A vowel is different from a consonant in English because ofA.absence of obstruction B.presence of obstruction C.manner of articulation D.place of articulation

A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of

A.absence of obstruction
B.presence of obstruction
C.manner of articulation
D.place of articulation


4.Third culture kid is a term in English that is used to describe children who have grown up in a different culture to that of their parents. There are great things about experiencing such a unique childhood. Third culture kids can also face many challenges.I was born in England, to English parents. When I was two years old my dad got a new job in Poland. Since then I have lived in four other countries around the world. Although I have a British passport,I sometimes don&39;t feel very English at all!One of the best things about moving around a lot when 1 was younger experiencing many diverse cultures and countries. I was able to try different foods, learn different languages, experience different traditions and meet people from different backgrounds. I am also lucky to have friends all over the world that 1 keep in regular contact with.However, it wasn&39;t always easy. It often felt like I had only just settled in to the new school city and culture before my parents told me we were moving again. Leaving my friends behind was damaging as a child. I have lost touch with many people 1 was very close to because one of us moved country. It was also very disorientating to have an English passport, but not feel very English at all. Because 1 had no access to English culture, returning 4home, often felt like visiting a foreign country. Happily, now l feel more at home in England—although the question, “where are you from?” still confuses me!26. A third culture kid may have a ____.A.dull experienceB.special childhoodC.strong accentD.traditional lifestyleThe author experienced different traditions by the following EXCEPT ____.A.trying foods of other countriesB.moving around a lotC.doing different jobsD.making international friendsThe author found it not always easy to ____.A.make new friendsB.find a new schoolC.have new teachersD.adapt to new situationsThe word "disorientating" (Para.4) probably means ____.A.excitingB.confusingC.surprisingD.frighteningThe author doesn't feel very English because he ____.A.does not have a British passportB.was not born in EnglandC.spent more time in other countriesD.has many foreign friends请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

更多“A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Why does the writer say “Going to a dinner party is strange ”?

    A、Because you tell the hosts that you enjoy the evening.

    B、Because you cannot complain how bad the party is.

    C、Because you invite the hosts to your dinner party.

    D、Because what you do is different from what you really feel.


  • 第2题:

    According to the passage, companies can have different classes of stock mainly because the company wants ______.

    A.to keep the financial costs at a certain level

    B.to still have the control over the company

    C.to keep the stock price from dropping

    D.to attract more capital from the public

    解析:文章倒数第二段提到common and preferred…in any way they want.除了普通股和优先股之外,公司可以另外设计新的类别,主要目的是为了保证通过股票对公司加以控制。

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    Examine the data from the ORDERS and CUSTOMERS tables.Evaluate the SQL statement:What is the result when the query is executed?()




    D. The query fails because the subquery returns more than one row.

    E. The query fails because the outer query and the inner query are using different tables.


  • 第4题:

    6. Chinese is different __________ English.






  • 第5题:

    A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of

    A.absence of obstruction
    B.presence of obstruction
    C.manner of articulation
    D.place of articulation


  • 第6题:

    The consonant [f] in English can be correctly described as having the following phonetic features: __________.

    A.voiceless, bilabial, stop
    B.voiceless, labiodental, fricative
    C.voiced, bilabial, stop
    D.voiced, labiodental, fricative


  • 第7题:

    In English, long vowels are also tense vowels because when we pronounce a long vowel such as/i:/,the larynx is in a state of tension.



  • 第8题:

    In English, long vowels are also tense vowels because when we pronounce a long vowel such as/i:/,the larynx is in a state of tension.


  • 第9题:

    Consonant sounds can be either ()or(),while all vowel sounds are ().

    正确答案: voiceless,voiced,voiced
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Mr. Black said the local bird was an interpreter because ______

    the three Chinese birds didn’t know English


    it was different from the Chinese birds


    he was making a joke

    正确答案: C
    考 点:细节题。Black说这只当地鸟是译员,显然是在开玩笑。

  • 第11题:

    The sentence “Children are a relatively modern invention” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that children .

    were exactly the same as adults a few hundred years ago


    did not exist at that time because there were no families yet


    were not different from adults in physical appearance


    were not different from adults

    正确答案: C

  • 第12题:

    Which of the following is a back vowel in English?








    正确答案: C

  • 第13题:

    The grammatical words which play so large a part in English grammar are for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words.(语法上正确与否) ()



  • 第14题:

    Interviewer-------- Why is English so important?

    David------- Well, English is so important primarily because so many people speak it and use it, so it has now become the lingua franca in the world in a way that we’ve never seen before. We’ve never had a world language of this kind before. So people are learning it not just to be able tocommunicate with native speakers, but also with speakers of other language around world.

