A 公司为支付货款,向 B 公司签发了一张金额为 200 万元的银行承兑汇票,某商业银行作为承兑人在票面上签章。B 公司收到该汇票后将其背书转让给 C 公司,以偿还所欠 C 公司的租金,但未在被背书人栏内记载 C 公司的名称。C 公司欠 D 公司一笔应付账款,遂直接将D 公司记载为 B 公司的被背书人,并将该汇票交给 D 公司。D 公司随后又将该汇票背书转让给 E 公司,用于偿付工程款,并于票据上注明:“工程验收合格则转让生效。”D 公司与 E 公司因工程存在严重质量问题,未能验收合格而发生纠纷。纠纷期间,E 公司为支付广告费,欲将该汇票背书转让给 F 公司。F 公司负责人知悉 D 公司与 E 公司之间存在工程纠纷,对该汇票产生疑虑,遂要求 E 公司之关联企业 G 公司与 F 公司签订了一份保证合同。该保证合同约定,G 公司就 E 公司对 F 公司承担的票据责任提供连带责任保证。但是,G 公司未在汇票上记载任何内容,亦未签章。 F 公司于汇票到期日向银行提示付款,银行以 A 公司未在该行存入足额资金为由拒绝付款。 F 公司遂向 C 公司、D 公司、E 公司、G 公司追索。
(1)C 公司是否应向F 公司承担票据责任?并说明理由。
(2)D 公司对E 公司的背书转让是否生效?并说明理由。
(3)D 公司能否以其与E 公司的工程纠纷尚未解决为由,拒绝向F 公司承担票据责任?并说明理由。
(4)F 公司能否向G 公司行使票据上的追索权?并说明理由。
(5)G 公司是否应向F 公司承担保证责任?并说明理由。
(1)C 公司不应向 F 公司承担票据责任。由于 C 公司未在汇票上签章,因此不是票据法律关系的当事人,不应承担任何票据责任。
(2)D 公司对 E 公司的背书转让生效。根据票据法律制度的规定,背书时附有条件的,所附条件不影响背书行为的效力,被背书人仍可依该背书取得票据权利。(或答:背书时附有条件的,所附条件不具有汇票上的效力。)
(3)D 公司可以以其与 E 公司的工程纠纷尚未解决为由,拒绝向 F 公司承担票据责任。根据票据法律制度的规定,票据债务人不得以自己与持票人的前手之间的抗辩事由对抗持票人,但持票人明知存在抗辩事由而取得票据的除外。F 公司明知 D 公司与 E 公司的工程纠纷尚未解决,却仍然接受汇票,故其权利不能优先于其前手 E 公司。(或答:F 公司明知 D公司与 E 公司的工程纠纷尚未解决,却仍然接受汇票,故 D 公司可以基于该抗辩事由拒绝向其承担票据责任。)超压卷瑞牛题库软件考前更新,下载链接 www.niutk.com
(4)F 公司不能向 G 公司行使票据上的追索权。根据票据法律制度的规定,办理票据保证手续时,应在票据上记载保证文句并由保证人签章。G 公司未在票据上记载任何内容,亦未签章,其行为不构成票据保证,G 公司不属于票据债务人,故 F 公司不能向其行使票据上的追索权。
(5)G 公司应当向 F 公司承担保证责任。尽管 G 公司不存在票据上的保证责任,但 G公司与 F 公司签订了保证合同,适用担保法有关保证责任的规定。作为连带责任保证人,在 E 公司不履行债务时,G 公司应当承担保证责任。
The reason for Bank C's refusal to pay is invalid. According to the law, a person liable for a negotiable instrument may not set up against the holder such defenses that are available as between himself and the drawer or between himself and the holder's prior party or parties. (Bills defense off)
The reason of company A is invalid. According to the law, the sum and expenses for the recourse: ① the sum payable by the bill of exchange dishonored; ② interest, calculated at the rate prescribed by the People's Bank of China, on the sum payable by the bill of exchange, from the date of maturity or from the date of presentment for payment to the date of payment; and ③ the expenses for obtaining relevant evidence of dishonor and for dispatching notices. Therefore, it is reasonable in this question that the amount of recourse exceeds the amount of the draft.
The reason of company B is invalid.According to the law, the holder shall, within three days after receiving the relevant evidence of non - acceptance or non - payment, notify his prior parties in writing of the fact of dishonor. In case of failure to do what is stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the holder may still exercise the right of recourse. Where losses are caused to the prior parties or the drawee by delayed notice, the party to the bill of exchange failing to notify the relevant parties within the prescribed time limit shall be liable for compensation of the losses, but the damages shall be limited to the sum payable by the bill. In this question, although Company F did not issue a notice of recourse within the prescribed time limit, it can still exercise recourse.
The reason of company D is valid. According to the law, where an endorser writes "non - negotiable" on a bill of exchange and his subsequent party negotiates it by endorsement, the endorser shall not bear responsibility for guaranty to the endorsee of the said subsequent party. In this question, Company D transfers the bill of exchange endorsement to Company E, and writes "non - negotiable". However, Company E has transferred the bill of exchange endorsement to Company F, so the original endorser D is not reliable.
The reason of company D is valid. A person liable for a negotiable instrument may set up defenses against the holder who has a direct creditor - debtor relationship with him and does not perform the obligations agreed upon. The direct creditor-debt relationship exists between company E and company F. If company F fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, company E (the person liable for a negotiable instrument) can refuse the payment.