In handover, you should state the patient’s clearly. ()A. location, name, age and genderB. personal health historyC. general situation nowD. exist problems and solutions

In handover, you should state the patient’s clearly. ()

A. location, name, age and gender

B. personal health history

C. general situation now

D. exist problems and solutions

更多“In handover, you should state the patient’s clearly. () ”相关问题
  • 第1题:


    A.Parameter s0=0,s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4,s5=5,s6=6,s7=7; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0; default:begin next_state =s0;#B.`define s0=1,s1=2,s2=4,s3=4,s4=8 s5: next_state =s1; S6: next_state =s1; S7: next_state =s2; default:begin next_state =s0;#C.Parameter s0=40,s1=41,s2=42,s3=43,s4=44,s5=45,s6=46,s7=47; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0;#D.以上都正确
    Parameter s0=0,s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4,s5=5,s6=6,s7=7; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0; default:begin next_state =s0;;`define s0=1,s1=2,s2=4,s3=4,s4=8 s5: next_state =s1; S6: next_state =s1; S7: next_state =s2; default:begin next_state =s0;

  • 第2题:


    A.always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; end

    B.always@(posedge clk ) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; end

    C.always@(posedge clk t) if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state;

    D.always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state;

    always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; end

  • 第3题:


    A.parameter [2:0] s0=0, s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4; reg [2:0] current_state, next_state;

    B.parameter [1:0] s0=0, s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4; reg [1:0] current_state, next_state;

    C.TYPE FSM_ST IS (s0, s1,s2,s3,s4); SIGNAL current_state, next_state: FSM_ST;

    D.typedef enum {s0, s1,s2,s3,s4} type_user; type_user current_state, next_state

    parameter [2:0] s0=0, s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4; reg [2:0] current_state, next_state;

  • 第4题:


    A.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S2; end ……#B.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; end ……#C.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……#D.以上答案均不正确
    always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……

  • 第5题:


    A.Parameter s0=0,s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4,s5=5,s6=6,s7=7; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0; default:begin next_state =s0;#B.define s0=1,s1=2,s2=4,s3=4,s4=8 s5: next_state =s1; S6: next_state =s1; S7: next_state =s2; default:begin next_state =s0;#C.Parameter s0=40,s1=41,s2=42,s3=43,s4=44,s5=45,s6=46,s7=47; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0;#D.以上都是正确选型
    Parameter s0=0,s1=1,s2=2,s3=3,s4=4,s5=5,s6=6,s7=7; ... s5: next_state =s0; S6: next_state =s0; S7: next_state =s0; default:begin next_state =s0;;define s0=1,s1=2,s2=4,s3=4,s4=8 s5: next_state =s1; S6: next_state =s1; S7: next_state =s2; default:begin next_state =s0;

  • 第6题:


    A.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S2; end ……#B.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; end ……#C.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……#D.以上答案均不正确
    always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……