听力原文:M: Well, madam, the first and the most important thing I have to tell you is that there is really nothing seriously wrong with you, physically that is. The analyst' s report shows that basically you are very fit.W: So, why is it that I' m always so n


听力原文:M: Well, madam, the first and the most important thing I have to tell you is that there is really nothing seriously wrong with you, physically that is. The analyst' s report shows that basically you are very fit.

W: So, why is it that I' m always so nervous... tense... ready to jump on anybody-my husband, children, and colleagues? M: I think your condition has a lot to do with your habits.

W: Habits?

M: Yes... now tell me, madam, you smoke, don't you?

W: Yes, I'm afraid I do, doctor.

M: And, very heavily, I imagine.

W: Yes, quite heavily.

M: What do you eat normally?

W: I' m a good eater. Yes, I' d say I'm a good eater. But usually, I don't eat breakfast.

M: That' s bad for your health. I think you should get up early and have breakfast. And, another question, do you get up early?

W: No, I usually get up at 9: 00 a. m. I get up late because I go to bed too late. I stay up late watching TV till the midnight.

M: What sport do you usually do?

W: I don't like sports. But sometimes I play cards with some friends, that may be my sport.

M: I think, madam, for your health, you' d better change your way of life.

The patient, according to the analyst' s report, is

A.physically ill.

B.mentally ill.



更多“听力原文:M: Well, madam, the first and the most important thing I have to tell you is that there is really nothing seriously wrong with you, physically that is. The analyst' s report shows that basically you are very fit.W: So, why is it that I' m always so n”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    —I’m sorry.I gave you the wrong message.—()

    A.Oh, I’m sorry that you did.

    B.How foolish of you to do so.

    C.The wrong message? Oh, yes, you did!

    D.Oh, that’s all right.Please be careful next time, though.


  • 第2题:

    Xiaoyan:So, I' d like to come and see the flat.

    Franca: Yes, when is convenient? How about during the day? I usually work in the


    Xiaoyan; Well,I work during the day, but perhaps in the afternoon?

    Franca:Well, why don't you come at about 5 o'clock?

    Xiaoyan:That's a good idea.

    Franca; Are you free on Thursday?

    Xiaoyan: No, I'm afraid I'm not. We always have a meeting on Thursday. What about


    Franca:No, I' m sorry. I' m busy on Wednesday. I’m in Cambridge. Are you free on


    Xaaoyan:Yes,Friday is fine.

    Franca: Okay. See you on Friday at 5 o'clock at the flat.

    Xiaoyan;Thanks very much. Goodbye.


    1. Franca usually works during the day.

    A. Right

    B. Wrong

    2. It is convenient for both of them to meet in the afternoon.

    A. Right

    B. Wrong

    3.Xiaoyan is free on Wednesday.

    A. Right

    B. Wrong

    4. Franca is not free on Wednesday because he has a meeting.

    A. Right

    B. Wrong

    5. They are going to meet on Friday at the flat.

    A. Right

    B. Wrong

    参考答案B A A B A

  • 第3题:

    – Do you like traveling? -- _____________.

    A、Not so much.

    B、Very well.


    D、I’m sorry.


  • 第4题:

    - It's really a good dinner, isn't it? - _______________________

    A. Yes, I'd like to go.

    B. Yes, the food is just wonderful.

    C. I'm glad to hear that.

    D. It's very nice of you to say so.


  • 第5题:

    I′m very sorry to have__________you with so many questions on such an occasion.


    【考情点拨】考查动词词义辨析。【应试指导】句意:在这个时候问你这么多问题,真是不好意思。interfere干涉,妨碍,介入;offend得罪,冒犯,使不愉快;impress留下印象,引人注目;bother干扰,麻烦,惹麻烦,bother sb.with sth.用某事麻烦某人,符合题意。

  • 第6题:

    --You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang. --()

    • A、Come again when you are free
    • B、Oh,I don’t think Icooked very well.
    • C、It’s not necessary for you to say so.
    • D、I’m glad you enjoyed it.


