题15 黄浦江游览,是上海旅游中的一个重要的传统旅游节目,它不仅在于黄浦江是上海的母亲河,代表着上海的象征和缩影,还在于浦江两岸,荟萃了上海城市景观的精华,从这里你可以看到上海的过去、现在,更可以展望上海的灿烂明天。黄浦江游轮向东蜿蜒前行,途经黄金水道,抵达吴淞口,三个半小时的行程,游程60公里,一路景观层出不穷。浦江游览过程中可看到横跨浦江两岸的杨浦大桥、南浦大桥和上海东方明珠广播电视塔。两座大桥,像两条巨龙横卧于黄浦江上,中间是东方明珠电视塔,正好构成了一幅“二龙戏珠”的巨幅画卷,而浦江西岸一幢幢风格迥异充满浓郁异国色彩的万国建筑与浦东东岸一幢幢拔地而起高耸云间的现代建筑相映成辉,令人目不暇接。
The cruise along the Huangpu River is a traditional item in the touring around Shanghai. Huangpu River, the birthplace of Shanghai, is a symbol embodying its soul and the areas on both sides of the river incorporate the quintessence of sights in Shanghai, from which you can admire the city’s past, present and its splendid future. The cruise boat meanders eastward along the golden waterway to the Wusong Mouth, a confluence of the three and half hours over a distance of 60 kilometers, with beautiful view emerging one after another. Along the river, you will enjoy the view of Yangpu Bridge, Nanpu Bridge spanning across the river and the Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower. The two bridges, like two giant dragons reclining on the river, form a traditional Chinese painting of Two Dragons Playing Pearl with the tower standing in between. The variegated buildings of western styles along the western bank of the river and the modern architectures towering along the eastern bank enhance the beauty of each other in complement and the scenic views come in such succession that fascinate the visitors.