Practice 14 中国传统文化既是中华民族悠久历史的结晶,也是中华民族对于全人类的伟大贡献。独具特色的语言文字,浩如烟海的文化典籍,嘉惠世界的科技工艺,精彩纷呈的文学艺术,充满智慧的哲学宗教,完备深刻的伦理道德等,共同构成了中国传统文化的基本内容。中国传统文化固然是我们从先辈那里继承下来的丰厚遗产,但又并不仅是陈列在博物馆里的文物展品。它有着鲜活的生命力。传统文化所蕴涵的思维方式、价值观念和行为准则等内容,无时无刻不在影响制约着今天的中国人,为我们开创新的文化提供着历史依据和现实基础。
The traditional Chinese culture is not only the fruit of the long history of Chinese nation, but also the great contribution to the whole mankind, the essence of which is made up by distinctive languages, tremendous cultural works, world-acclaimed technics, fantastic literature and art, sapiential philosophy and religion, as well as prefect and profound ethic, and so on. No doubt that the traditional Chinese culture is rich heritage for us from our ancestors, yet it means far more than some cultural relic displayed in museums. It has vigorous vitality. The thought pattern, values and rule of conduct embedded in the culture are exerting influence and restriction to the Chinese people at every single moment, which provide historical evidence and realistic ground for us to explore new culture.