4 The transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) involves major change for companies as IFRSs
introduce significant changes in accounting practices that were often not required by national generally accepted
accounting practice. It is important that the interpretation and application of IFRSs is consistent from country to
country. IFRSs are partly based on rules, and partly on principles and management’s judgement. Judgement is more
likely to be better used when it is based on experience of IFRSs within a sound financial reporting infrastructure. It is
hoped that national differences in accounting will be eliminated and financial statements will be consistent and
comparable worldwide.
(a) Discuss how the changes in accounting practices on transition to IFRSs and choice in the application of
individual IFRSs could lead to inconsistency between the financial statements of companies. (17 marks)
(b) Prepare the balance sheet of York at 31 October 2006, using International Financial Reporting Standards,
discussing the nature of the accounting treatments selected, the adjustments made and the values placed
on the items in the balance sheet. (20 marks)
Gow’s net assets
IAS36 ‘Impairment of Assets’, sets out the events that might indicate that an asset is impaired. These circumstances include
external events such as the decline in the market value of an asset and internal events such as a reduction in the cash flows
to be generated from an asset or cash generating unit. The loss of the only customer of a cash generating unit (power station)
would be an indication of the possible impairment of the cash generating unit. Therefore, the power station will have to be
impairment tested.
The recoverable amount will have to be determined and compared to the value given to the asset on the setting up of the
joint venture. The recoverable amount is the higher of the cash generating unit’s fair value less costs to sell, and its value-inuse.
The fair value less costs to sell will be $15 million which is the offer for the purchase of the power station ($16 million)
less the costs to sell ($1 million). The value-in-use is the discounted value of the future cash flows expected to arise from the
cash generating unit. The future dismantling costs should be provided for as it has been agreed with the government that it
will be dismantled. The cost should be included in the future cash flows for the purpose of calculating value-in-use and
provided for in the financial statements and the cost added to the property, plant and equipment ($4 million ($5m/1·064)).
The value-in-use based on a discount rate of 6 per cent is $21 million (working). Therefore, the recoverable amount is
$21 million which is higher than the carrying value of the cash generating unit ($20 million) and, therefore, the value of the
cash generating unit is not impaired when compared to the present carrying value of $20 million (value before impairment
Additionally IAS39, ‘Financial Instruments: recognition and measurement’, says that an entity must assess at each balance
sheet date whether a financial asset is impaired. In this case the receivable of $7 million is likely to be impaired as Race is
going into administration. The present value of the estimated future cash flows will be calculated. Normally cash receipts from
trade receivables will not be discounted but because the amounts are not likely to be received for a year then the anticipated
cash payment is 80% of ($5 million × 1/1·06), i.e. $3·8 million. Thus a provision for the impairment of the trade receivables
of $3·2 million should be made. The intangible asset of $3 million would be valueless as the contract has been terminated.
Glass’s Net Assets
The leased property continues to be accounted for as property, plant and equipment and the carrying amount will not be
adjusted. However, the remaining useful life of the property will be revised to reflect the shorter term. Thus the property will
be depreciated at $2 million per annum over the next two years. The change to the depreciation period is applied prospectively
not retrospectively. The lease liability must be assessed under IAS39 in order to determine whether it constitutes a
de-recognition of a financial liability. As the change is a modification of the lease and not an extinguishment, the lease liability
would not be derecognised. The lease liability will be adjusted for the one off payment of $1 million and re-measured to the
present value of the revised future cash flows. That is $0·6 million/1·07 + $0·6 million/(1·07 × 1·07) i.e. $1·1 million. The
adjustment to the lease liability would normally be recognised in profit or loss but in this case it will affect the net capital
contributed by Glass.
The termination cost of the contract cannot be treated as an intangible asset. It is similar to redundancy costs paid to terminate
a contract of employment. It represents compensation for the loss of future income for the agency. Therefore it must be
removed from the balance sheet of York. The recognition criteria for an intangible asset require that there should be probable
future economic benefits flowing to York and the cost can be measured reliably. The latter criterion is met but the first criterion
is not. The cost of gaining future customers is not linked to this compensation.
