请根据下面所给的题目和情景,用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。某天下午,由于你说了一些无礼的话,惹怒了你的同学/同事,事后你有所悔悟。请你给他/她写封信,表示歉意。Letter of Apology

请根据下面所给的题目和情景,用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。某天下午,由于你说了一些无礼的话,惹怒了你的同学/同事,事后你有所悔悟。请你给他/她写封信,表示歉意。Letter of Apology

更多“请根据下面所给的题目和情景,用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。某天下午,由于你说了一些无礼的话,惹怒了你的同学/同事,事后你有所悔悟。请你给他/她写封信,表示歉意。Letter of Apology”相关问题
  • 第1题:






    First of all,you must listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class,and don't be afraid to speak English in class and after class. Answer the teacher's questions actively and lively. You must talk to your classmates in English as much as possibie. Especially you must try to listen to some English radio programs, for example, BBC and VOA. You must memorize some grammar rules They are also important in leaming English

  • 第2题:

    请根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。About Television

    参考答案:Television has both advantages and disadvantages to us.On the one hand, it can make us informed of daily news, let us know the outside world, provide lessons for the learners, and can even bring joy toour lives as well.

    On the other hand, some television programs have been extremely harmful to the young.A case in point is the movies with violent scenes.Watching TV too long can do harm to our body and it’s a great distraction for us to work.

    So young people should learn to get ride of the bad influences of TV and learn to make use of the advantages that TV can bring us.

  • 第3题:

    请你以“ My Favourite Sport”为题,根据以下写作要 英文写一篇60词左右的短文。 




    答案:My sport time was begun at my second year in senior high school, in that year many of my fellows began playing basketball, and I was one of them. At that time we paid nearly all our spare time on basketball. Every day, my classmates and I would practiced shooting on the sport ground till the class time arrived, every week we would challenge the Sport Weekly at the beginning when they were printed. We were all interested in NBA. Kobe Bryant and Allen Iverson were our favorite stars. Every week we had one afternoon for rest. Of course, in this time my classmates and I would start a match. This match always last for many hours. I really miss that time. 

    there are many type of sport, the most common ones are basketball, tennis, table tennis, netball, swimming and a lot of others that i can't possibly name. 

    i bet no one on this world can name all of them 

    The reason why sport is so popular for all age groups is because Sport help us to a healthier and fitter body and life. 

  • 第4题:



    Dear Linda,

    Ⅵ.Sample; Dear Linda, Thanks for your last letter. I-m very well now. I have a healthy lifestyle. .I exercise every morn-ing. Exercising makes me healthy. My eating habits are very good .I try to eat a lot of vegetables ,usually ten or eleven times a week. And l eat fruit every day .I like junk food, but I hardly ever eat it .I drink milk every night before l go to bed .I sleep for nine hours every night. My healthy lifestyle. helps me get good grades. What about your lifestyle? Please write to me soon

  • 第5题:



    Many things around us can affect our feelings and moods. Some things can make us happy, but others
    make us sad. For example,fresh air can make us com-ortable.I like listening to music,especially soft music.It often makes me excited and active. But when I am unhappy,loud music can make me feel angry.So I think we should learn to change our moods and feelings by the things around us.

  • 第6题:

    【题目来源】1月6日 下午 浙江省杭州市 结构化面试考题

    1. 在处理此事时,要想协调好这两位同学之间的关系,需要注意处理问题的方式方法,通过引导,使学生正确认识和理解异性间的关系和同学间的友谊。
    2. 阐述具体的解决措施。首先,耐心安抚女同学。我会告诉她,收到情书并不是一件坏事,这是她在为人处世、学习、生活态度等方面的优点被关注、被喜欢的具体表现。同时,引导她将男同学的举动视为平常行为,可以通过沟通向男同学解释说明,处理好与男同学之间的关系。其次,与写信的男同学进行沟通。在尊重学生人格和个人隐私的前提下,先肯定男同学的勇敢,再以幽默的方式引导其正确看待男女同学间的友谊,使其能正视同学关系。最后,多关注两位同学的学习表现和心理变化,并通过主题班会、课堂演讲和观看相关的教育影像资料等多种形式,对全体学生进行心理健康教育,积极预防各种问题。

  • 第7题:

    作文提示:  如果你受伤住院,老师和同学去看你时,你一定很激动。想想看:你是什么时候住院的?老师和同学们去看你时都说了什么?  请你把这些内容写出来,题目自定,字数不少于150字。

