Practice 1 《智斗》、《包龙图打坐在开封府》等经典京剧唱段将正式进入中小学课堂。据从北京教委获悉,教育部今年将在全国10个省市自治区试点在音乐课程中增加京剧的内容。北京作为参加试点的地区,从新学期起将在20所中小学试点开设京剧课。 北京市教委体美处处长王军介绍,为传承民族优秀文化,教育部对九年制义务教育阶段音乐课程标准进行了修订,增加了有关京剧的教学内容,并在10个省市自治区各选20所中小学进行试点。目前,15首京剧教学曲目已经确定,根据不同年级确定不同的教学唱段。教材编写和光盘研制工作也已启动。 “开设京剧课有利于强化学生民族文化学习意识。”王军表示,当前中小学生普遍存在民族文化艺术鉴赏能力降低问题。
Classical Peking Opera arias such as Outwitting the Enemy and Bao Longtu Presides over a Court Trial will be officially made part of the music program of China’s primary and middle schools. According to sources of Beijing Education Commission, the Ministry of Education has decided to make Peking Opera a music course in primary and middle schools as starting from this year in 10 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Beijing as one of these areas designated for the pilot program will start from the forthcoming new semester offering Peking Opera courses in 20 primary and middle schools.
Wang Jun, Deputy Section Head in charge of fine arts and physical education under Beijing Education Commission, revealed that the Ministry of Education had revised the standards of the music course of the 9-year compulsory education system by adding in Peking Opera, with the view of inheriting and enhancing the quintessence of national culture.20 primary and middle schools each have been chosen as pioneers in ten provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions for trying out the pilot program. Up to now the 15 arias for teaching purposes have been decided on and each will be taught to students by the grade. The compiling of the textbooks and making of DVD have also got started.
“It is conducive to raising the students’ awareness of, and urge to study Chinese national culture by offering Peking Opera courses,” Wang observed against the background that at present the primary and middle school students are showing a decline in ability to appreciate the art forms representing our national culture.