  • 第7题:

    Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it.()you enjoyed it.

    • A、I'm so glad
    • B、I'm sorry
    • C、What a pity
    • D、Surprisingly


  • 第8题:

    Jane: Hello, Steve. How are you?  Steve: Oh, I’m not too bad today. Thank you, Jane. And you?_____  Jane: I’m not sure. I haven’t got all my results yet, but I’m so glad we’re coming up to the end of the semester. I really need a holiday, so I’m going camping with some friends.

    Where do you want to spend your vacation?


    Why do you look so upset?


    How did you do in the exams?


    May I have the pleasure of your presence at our party?

    正确答案: A

  • 第9题:

    Jenny: So Joe, I heard your sister decided to go into the army.______.  Joe: Well, I don’t know. Most of the people in the army are men. I don’t think women should be in the army. It’s really a man’s job. You have to be strong.______.  Jenny: Strong, huh.  Joe: No, not like a man.  Jenny: Oh, I see.

    That’s a good news.; I am strong enough.


    What do you think about that?; Don’t you think women can be strong?


    What are you going to do?; It doesn’t matter.


    I’m sorry to hear that.; Don’t you think you are strong?

    正确答案: B

  • 第10题:

    I'm very sorry to have() you with so many questions on such an occasion.








    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Directions: In this part of the test, you will be presented with a problem and asked to propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.In your response, be sure to·show that you recognize the problem, and·propose a way of dealing with the problem.Practice 1  Hi, my name is Justin Timbers. I saw on the bulletin board that website design classes are going to be offered at the community center. I’m really interested in taking the classes. Is it O.K. that I don’t have a membership with the community center? I don’t really have much experience. in this type of thing though, so I hope there are different levels because I will probably need to be in the beginner class. I’m just a basic user.., you know, e-mail and the Internet is pretty much what I’m familiar with. I also didn’t see any class dates or times listed really hope the class will fit into my schedule. I know classes are usually free at the community center, but 1 didn’t see anything mentioned .about prices either, so can I assume that it’s free? I’m really interested in the class. My phone number is 289-2910. Or you can e-mail me at jtimbers@speednet.com. Thanks.

    正确答案: 分析:听问题时要在脑中整理出清晰的脉络。本题提出的问题如下。
    ① having no membership(不是会员)
    ② a little experience(经验不足)
    ③ different levels offered, beginner class(是否开设了适合初学者水平的课程)
    ④ no class dates and times listed(缺少上课日期和时间的信息)
    ⑤ no price information(缺少学费信息)
    Hello, Mr. Timbers. I am glad to hear you are interested in our forthcoming web design classes. Like all of our classes at the Community center, this class is free of charge to members. When you register for the class, you can sign up for free membership. We have a confirmed instructor at present, but the instructional time and the particular starting date have not decided yet. Because the class schedule depends on the availability of the instructor. And you are not necessarily have a computer background to take the class. Currently, we are taking down the namelist of those who are interested in the class, and the time that would be convenient for them. So please call back, and give me your information. My name is Jan Smith. And my number is 289-1943.
    解 析:针对各个要点提出简洁而恰当的解决方案。
    要点 解决方案
    ①price →flee of charge(免费)
    ②no membership →free sign-up(免费注册)
    ③no starting date and hours →dependent on lecturer’s availability(依教师的时间而定)
    ④a little experience → not necessary,all you need is interest(不需要,感兴趣就行)
    Hi, this is Gladys Williams from the community center. I’m calling about the information you requested regarding the web design class. Classes are going to start on March 1 at 7:30 p.m. And it is Monday. An associate professor at the university, Spencer Kim, will give the lectures. The class is freely offered to our community members; however, the space is limited. So if you don’t have a membership, please sign up for membership soon. What you have to do is drop by the center and fill out a membership form. Please don’t worry about your computer background, because the class is for all different skill levels. If you wish to sign up,please call me back at 289-3434.
    解 析:针对各个要点提出简洁而恰当的解决方案。
    要点 解决方案
    ① no starting date and hours →starting date given(Monday,March 1,7:30 p.m.) (确定课程开始时间:3月1日星期一晚7点30分)
    ② no price → free class conditional(1imited space)(附条件的免费课程,座位NN)
    ③ no membership →stop by and fill out(来中心之后填表即可)
    ④ a little experience →all skill levels taught(有适合各种水平的课程)
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Clair:  Ms. Britt: No, but it’s the first time we have seen the city of Shanghai.  Clair: Well, Shanghai is a famous scenery city. I’m sure you will not regret coming here.  Mr. Britt: I believe so.