    温暖的班集体 上个星期我和同学打篮球时,不小心摔坏了腿,当时是老师和同学们把我送到医院的,现在我已在医院住了十多天了。在住院期间,我不能和老师同学在一起,感到很寂寞。我非常想念他们。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    Practice 1  情景:你是小明。你的美国朋友Steven给你寄来一张卡片。  任务:请你用英语给他写一封50词左右的短信。内容包括:  ·何时收到卡片的;  ·你认为这张卡片怎样;  ·你目前的情况;  ·询问他何时来中国。  请用下面格式。  Dear Steven,  …  Xiao Ming

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    Dear Steven,
    Thank you so much for sending me the birthday card. I got it yesterday and I like it a lot. Now I am on my summer holiday. I spend most of the time studying English because study will be really tense next term. When will you come to China? I’m eager to see you again.
    Xiao Ming
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    作文提示:  刚入学时,你还是一个淘气、不懂事的孩子,家庭实际困难也比较多。班主任老师了解了你的实际情况后,给了你很多帮助。她(他)不但在学习上关心你,而且在生活上也很照顾你。你进步很快,后来又加入了少先队。你非常感激老师,很珍惜这段难忘的师生情。  请你把这些内容写出来,题目自定,字数不少于150字。

    师生情 在我家的相册里,珍藏着一张全班同学戴红领巾的合影。照片上,同学们穿着整齐的校服,脖子上系着鲜艳的红领巾,幸福地围坐在一起。班主任黄老师格外精神,她穿着雪白的羊毛绒上衣,也系了一条鲜艳的红领巾,一双大大的眼睛里蕴藏着智慧和自信,脸上露出慈祥的微笑,安详地坐在我们中间。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    作文提示:  当你看到同学做错了事情后,你敢批评她们吗?想想看:你是什么时候遇到这种事情的?当时你是怎么做的?  请你把这些内容写出来,题目自定,字数不少于150字。

    怎么办? 今天,在放学的路上,我看见王立新、刘宝春正在爬一棵小树。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    作文提示:  学校放假了,想想看:你可以为爸爸妈妈做点儿什么呢?你是怎么做的?爸爸妈妈看到你做的这件事后是怎么说的?  请你把这些内容写出来,题目自定,字数不少于150字。

    洗衬衣 昨天我们开始放暑假了,我想这一学期爸爸妈妈没少为我操心,假期我应该为他们做点儿事情,减轻一些他们的负担。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    9  大多数学生认为校园生活是丰富多彩的,学习是快乐有趣的。然而,无论在城市还是农村学校都有一些厌学的学生。请围绕该话题用英语谈谈你的看法。  要求:  (1)内容包括:  ①中学生厌学的主要原因;  ②你对该现象的看法。  (2)词数:60~80词。  (3)短文中不得出现你的真实姓名,学校名和地名。

    Most students think school life is interesting and pleasant. However, there are some students who don’t like to go to school, and they are not interested in their studies.
    The reasons are as follows: Some students think it is not necessary to learn too much knowledge because their parents will give them everything they need. Some have given up their studies because of one or two poor subjects. They are afraid of being laughed at. Besides, some even think what is taught in class is boring.
    In my opinion, getting an education can help you build the kind of future life you want. It’s also a good idea to talk to your teachers, parents or friends about your problems with school. You may get some useful advice from them. Try to find out your interests and talents which can make you more confident. You should remember that knowledge is power and that you must depend on yourself in the future.

  • 第13题:

    请根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。My Views on the Internet

    参考答案:Internet plays an important role in our life.First, The world gets smaller and communication becomes easier and faster, because through the Internet we can get to know people from all over the world.Besides, we can work at home by sending email and accessing online information.Finally, online shopping makes our life more convenient.But as many other modern inventions, Internet has its problems.For instance, there is too much junk information on the net, and it wastes our time.Even worse, some evil persons commit crimes using the Internet technology.Thousands of people have fallen in love with the Internet.It’s necessary to adopt stricter administration measures so that it will serve us better.

  • 第14题:

    Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 My Favorite Season 内容需包括以下方面: 1.说明自己最喜欢的季节; 2.陈述喜欢这一季节的原因,可以描写这一季节的景色,或是记述在这一季节最让人难忘的经历。

    正确答案:Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most. Winter is  the last season of the year, and it is usually the season to sit  down to look back what we have done in the year and make a wish  to the next year.  Some may complain that it is too cold in winter. However, we also know that it is this coldness that freeze the pests in the farmland and make a harvest next year possible. Thinking of this, I believe the coldness in winter is bearable. I also like the sight view of winter especially after a heavy snow. The world becomes so white, so soft that I feel satisfied and inner peace in this season.

