Practice 9 有人做过这样的预言:如果地球上有一天断了烟,天下可能会大乱。此话可能是危言耸听,但是烟害的严重性是不能低估的。 为了使世界各国人民关注烟草的盛行及预防吸烟导致的疾病和死亡,世界卫生组织成员国在1987创立了“世界无烟日”。现在,每年的5月31目被定为“世界无烟日”。吸烟有害已家喻户晓,禁止吸烟的公共场所也日益增多。社会舆论长时期开展的有针对性的宣传,以及随之而创造的一些有效的戒烟方法的推广,产生了积极效果,不少人向香烟吻别。瘾君子从戒烟中吃尽了苦头,也尝到了甜头。戒烟贵在坚持,坚持下去就是收获。 烟瘾难戒,但并非不能戒。如果占全球三分之一的我国烟民能够在今天——世界无烟日——开始抵挡住香烟的诱惑,为了自己的健康和周围亲朋好友的健康一天不吸烟,乃至尽早戒烟,那将会创造出不可估量的效益!
Someone has prophesied that once tobacco disappears from the earth the whole world is likely to be in great disorder. This might be an exaggeration, but the danger of smoking cannot be underestimated.
The member states of the World Health Organization created a World No-smoking Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the prevention of diseases and death it causes. Now May 31 of each year is known as the World No Tobacco Day. The harm of smoking has been proverbial, and the numbers of no-smoking public places are on the increase. The pertinent publicity afforded by public opinion over a long time and the popularization of effective ways of giving up smoking have produced such positive and desirable results that many addicts have kissed tobacco good-bye. They have, after suffering a lot in the process of quitting smoking, been amply rewarded by the resultant benefit. The key to quitting smoking altogether lies in perseverance, which is the surest road to success.
It is difficult but not impossible to quit smoking. Beginning from today -- the World No Tobacco Day, if smokers in our country, who account for one-third of the world's smokers, can resist the temptation of tobacco to leave off smoking for one day and manage to give up smoking as early as possible for their own health and for the health of their relatives and friends, then immeasurable benefits will be created!