IAS18 ‘Revenue’ contains a concept of a ‘multiple element’ arrangement. This is a contract which contains two or more
elements which are in substance separate and are separately identifiable. In other words, the two elements can operate
independently from each other. In this case, the contract with the overseas company has two distinct elements. There is a
contract not to supply gas to any other customer in the country and there is a contract to sell gas at fair value to the overseas
company. The contract has not been fulfilled as yet and therefore the payment of $1·5 million should not be taken to profit
or loss in its entirety at the first opportunity. The non supply of gas to customers in that country occurs over the four year
period of the contract and therefore the payment should be recognised over that period. Therefore the amount should be
shown as deferred income and not as a deduction from intangible assets. The revenue on the sale of gas will be recognised
as normal according to IAS18.
There may be an issue over the value of the net assets being contributed. The net assets contributed by Glass amount to
$21·9 million whereas those contributed by Gow only total $13·8 million after taking into account any adjustments required
by IFRS. The joint venturers have equal shareholding in York but no formal written agreements, thus problems may arise ifGlass feels that the contributions to the joint venture are unequal.
5 Financial statements have seen an increasing move towards the use of fair values in accounting. Advocates of ‘fair
value accounting’ believe that fair value is the most relevant measure for financial reporting whilst others believe that
historical cost provides a more useful measure.
Issues have been raised over the reliability and measurement of fair values, and over the nature of the current level
of disclosure in financial statements in this area.
(a) Discuss the problems associated with the reliability and measurement of fair values and the nature of any
additional disclosures which may be required if fair value accounting is to be used exclusively in corporate
reporting. (13 marks)
(b) Prepare a consolidated statement of financial position of the Ribby Group at 31 May 2008 in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards. (35 marks)
(c) On 1 May 2007 Sirus acquired another company, Marne plc. The directors of Marne, who were the only
shareholders, were offered an increased profit share in the enlarged business for a period of two years after the
date of acquisition as an incentive to accept the purchase offer. After this period, normal remuneration levels will
be resumed. Sirus estimated that this would cost them $5 million at 30 April 2008, and a further $6 million at
30 April 2009. These amounts will be paid in cash shortly after the respective year ends. (5 marks)
Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment of
the above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the year
ended 30 April 2008.
Discuss the principles and practices which should be used in the financial year to 30 November 2008 to account
for:(b) the costs incurred in extending the network; (7 marks)
5 An enterprise has made a material change to an accounting policy in preparing its current financial statements.
Which of the following disclosures are required by IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates
and errors in these financial statements?
1 The reasons for the change.
2 The amount of the consequent adjustment in the current period and in comparative information for prior periods.
3 An estimate of the effect of the change on future periods, where possible.
A 1 and 2 only
B 1 and 3 only
C 2 and 3 only
D All three items
(b) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act contains provisions for the attestation (verification) and reporting to shareholders of
internal controls over financial reporting.
Describe the typical contents of an external report on internal controls. (8 marks)
4 (a) The purpose of ISA 510 ‘Initial Engagements – Opening Balances’ is to establish standards and provide guidance
regarding opening balances when the financial statements are audited for the first time or when the financial
statements for the prior period were audited by another auditor.
Explain the auditor’s reporting responsibilities that are specific to initial engagements. (5 marks)
4 (a) The purpose of ISA 250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements is to
establish standards and provide guidance on the auditor’s responsibility to consider laws and regulations in an
audit of financial statements.
Explain the auditor’s responsibilities for reporting non-compliance that comes to the auditor’s attention
during the conduct of an audit. (5 marks)
At the end of 2004, there were around 6,000 foreign printing companies in China, ______ up around 4 percent of national total.
B:to make
D:having made
A.managerial accounting and financial accounting
B.managerial accounting and environmental accounting
C.forensic accounting and financial accounting
D.financial accounting and tax accounting systems
5 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) are primarily designed for use by publicly listed companies and
in many countries the majority of companies using IFRSs are listed companies. In other countries IFRSs are used as
national Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) for all companies including unlisted entities. It has been
argued that the same IFRSs should be used by all entities or alternatively a different body of standards should apply
to small and medium entities (SMEs).