  • 第15题:


    你我为邻,相互依存。“你” 可以是有形的,也可以是无形的;“邻”无法回避,却可有所选择。



  • 第16题:



    1. 李越的事迹及其对同学的影响;

    2. 你的评论。

    注意: 文章的标题和开头已给出(不计词数)。

    3. 参考词汇:singing contest 歌咏比赛 costume 服装

                                      Star Student of the Week       
        Li Yue has been awarded the title of “Star Student of the Week” for what she did for our class. On the hot afternoon of last Saturday, Li Yue went downtown and walked from one store to another, looking for the costumes we would wear in the singing contest. While the rest of us were enjoying our leisure time in cool and comfortable rooms, she spent the whole afternoon searching and selecting. Finally, she found the right clothes. Deeply moved by her efforts, we tried our best and won the first prize in the contest.      
        Li Yue is always warm-hearted and cares a lot about the class. Besides, she often devotes her spare time to helping others. She deserves the honor and we should learn from her.

  • 第17题:

    K女士是你要好的同事,由于她经历了三次失败婚姻,只要有人提起婚姻一事,就神经紧张,歇斯底里。如果你即将结婚,你会( )
    (A)绝不会告诉她这件事情 (B)告诉并邀请她,怎样做由她
    (C)事后告诉她 (D)请别人来暗示她


  • 第18题:


    One possible version:I’m a senior student.I like English very much.Besides attending English lessons at school,I often go to the English Corner in the park near my home on Saturday morning.It was set up two years ago.Many high school students gather there.Sometimes,some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English Comer.There,we practise our spoken English,talk about what we are interested in,exchange our experience in learning English and So on.I’ve learned a lot.I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it.It is really a good help to me.

  • 第19题:

    Practice 2  情景:你的同事张丽明天去出差,你说好要去送她,却突然接到父亲电话,得知母亲病重,要你马上回家。离开办公室时,张丽正在开会。  任务:请你用英语给张丽写一张50词左右的便条。内容包括:  ·你为什么马上要回家;  ·明天可能不去机场送她;  ·祝她旅途愉快。  要求:格式准确,表达清楚,字迹工整。请用下面格式。  Zhang Li,  …Wang Lin

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    Zhang Li,
    I have to go home at once because my father called me by phone just now. I was told that my mother was badly ill and needed to be sent to hospital. I’m sorry to tell you that maybe tomorrow I can’t go to the airport to see you off. I wish you a good trip.
    Xiao Wang
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    Practice 2  情景:你是李明,你的朋友Tom暑假要来你所在的城市参观,你需要告诉他你的住址和他来时的乘车路线。  任务:请你用英语给Tom写一封50词左右的信,告诉他:  ·你住在北京市中关村南大街601号;  ·从北京西站乘320路公共汽车到中关村站下车;  ·到时候你会在公共汽车站牌处等他。  请用下面格式。  Dear Tom,  …  YoursLi Ming

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    Dear Tom,
    I’m very glad to hear that you’ll come to visit Beijing this summer. Now I’d like to tell you how to get to my house. I’m living at No. 601 Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing. When you arrive at Beijing Western Railway Station, you can take the No.320 bus and get off at the Zhongguancun Stop. I’ll be waiting for you there.
    Li Ming
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    作文提示:  有些同学特别怕写作文,每次写作文都不知道该写什么。你喜欢写作文吗?想想看:你是怎么练习写作文的?你为什么会那样做?  请你把这些内容写出来,题目自定,字数不少于150字。

    我是这样学写作文的 记得第一次上作文课时,我咬着笔头儿,什么也写不出来。老师笑着对我说:“能写的东西可多啦,比如参加一次少先队活动,把听到的、看到的、想到的都写下来,不就是作文吗?”正好那天中队举行拔河比赛,我睁大眼睛观察伙伴们的动作和神情。比赛结束后,我把拔河比赛的场面和自己的心情都写了下来。老师看了,表扬我写得好。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    你身边的每个人对你来说都具有特殊的意义。请以“My special _____”为题用英语写一篇短文,描述你家庭的某个成员或你的朋友、老师、同学等。要求:  1. 在题目空格处填入你要描述的对象,如grandma,teacher或friend等;  2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;  3. 80词左右。My special _____

    正确答案: My special grandpa My grandpa is very special to me. He always helps me out whenever I am in trouble. There are no secrets between us. We’re like friends.
    Whenever I am with my grandpa, I feel happy. I know my grandpa is very smart because he seems to know everything. My grandpa is good at many things. One thing he’s best at is fishing. He often invites me to go fishing with him and every time, he can get a lot of fish. I know my grandpa loves me and I love him as well.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    作文提示:  “五一”劳动节你和父母一起去公园游玩,你玩得很开心。请你根据这个情景材料,写一篇作文,全文不少于250字。

    难忘的五一之游 今天天气晴朗,万里无云,真是个游玩的好天气。吃完早饭后,爸爸妈妈决定带我去人民公园划船,于是,我们带着吃的东西和水,向人民公园出发。
    解析: 暂无解析