Practice 3 ● Your manager is considering whether to purchase or to rent a new company premise. He has asked you to write a report concerning this. ● Write a report for your manager, including the following information: ● what you know about the premise, ● why it is good for you to take the relevant action, ● how your company would benefit from it. ● Write 200-250 words.
To: Manager
From: Will Smith
Date: Oct.23, 2012
Subject: New Premise
The Health, Safety, and Environmental team and the Admin Team jointly inspected our targeted premise-16th floor of the Fortune Building. It is an upscale office building with very good facilities such as parking lot, and A/C. The top floor of the building is what we are looking at. It is quoted 100 per square meters per month.
We, the working team, suggest that we would like to take this premise. We made this decision after inspecting a dozen of office buildings in the three month’s. The judgment is made in terms of the cost, fame and accessibility. The schedule of its availability can also satisfy our schedule of moving.
In the downtown area, this is the ONLY new office building. Locating in the downtown area means that we get much closer to all our suppliers and customers. This will make us more appealing and bring us convenience, and also save our people time, cost and energy to travel from what we are now to the downtown area. The building has really very good fame that matches us as a Multi-National Company better than before. With respect to cost, our planned budget is enough to cover the cost, and according to the agency the offer is negotiable.