Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary KeyFIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25)LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25)DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBERSALARY NUMBERWhat is the correct syntax for an inline view? ()
A. SELECT a.last_name, a.salary, a.department_id, b.maxsal FROM employees a, (SELECT department_id, max(salary)maxsal FROM employees GROUP BY department_id) b WHERE a.department_id = b.department_id AND a.salary < b.maxsal;
B. SELECT a.last name, a.salary, a.department_id FROM employees a WHERE a.department_id IN (SELECT department_id FROM employees b GROUP BY department_id having salary = (SELECT max(salary) from employees))
C. SELECT a.last_name, a.salary, a.department_id FROM employees a WHERE a.salary = (SELECT max(salary) FROM employees b WHERE a.department _ id = b.department _ id);
D. SELECT a.last_name, a.salary, a.department_id FROM employees a WHERE (a.department_id, a.salary) IN (SELECT department_id, a.salary) IN (SELECT department_id max(salary) FROM employees b GROUP BY department_id ORDER BY department _ id);
Nothing in these Rules shall ______ any vessel,or the owner,master or crew thereof,from the consequences of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seaman,or by the special circumstances of the case.
如果Number=3,请指出下列语句的真与假。 If Number = 3, point out the truth and false of the following statements. Int(Number * Number) = Number * Number
用递归函数求解斐波那契序列,在划线处填上正确语句。 int fib(number){ if (__________ || number == 2) return 1; else: return fib(number - 1) + fib(number - 2);
A.number == 1
B.number == 0
C.number == 3
D.number != 1
如果Number=3.5,请指出下列表达式的真假。 If Number = 3.5, point out the truth or false of the following expressions. floor(Number * Number) == Number * Number
24、如果Number=7,下列命题为真。 If Number = 7, point out the truth or false of the following expressions. Sqrt(Number*Number ) == Int(Sqrt(Number*Number))