy
C.A vessel in need of immediate assistance
D.A coast station traffic list
In which voyage,between two points,is the rhumb line distance NOT approximately the same as the great circle distance?_____.
A.The two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphere
B.The two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphere
C.The two points are near the equator,but in different hemispheres
D.One point is near the equator,one point is in a high latitude,and both are near the 180th meridian
What Netflow component can be applied to an interface to track IPv4 traffic?()
Plotting radio bearings over a long distance
Determining latitude and longitude of a fix
Measuring rhumb line distances
Measuring rhumb line directions
always be nearer to the equator
always be nearer to the elevated pole
be nearer to the pole in the Northern Hemisphere and nearer to the equator in the Southern Hemisphere
be nearer to the pole or the equator depending on the latitudes of the arrival and departure positions
Faster response from ahead to astern
Less fuel consumption
Cheaper initial installation cost
Less weight per unit of horsepower
A rhumb line appears as a straight line
Distance is measured at the midlatitude of the track line
Meridians appear as curved lines converging toward the nearer pole
Parallels,except the equator,appear as curved lines
rise when the steam pressure is increased
remain constant as long as the feed pump operates
fall when the steam pressure is decreased
vary as the steam demand changes
The vessel will not reverse direction in a tidal current
The radius of the vessel's swing will be shortened
A mooring approach may be made from any direction
The vessel will not swing with a change in wind