单击一次窗体之后,下列程序代码的执行结果为______。 Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer x = 1: y = 2: z = 3 Call fun1 (x, y, z) Print x; y; z Call fun2(x, y, z) Print x; y; z End Sub Private Sub fun1(x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Intege


单击一次窗体之后,下列程序代码的执行结果为______。 Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer x = 1: y = 2: z = 3 Call fun1 (x, y, z) Print x; y; z Call fun2(x, y, z) Print x; y; z End Sub Private Sub fun1(x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer) x = 10 * z y=z*z+ x z=x+ y+ z End Sub Private Sub fun2 (ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal z As Integer) x=10*z y=z*z+ x z=x+ y +z End Sub

A.1 2 3 30 39 72

B.1 2 3 1 2 3

C.30 39 72 1 2 3

D.30 39 72 30 39 72

更多“单击一次窗体之后,下列程序代码的执行结果为______。Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim x As Int ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    单击一次命令按钮之后,下列程序代码的执行结果为 private Sub Command1_Click() S=P(1) +P(1)+P(2)+P(3)+P(4) Print S: End Sub Public Function P(N As Integer) Static Sum For I=1 To n Sum=Sum+I Next 1 P=Sum End Function






  • 第2题:

    单击窗体时,下列程序代码的执行结果为______ 。 Private Sub Test (x As Integer) x=x*2+1 If x < 6 Then Call Test(x) End If x-x*2+1 Print x; End Sub Private Sub Command1_ Click () Test 2 End Sub

    A.23 47

    B.5 11

    C.10 22

    D.23 29


  • 第3题:

    单击窗体时,下列程序代码的运行结果为()。 Private Sub Test(x As Integer) x = x * 2 + 1 If x < 6 Then Call Test(x) End If x = x * 2 + 1 Print x; End Sub Private Sub Form_Click() Test 2 End Sub

    A.5 11

    B.23 47

    C.10 22

    D.23 23


  • 第4题:

    单击一次命令按钮,下列程序代码的执行结果为( )。 Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dima As Integer,b As Integer,CASInteger a=2:b=3:c=4 PrintP2(c,b,A) End Sub PrivateFunctionPl(X As Integer,y As Intege;z As Integer) P1=2*x+y+3*Z End Function Priva






  • 第5题:

    单击一次命令按钮之后,窗体中的输出结果为______。 Private Sub Command1_ Click() For i = 1 To 4 x = fun(i) Print x; Next i End Sub Function (n) x = n * n FF = x End Sub

    A.1 4 9 16

    B.1 3 5 7

    C.3 6 9 12

    D.2 4 6 8
