更多“His paper is ( )I have seen in my life. ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    ( ) from the moon, our earth, with water ( ) seventy percent of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”.

    A. Seen…covered



    D.To see…to cover


  • 第2题:

    —I'd met Smith several times before.—So (have) ( ) I.


  • 第3题:

    There are two types of death:the kind that comes so soon,and the kind that,though lamentable,at least feels age-appropriate.When someone young passes away,the blow is made worse by all the might-have-beens-what the deceased could have done,seen,and accomplished if only given more time.When the very old die,however,the loss-while still terrible for their loved ones-doesn't come with the same sense of unfulfillcd potential."It was his time"is the phrase that so ofien applies,or,"She lived a full life."But the definition of"a full life"is expanding,and the line dividing the two types of death is retreating.As life expectancies continue to change,so too will our collective ideas about death and its time-not just for talents who generation-defining songs,but also the rest of us who still have unfinished business of our own.


  • 第4题:

    -Would you like to go to the cinema?

    -I'd _____to go to the museum.

    A. rather

    B. Prefer

    C. have


  • 第5题:

    I’m looking forward _______ you in the near future.

    A、to seeing

    B、to see




  • 第6题:

    【单选题】下面程序的输出是。 main() {enum team {my,your=4,his,her=his+10}; printf("%d%d%d%dn",my,your,his,her);}

    A.0 1 2 3

    B.0 4 0 10

    C.0 4 5 15

    D.l 4 5 15

    DDBBCC C语言对枚举的定义规定:在枚举中声明的各个枚举元素,如果没有明确指出某个枚举元素的值,它的上一个元素存在并有明确值的情况下,这个枚举元素的值为其上一个元素的值+1。在本题中,没有明确说明枚举元素em3的值,则em3=em2+1=1+1=2,进而可知,在printf()打印函数中,要打印的数组元素是aa[3]、aa[1]、aa[2],因此最后的打印结果应当为“DDBBCC”。