    Interviewer-------And why has it become that dominant language?

    David------I think the reason for that is actually very complicated, although in the twentieth century, we can just see that it’s the rise of the US military and consumer power. I mean the technology, all the big developments in technology largely came from the US. So all of these developments actually were produced within the English language, and people had to learn English in order to understand them, or to benefit from them. The Internet is only one example of that kind. Once a language has got into that position of dominance, it’s actually very different to shift it. So we could be seeing the emergence of other big languages in the world becoming more important than they have been, like Spanish, but it’s unlikely that they’re going to shift the English from its position of dominance.

    36. English is important, according to David, __________________________. A). because it has become a world language B). because so many people speak and use it C). because a lot of people are learning it D). because it is the lingua franca

    37. English has become the dominant language in the world________________________. A). because it has always been the way B). for a reason that is very complicated C). only in the 20th century D). for no reasons

    38. English became the dominant language in the 20th century_________________________. A). in the USA

    B). because of the increase in American consumer power

    C). because developments in technology came mainly from USA. D). all over the world.

    39. People had to learn English______________________.

    A). because developments in technology were made by English speakers B). because they needed to understand the new developments in technology C). to use the Internet

    D). to speak with native Americans

    40. David thinks that__________________________.

    A). it will be easy for another language to become dominant B). English will not always be the dominant language

    C). it will not be easy for another language to become dominant D). English will be the dominant language

    参考答案:36-40 B B C B C

  • 第15题:

    ___________ need more focus on pronunciation because they are more likely to substitute english sounds with sounds from their native language.

    A、Teenage learners

    B、Young learners

    C、Middle-aged learners

    D、Adult learners


  • 第16题:

    Why does common man in England seem to be as accurate-or as inaccurate-as the weatherman in his prediction?

    A.Because the weather in English is SO variable.

    B.Because the common man in England has as much knowledge about weatheras the weatherman.

    C.Because by lunch time there could be thunder and lightening in England

    D.Because English weather always defies forecast


  • 第17题:

    Which of the following is a back vowel in English?



  • 第18题:

    Which of the following is true of English sound system

    A.Aspiration is a distinctive feature.

    B.Voicing is a distinctive phonetic feature.

    C.Nasalization of vowels gives rise to another vowel.

    D.Length of vowels differentiates one vowel from the other.

    考查发音系统的区别特征。雅格布逊在20世纪40年代首先提出区别特征(distinctivefeature)这一想法,目的是找出一套音系的对照或对比特征.以概括语音的某些方面,比较重要的区别特征有:[辅音][响音][鼻音][带声]等。[辅音]特征可以区分辅音和元音,即所有辅音都是[+辅音],所有元音都是[-辅音]。 [响音]特征用来区分所谓阻塞音(塞音、擦音及塞擦音)和响音(其他辅音和元音),即阻塞音是[-响音],响音是[+响音]。[鼻音]和[带声]自然就是用来分别区分鼻音(包括鼻化音)和带声音的特征。这些特征都是二分特征,可以区分出两种情况:有该特征的和没有该特征的。元音的长短只能区分单元音,并不能区分双元音,D项说法不正确。故选B。

  • 第19题:

    Consonant sounds can be either ()or(),while all vowel sounds are ().

  • 第20题:

    In English, long vowels are also tense vowels because when we pronounce a long vowel such as/i:/,the larynx is in a state of tension.


    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of _____.

    absence of obstruction


    presence of obstruction


    manner of articulation


    place of articulation

    正确答案: A
    元音和辅音的区别是obstruction of the air stream,即发音有无气流阻塞。A项表达的是同一个意思。

  • 第22题:

    In the eighteenth century, politics was thought be an improper sphere for women, whose boycott of English goods was different than any protest the English had seen before

    whose boycott of English goods was different than any protest the English had seen before


    whose boycotting English goods was different than any protest the English had seen before


    whose boycott of English goods was different from any protest the English had seen before


    whose boycott of English goods was different from any protest the English saw before


    whose boycotting of English goods was different from any protest the English have seen before

    正确答案: C
    A和B项没有使用固定搭配“different from”。D和E项动词的时态不正确。

  • 第23题:

    The author believes that we feel unhappy maybe because _____.

    it is our natural emotion in the life


    culture asks us to be different from others


    everyone has their own opinions on things


    we dislike something in the beginning

    正确答案: C
    文章第二段倒数第二、三句提到“The root of the unhappiness isn’t necessarily that we want things to be different. However, it’s that we decided we didn’t like it in the first place”。作者认为人们不快乐的根源是一开始我们就不喜欢某些东西,不愿意接受它们本来的样子。故选D。