Clerk: Please fill out the form.Guest: All right. , please?Clerk: It's August, the thirteenth.A. What day is it todayB. What's the numberC. What's the date todayD. What's the time now


Clerk: Please fill out the form.

Guest: All right. , please?

Clerk: It's August, the thirteenth.

A. What day is it today

B. What's the number

C. What's the date today

D. What's the time now

更多“Clerk: Please fill out the form.Guest: All right., please?Clerk: It's August, the ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    –– Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you?

    –– Thompson: Yes, I’d like a ticket to New York 9: 15 tom rrow morning.

    –– Clerk: ____

    –– Thompson: Single, please.

    A: Single or two?

    B: Single or double?

    C: Single or back?

    D: Single or return?


  • 第2题:

    翻译以下关于邮政储蓄填单业务有关对话。 ①Clerk: Please fill in this form. ②Customer: Sorry, I don’t know Chinese. Would you help me to complete the form? ③Clerk: I am afraid I cannot do it for you. This is our regulation. You can go to the information desk to ask the director on duty for help.
    ①请填单。 ②对不起,我不懂汉语,麻烦您帮我填一下好吗? ③很抱歉我不能为您填,这是我们的规定。请到咨询台找值班经理帮忙。

  • 第3题:

    翻译以下关于邮政储蓄取款业务有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to withdraw 100,000yuan. ②Clerk: Have you made an appointment? ③Customer: No. ④Clerk: Sorry. If you withdraw the money over 50,000, you should make an appointment at least one day before.
    ①我想取10万元。 ②您预约了吗? ③没有。 ④很抱歉,如果您的取款额超过5万元,您至少应提前一天预约。

  • 第4题:

    翻译以下关于邮政储蓄业务员开户业务的有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to open an account. ②Clerk: Fixed or current? ③Customer: Current. ④Clerk: Your ID card, please.
    ①我想开个户 ②活期的还是定期的 ③活期的 ④请出示您的证件

  • 第5题:

    翻译以下关于邮政储蓄国内回执业务有关对话。 ①Clerk: Do you need A.R Service? ②Customer: How about the service charge? ③Clerk:One yuan for SMS service. ④ Customer: All right. ⑤Clerk: Please write down your mobile phone number here. We will inform you when the money arrives there. Thank you.
    ①您需要回执服务吗? ②费用是多少钱? ③短信回执每笔一元。 ④好吧。 ⑤请写下您的手机号码。汇款寄达后,我们会电话通知您。谢谢!