    What do you think of China?


    Have you ever been to China?


    Is this your first trip to China?


    Do you enjoy the flight?

    正确答案: B
    Ms. Britt回答说:“不,但这是我第一次来上海。”只有C项“这是你第一次来中国吗?”最符合语境。

  • 第13题:

    “谢谢您的夸奖.”的英语表述( )是错误的。

    A.It’s very kind of you to say so.

    B.Thank you for saying so.

    C.Thank you. I’m flattered.

    D.It’s very king of you to remember me.


  • 第14题:

    Richard:You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Liu.

    Mrs. Liu:______

    A、I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    B、Oh,I'm afraid I didn't cook very well.

    C、Come again when you are free.

    D、It's not necessary for you to say so.


  • 第15题:

    Adams: You're looking so nice.

    Bill: ______

    A、Pretty good.

    B、It's very nice of you,and you are so beautiful.

    C、Sorry to hear that.

    D、Yes,I'm extremely well,thanks.


  • 第16题:

    . 21. –Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting.

    -- .

    A. I practice every day B. Thank you very much

    C. No, I don’t think so D. Well, it’s not good enough


  • 第17题:

    Can you go to the concert with us this evening?()

    ANo, I already have plans.

    BI'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.  

    CNo, I really don't like being with you. 

    DI'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.


  • 第18题:

    Can you go to the concert with us this evening?()

    • A、No, I already have plans.
    • B、I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.  
    • C、No, I really don't like being with you. 
    • D、I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.


  • 第19题:

    A user reports that their computer suddenly will not boot. When the technician arrives, they discover that the user is very worried they will not be able to complete a research paper theyve been working on which is due by the end of the day. Which of the following is an appropriate response to the users concerns? ()

    • A、A Trojan may have infected the OS or worked its way into the MBR. What did you download recently that caused the problem?
    • B、I understand your concern, and will try to have your computer working again as quickly as possible so that you can finish your report.
    • C、If the paper was so important to you, you should have created a backup copy so you could finish it on another computer.
    • D、I do not understand why you are upset. I am sure your professor will understand and you will be able to turn in the paper tomorrow.


  • 第20题:

    A: I love your skirt. It’s so beautiful on you!  B: ______

    Thank you! It’s just an ordinary skirt.


    Oh, really? Do you like it? I bought it in Yunnan.


    Thank you! I’m glad you think so.


    Oh, no. Your dress looks more beautiful than flay skirt.

    正确答案: C

  • 第21题:

    --You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang. --()

    Come again when you are free


    Oh,I don’t think Icooked very well.


    It’s not necessary for you to say so.


    I’m glad you enjoyed it.

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    Edgar: I wish my boss wouldn’t talk so loud. It gives me a headache.  Oscar: Well, why don’t you say something to him? I bet if you told him...  Edgar:______ I’m the one who has to wok with him.  Oscar: I see what you mean. I guess you’ll just have to put up with it.

    That’s easy for you to say.


    It’s a piece of cake.


    I’ll have a try.


    Could you give me some advice?

    正确答案: A

  • 第23题:

    —So, do you know where you’d like to go? ______.  —Well, from what I hear Vancouver’s great.  —Actually, I’ve heard that it’s very expensive and it’s cold all the time.

    I beg your pardon?


    Yeah, but it’s not very good.


    Do you know any good hotels?


    Do you have any suggestions?

    正确答案: D