中国茶文化 中国是世界上种茶最早、制茶最精、饮茶最多的国家,是茶的故乡。 最初,茶只是被作为一种药材;而非饮品。后来,随着古人对茶性的深入研究,逐渐将茶从药材中分离出来,而成为一种清热解渴的饮料,并逐渐形成了中国的茶文化。 据史料记载,西汉时期已经有了饮茶的习俗。到了魏晋南北朝时期,饮茶的习俗已经成为上层人物中的一种时尚。唐代,可以说是中国茶文化的成熟时期。此时,饮茶的风气极为盛行。人们不仅讲究茶叶的产地和采制,还讲究饮茶的器具和方法,并且在饮茶的方法上日益翻新。宋代,茶的种植、贸易也依然有增无减,并且制茶技术也有了明显的进步。到了元代,饮茶已成为日常生活中极为平常的事。明清时期,日常生活中人们饮茶的习惯已经与现在无大差别。 中国很早以前就把茶种以及种茶的技术传播到了外国。唐代,茶叶传到了日本,后来出现了举世闻名的日本茶道。大约l7世纪初,茶叶流传到西欧,也成为欧洲人民喜爱的饮料之一。
Chinese Tea Culture China is the native place of tea where tea is grown earliest and processed with the finest method and drunk in the largest amount in the world.
Originally, tea is used as a kind of medicine instead of a drink. Later as the ancient Chinese explore further into the features of tea, they separate it from herbs and make it into a kind of drink that could combat fevers and quench thirst and gradually develop it into Chinese tea culture.
It is recorded that the custom of tea drinking started in the Western Han Dynasty and during the Dynasties of Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, drinking tea already became a fashion for those people with high social status. The Tang Dynasty is the mature period of Chinese tea culture. At that time it was customary to drink tea. (Tea drinking prevailed at that time.) People were fastidious about not only the tea production origin and the way to pick tea, but also the drinking utensils and the way of drinking. And people tried out even more ways to drink tea. In the Song Dynasty, tea planting and trade were on the increase and the technique of making tea was greatly improved. By the Yuan Dynasty, drinking tea had become something very common in the everyday life. In the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, people drank tea in almost the same way as we do today.
China has spread tea seeds and the techniques of tea planting to foreign countries very early. In the Tang Dynasty tea was spread to Japan and later the world-famous Japanese tea ceremony came into being. At the beginning of the 17th century tea was spread to West Europe and became the favorite drink of European people.