当前分类: IBM(000-118)
问题:单选题A storage specialist is discussing the customer’s high availability plan and discovers that they areonly 80 kilometers (50 miles) from the intended site. They require 7 x 24 x 365 data availability in aUNIX environment with an RPO of two minutes. They ...
问题:单选题A customer has two separate storage islands and is planning to implement an SVC to provide forFlashCopy between the two islands. What is the minimum number of inter-switch links (ISLs) thatare required?()A 0B 1C 2D 4...
问题:单选题Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager V2 can be utilized to :()A provide AES encryption key support to LTO-3, LTO-4 and LTO-5 tape drivesB provide AES encryption key support for DS5000 storage arraysC provide encryption key management forStorwize V7000, LTO-4, ...
问题:单选题A customer has a requirement for Disaster Recovery for compliance within their industry. Theyhave an RPO of 4 hours and an RTO of 24 hours. Cost is a consideration. What is the most costeffective DR implementation?()A a disk-to-disk backup solution kee...
问题:单选题A customer has Symantec NetBackup installed and is concerned about restore times for a line ofbusiness server. Which IBM Tivoli Storage Manager feature addresses this customer’s concerns?()A migrationB collocationC compressionD subfile backup...
问题:单选题A current N series customer has an IBM System Storage N3600. They are interested in futureexpansion. What is the minimum number of disk drives required to populate the expansion shelf?()A 0B 1C 4D 14...
问题:单选题What protocol would allow an IBM System Storage N6040 to do a file level backup to a tapedevice?()A FCPB NFSC HTTPD NDMP...
问题:单选题A customer is conducting a proof of concept with an IBM System Storage DS5100 attached toLinux hosts. The DS5100 is running in a degraded state and the "collect all support data"operation does not complete correctly. What alternate data should be colle...
问题:单选题A customer’s current backup environment uses IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) over thecorporate LAN. A 500 GB Oracle database application was recently added to the SAN. Backupwindows are no longer being met. Which action should the storage specialist r...
问题:单选题When planning an SVC environment with the customer, the storage specialist finds that they wishto include iSCSI storage into the cluster. In this situation what is needed to place the storage intoproduction?()A a RAID cardB IQN of the hostC amount of s...
问题:单选题A police department is interested in disk storage for a video application. Once the data is stored todisk it will be backed up to tape for long term storage. The array must have the highestperformance. Redundancy is not required. What RAID level will m...
问题:单选题What is an advantage of IBM SAN Volume Controller (SVC) virtualization over an HP EnterpriseVirtual Array virtualization?()A SVC supports more RAID levels than HP EVAB SVC has a broader worldwide installation base than HP EVAC SVC provides SAN virtuali...
问题:单选题What is the required element for encryption key management on an LTO-5 drive within a tapelibrary?()A IBM LTO Encryption ManagerB IBM Tape Encryption ManagerC IBM Tivoli Single Sign On Manager (SSO)D IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager (TKLM)...
问题:单选题A customer has an existing DS5300 system attached to two Brocade switches with eight Windowsservers. The customer wants to add their System i p750 server to this SAN. From the followingchoices what is the simplest and least expensive solution for this ...
问题:单选题While installing a new IBM System Storage DS5100 into a customer’s data center, it is discoveredthat the customer does not have enough available Fibre Channel ports on their switches. Which ofthe following should have been used to avoid this situation?...
问题:单选题As part of a Business Continuance project, a customer has established replication from 3 spokesto a DR hub with ProtecTIER 7610 appliances. Each of the 3 spokes is backing up 500 GB ofnominal data daily with an average deduplication ratio of 10:1. The ...
问题:单选题A customer has been receiving warning alerts on their storage units. All data is protected nightlyby a backup and has been tested without any issues. What should the customer do prior tocontacting IBM Support?()A collect all support dataB implement a c...