(a) Discuss whether there is a need to develop a set of IFRSs specifically for SMEs. (7 marks)
4 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has begun a joint project to revisit its conceptual framework for
financial accounting and reporting. The goals of the project are to build on the existing frameworks and converge them
into a common framework.
(a) Discuss why there is a need to develop an agreed international conceptual framework and the extent to which
an agreed international conceptual framework can be used to resolve practical accounting issues.
(13 marks)
(b) When a director retires, amounts become payable to the director as a form. of retirement benefit as an annuity.
These amounts are not based on salaries paid to the director under an employment contract. Sirus has
contractual or constructive obligations to make payments to former directors as at 30 April 2008 as follows:
(i) certain former directors are paid a fixed annual amount for a fixed term beginning on the first anniversary of
the director’s retirement. If the director dies, an amount representing the present value of the future payment
is paid to the director’s estate.
(ii) in the case of other former directors, they are paid a fixed annual amount which ceases on death.
The rights to the annuities are determined by the length of service of the former directors and are set out in the
former directors’ service contracts. (6 marks)
Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment of
the above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the year
ended 30 April 2008.
(d) Sirus raised a loan with a bank of $2 million on 1 May 2007. The market interest rate of 8% per annum is to
be paid annually in arrears and the principal is to be repaid in 10 years time. The terms of the loan allow Sirus
to redeem the loan after seven years by paying the full amount of the interest to be charged over the ten year
period, plus a penalty of $200,000 and the principal of $2 million. The effective interest rate of the repayment
option is 9·1%. The directors of Sirus are currently restructuring the funding of the company and are in initial
discussions with the bank about the possibility of repaying the loan within the next financial year. Sirus is
uncertain about the accounting treatment for the current loan agreement and whether the loan can be shown as
a current liability because of the discussions with the bank. (6 marks)
Appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and quality of discussion (2 marks)
Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment of
the above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the year
ended 30 April 2008.
4 Whilst acknowledging the importance of high quality corporate reporting, the recommendations to improve it are
sometimes questioned on the basis that the marketplace for capital can determine the nature and quality of corporate
reporting. It could be argued that additional accounting and disclosure standards would only distort a market
mechanism that already works well and would add costs to the reporting mechanism, with no apparent benefit. It
could be said that accounting standards create costly, inefficient, and unnecessary regulation. It could be argued that
increased disclosure reduces risks and offers a degree of protection to users. However, increased disclosure has several
costs to the preparer of financial statements.
(a) Explain why accounting standards are needed to help the market mechanism work effectively for the benefit
of preparers and users of corporate reports. (9 marks)
19 Which of the following statements about intangible assets in company financial statements are correct according
to international accounting standards?
1 Internally generated goodwill should not be capitalised.
2 Purchased goodwill should normally be amortised through the income statement.
3 Development expenditure must be capitalised if certain conditions are met.
A 1 and 3 only
B 1 and 2 only
C 2 and 3 only
D All three statements are correct
(c) Construct the arguments in favour of Professor Leroi’s remark that external reporting requirements on internal
controls were ‘too ambitious’ for small and medium companies. (4 marks)
6 The explosive growth of investing and raising capital in the global markets has put new emphasis on the development
of international accounting, auditing and ethical standards. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has
been at the forefront of the development of the worldwide accountancy profession through its activities in ethics,
auditing and education.
Explain the developments in each of the following areas and indicate how they affect Chartered Certified
(a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’; (5 marks)
6 Certain practices have developed that threaten to damage the integrity and objectivity of professional accountants and
the reputation of the accounting profession.
Explain the following practices and associated ethical risks and discuss whether current ethical guidance is
(a) ‘lowballing’; (5 marks)
听力原文:M: The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information useful for making investment and lending decisions.
W: The information must be relevant, reliable, and comparable.
Q: What is the primary objective of financial reporting?
A.To make investment.
B.To record data.
C.To provide useful information.
D.To understand some basic accounting principles.